The FAM 2021 edition (Arts of Movement Festival) will take place from the 3rd to the 6th of June with 24 shows in five different venues: Auditorio de Tenerife, Espacio La Granja, Paraninfo de la ULL, Teatro Guimerá and the scenic venue Centro de Arte La Recova.
The FAM 2021 edition (Arts of Movement Festival) presents "It’s a wrap (Kubrick is dead)" by La Intrusa, the winner company of the 2015 Spanish National Dance Award.
The expression “It's a wrap” is used in filmmaking to tell the actors and crew that the shooting of a particular scene or film is over.
It's done! This is the end. Six characters from Kubrick's filmography receive the news of his death. They will then try to defend their identity and existence; they will give shape to their drama and their own destiny, to their authentic creation: their own self.
Is there a way to leave our destiny without being heartbroken or falling into major homesickness?
The piece "It's a wrap (Kubrick is dead)" reveals a strong sense of physicality at the service of a multidisciplinary dramaturgy. It is weaved to create the maximum fiction and shows essences of the human condition; it is an exercise of retro-projection towards our future as characters, performers and people.
Artistic direction: Virginia García and Damián Muñoz
Dramaturgy: Virginia García
Creation and interpretation: Miguel Zomas, Alexis Fernández, Carmen Fumero, Raquel Buil, Virginia García and Damián Muñoz
Original score: Jesús Díaz
Soundtrack: La Intrusa
Voice offstage: Pau Cólera
Lighting designer: La Intrusa, Dani Badal
Scenic space: La Intrusa
Costume: Ana Tichy
Production: Cane (N. Canela)
A co-production of La Intrusa and the Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona). With the support and the collaboration of: Gobierno Vasco, ICEC-Generalitat de Catalunya, INAEM – Ministerio de Cultura, Graner – Centro de creación de danza y artes vivas, Donostia Cultura- Teatro Victoria Eugenia, Teatre Atrium de Viladecans and C.C. La Bòvila de l’Hospitalet de Ll.
Tickets are on sale HERE.
Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.
The purchase of a ticket also entails UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE by the user of the measures implemented by TEATRO GUIMERÁ -ORGANISMO AUTÓNOMO DE CULTURA, to combat the spread of COVID-19. The measures can be checked during the purchase process.