Open-air dance performance
Auditorio de Tenerife presents, as part of its FAM Otoño (Autumn Moving Arts Festival) programming, the show “Cossoc” by Magí Serra & Anamaria Klajnšček, which will take place outside the facilities and have free admission.
“Cossoc” is a street dance duet. It is a collaborative effort between a male dancer from Catalonia and a female dancer from Slovenia. The show features hypnotic choreography full of suggestive images of what two bodies in constant balance can do. It is a research initiative on the complexity and simplicity of a relationship; a window of observation and curiosity for the viewer; a blurred boundary between public and private.
Establishing an intimate relationship, the two performers form a strong connection; a place where they can challenge their environment and become one with space. The piece brings the public down a path of silence and reflection. Perhaps the piece is nothing more than the search for a place to find oneself easily.
Anamaria and Magí started working together three years ago, and “Cossoc” is their first long piece. The piece stems from their common interest in taking dance outside the usual space of a theatre.
Creation, direction and performers: Anamaria Klajnšček & Magí Serra
Composer: Santi Careta
Photography: Nora Baylach
Video: Ignasi Castanyer
Featuring the managerial support of: ElClimaMola.
Distributed by: Fani Benages
Co-producers: Fira Tàrrega, El Graner centre de creació, Centre de creació Roca Umbert
With the support of: La Visiva, C.C. la Barceloneta, Danseu Festival, Figueres es MOU, Department of Culture of the Catalonian Regional Government
Special thanks to Roser López Espinosa, Joana Serra, Nora Baylach, Urša Sekirnik and Adria Pinar
"Magí Serra and Anamaria Klajnšček dance as if they were one. Indistinct physicality; identical ability to support and equal energy from the two of them. In that sense, the genre doesn't matter at all – something which is contrary to what usually happens in this type of choreography."
Jordi Sorra i Domenjo for the magazine SusyQ
Entry is free.