20200214 NP Taller escenografía Ricardo Sánchez Cuerda foto José Carlos Nievas

* This workshop has been cancelled due to the exceptional situation in Spain since March 2020.


Speaker: Ricardo Sánchez Cuerda

Dates and times: 16, 17 and 18 March 2020, from 10 am to 1 pm.

Venue: Sala Avenida, Auditorio de Tenerife (hall)

Price: €30

Maximum capacity: 10 people.

Registration: Send your CV to taller@auditoriodetenerife.com

The Auditorio de Tenerife and the speaker Ricardo Sánchez Cuerda offer a set design workshop for set design students or professionals. Sánchez Cuerda is an architect with a long career in theatrical set design. He has covered a wide repertoire of classical and contemporary pieces and worked for other genres such as dance, zarzuela, opera and musicals.

During the workshop, basic questions will tackle how to develop a project using Ravel's work as a reference. A short, fun and simple opera that will allow you, step by step, to deal with the whole stage process.



First day: General questions

A general approach to tackle the creative set design process

The relation between director/conductor and the set designer

Text analysis and dramaturgy applied to the scenic space


Second day: Approaches applied to the selected text

Text analysis to work during the workshop

Points of view, space influence depending on the story

The stage area, the real space and how to apply time-space to the text


Third day: Workshop 1

Assessment of practical proposals applied to the chosen text

The psychological vision of space

The antagonist space: clashing issues

Assessment of proposals
