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Sunday 04 Nov 18
“Terrific, sidereal, thrilling…the presence and movement of Janet Novás in this piece.” Alfonso Becerra (Artezblai, Performing Arts Newspaper)
1 Shows
04 Nov 19:00
 Festival de Tenerife (Sala Castillo)

Galicia-born dancer and creator Janet Novás explains that “in my creative processes there are two great lines or recurring principles which are important in the decisions I make and outline my work: one is of an intuitive, somatic nature while the other one, ponders on and questions the first one. The aesthetic result of my pieces is a transcription of the dialogue between these two forms of thought. In the current work I have tried to give preference to all those materials which came from impulses, thus steering away from the problems raised by discourse. I’m not putting forward any questions, discourse or collective reflection. I ignore which argument would be best for this piece or, basically, what it is about; that inability to describe it is my driving force and motivation.”

The performer states that “I just want to move my body, and time and space around me, share sensations, walk down a path through my experiences and my needs of expression where action, dedication, commitment and responsibility are essential to carry out the work. I’m interested in widening the limits of the body, costumes that reflect light and lights that dress up spaces, sonorous textures that create landscapes. In this piece, those landscapes are self-referential or biographical, although I only became aware of it once I started to perform in a synergic way. Thus, I can recognise: Galicia cliffs, the sea, folklore, the magic and ritual, the cosmic.”

Author, director, and performer: Janet Nová

Writing: Ricardo Santana

Lighting design: Irene Cantero

Image: Virginia Rota

Music: Haru Mori

Artistic accompanists: Antía Díaz and Lipi Hernández

Costume: Panamá Díaz and Juanita Banana

A show coproduced by: Festival de Otoño a Primavera de la Comunidad de Madrid, Teatro Pradillo, Festival Escenas do Cambio, and Festival BAD Bilbao.

With the support of: Graner Centro de Creació, Paso a 2, and Conde Duque

Acknowledgements: Proyecto Proyectil

Buy your tickets here

Out of respect for the audience and the performers, children under 5 are not admitted.

Sunday 04 Nov

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