The Auditorium’s Educational and Social area launches a first workshop edition on didactic communication related to music. Three experts offer lectures and practical sessions in Tenerife to address the difficulties that the presenter has during concerts. Through this proposal, we aim to offer a solution to an increasingly active concert audience. We also bring the contents closer to the audience in a pleasant and didactic way. At present, there is no formal training available on the island.

The workshops include a theoretical session by Marina Hervás, Belén Otxotorena and Eva Sandoval; the three of them are professionals who specialised in educational concert narration. The workshops will be held in the Alisios Hall, Auditorio de Tenerife from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. In addition, the following day, a practical workshop will be held in the Chamber Hall at 10:00 am. During this session, participants will take part in the school sessions organised prior to the concerts given by ‘Quantum Ensemble’, the Auditorium’s in-residence ensemble. The school pupils will receive the didactic material created by the guest speakers before attending this activity.

These workshops are aimed at music and journalism students, conservatory and teacher training teachers, educators, actors, narrators, dancers, artists, etc.

The sessions

NovemberMarina Hervás will lead the first workshop. Hervás’ lecture: Educating (musically) beyond the rule: communication and inclusive programming. It will be held on 21 November. Practical session: 22 November during the educational activity organised prior to the concert Fricciones, by Quantum Ensemble.

FebruaryBelén Otxotorena is an actress, storyteller and drama teacher. On 12 February she gives her talk, Narration and music, what a good match! On 13 February an event with school children is organised. It will take place prior to the concert Espejos, by Quantum Ensemble.

MayEva Sandoval is a piano teacher, musicologist and a graduate in Environmental Sciences. On 13 May she will give her lecture on classical music. On 14 May there will be a practical activity before the concert Prisma, by Quantum Ensemble.


-To provide participants with tools for dealing with different audiences: educational, senior audience, groups at risk of social inclusion or exclusion…

-The sessions consist of a theoretical part given by professional experts in educational concert narration.

-A practical session is also foreseen, where participants will carry out a mock session during a concert with Quantum Ensemble.

-A pool of communicators specialised in music didactics will be created (including those who took the workshop). It is foreseen to continue with their practical training through other programmed concerts.

Workshop registration

Free. Please send an email including your personal details and CV to


  • Marina Hervás

Tenerife-born. She currently teaches the Master’s Degree in Cultural Industries at the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes and at the Escuela de Cinematografía y Audiovisuales de Madrid (ECAM). Until July 2018, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). PhD in Philosophy, Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona. Graduate in Philosophy (Universidad de La Laguna), in Musicology (Universidad de La Rioja) and Master’s Degree in Art Theory and Cultural Management (Universidad de La Laguna). Professional violin degree and active member of youth orchestras in Barcelona. In 2011, she won the First Prize in Social Sciences and Humanities in the ‘Arquímedes’ National Research Competition organised by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. She regularly participates in national and international conferences. She has written cultural criticism for Scherzo, Codalario, CulturamasNúvolABCLa Opinión de Tenerife, Sul Ponticello, etc. and in her own project, Cultural Resuena.

  • Eva Sandoval

She is a piano teacher, musicologist and a graduate in Environmental Sciences. From 2006 to 2008, she worked as a cataloguer of manuscript music collections for Patrimonio Nacional (national heritage office), Royal Palace Library in Madrid. During this time, she began to write record reviews for the magazine ‘CD Compact’ and to give piano lessons. Likewise, she was the Section Chief of the magazine ‘Audio Clásica’. In 2008 she joined the radio station ‘Radio Clásica’ (Spanish national radio, RNE) and conducted the programme “Té para tres” with Jon Bandrés. Since January 2010, she has conducted the programme “Grandes Ciclos” and collaborated in different radio programmes. In a parallel effort, she also collaborates with classical music magazines.

  • Belén Otxotorena

An actress, storyteller and drama teacher, she studied music at the Pablo Sarasate Conservatory in Pamplona and drama at the School of Theatre of Navarra. As an actress, she has worked with many companies both acting and directing: La casa de Bernarda Alba, El avaro, Luces de Bohemia

She is a co-author and a story writer. She also writes didactic guides and musical scripts for pupils of all educational levels. In addition, she has written several musical stories for adults such as ‘Noche de akelarre’, ‘Viaje por Europa en Cuarteto‘ and ‘La leyenda de Sarasate‘.

As a drama teacher, she has worked in stage direction for different educational and musical projects and directed theatre projects with children from 3 to 17 years; the latest, Benjamin Britten’s The Little Chimney Sweep, produced by Diego Echavarría Institute in Medellín.

As a storyteller, writer or actress, from 1997 to 2012 she has participated in the programme ‘Música en Acción‘ (Music in Action) of the Government of Navarre. She collaborates with chamber ensembles, with national and international orchestras. Since 2002, she has been working on the children’s programme ‘Cuentos de risa con Luisa y Marisa‘, designed by ‘Pasadas las 4’, her theatre company since 1994. With this group, she has nationally and internationally performed acclaimed music-theatre shows such as ‘Cuentos de un ciempiés: unos van de canto, otros del revés‘ (Tales of a centipede: some walk singing, others walk backwards): Juegos de niños (Children’s games), ‘Vicentillo, ¡valiente sastrecillo!’ (Little Vincent, the brave little tailor) or ‘Ploc, ploc… PLIK!’, her musical show for babies commissioned by the OSE (Euskadi Symphony Orchestra), that won the 2016 Colombian Ministry of Culture Call ESTÍMULOS.

She has participated in the International Storytelling Festival ‘¡Viva la palabra viva!’ 2014 (Neiva), in the Religious Music Festival of Popayán, in the Piano International Festival of Bucaramanga and in the programme of the prestigious Teatro Mayor, Bogotá.

Since 2010, she has worked in the educational concert programme organised by the Teatro Metropolitano, Medellín. She has also participated in the programming of the Luis Ángel Arango Library of Bogotá, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogotá, Iberacademy, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Medellín and the National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia. Her latest works are ‘El secreto del viento azul‘ (The secret of the blue wind), commissioned by the OCNE (Spanish National Choir and Orchestra), ‘Elmer, los colores de un sueño‘ (Elmer, the colours of a dream), co-produced with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León and ‘Estela sefardí‘ (Sephardic wake), commissioned by the Semana de Música Antigua, Estella.