Over 400 musicians will participate in this activity, organised by the Tenerife Federation.
The Auditorio de Tenerife welcomes over 400 musicians this weekend to participate in the 16th Meeting of Youth Wind Band of Tenerife. The concerts take place in four sessions, the first on Friday at 6 p.m., the next two on Saturday at 11.30 a.m. and 6 p.m., and the last on Sunday at 11.30 a.m. The event, an initiative by the wind band federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’ with the collaboration of the Island Council, will take place at the Chamber Hall. Admission is free until the hall reaches its maximum capacity.
This year, over 400 musicians will take part, representing 14 ensembles from the municipalities of Arafo, Candelaria, El Rosario, Garachico, La Guancha, La Laguna, Los Realejos, San Juan de la Rambla, Santa Úrsula and Tegueste, as well as from the Regional Music School of Daute-Isla Baja.
The concerts start at 6 p.m. on Friday with three ensembles: the first cycle band Nivaria from Arafo, the instrumental wind ensemble of the Municipal School of La Guancha, and the youth wind band of the association San Sebastián from Tejina (La Laguna).
The four wind bands that will perform their repertoire on Saturday morning, starting at 11:30 a.m., are the José Mesa Cabrera Initiation Band of the music group Cruz Santa (Los Realejos), the youth band of the association La Candelaria from Arafo, the wind band of the San Marcos Evangelista musical school of Tegueste, and the youth band of the cultural and musical group Princesa Yaiza from El Rosario.
That same day at 6 p.m., the youth wind band Las Candelas from Candelaria will perform their repertoire, followed by the instrumental group of the Artistic Training Space from Garachico and the San José youth band of the music group XIX de Marzo from San Juan de la Rambla.
This sixteenth edition of the meeting of the island’s youth bands will conclude on Sunday, starting at 11:30 a.m., with performances by four other bands: the wind band of the Miguel Reyes Academy from Güímar, the ensemble Nuestra Señora de Lourdes from Valle Guerra (La Laguna), the music school Alejandro Poleo of Daute Isla Baja and Ernesto Beteta from Santa Úrsula.