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Saturday 15 Jun 19
José Mercé y Tomatito
The performers present their record 'De verdad'
1 Shows
15 Jun 21:00
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala Sinfónica)

José Mercé and Tomatito, two old friends whose paths have often crossed, have again had the same idea: making a record together and going on tour to take their music to major stages in the world. The title of the album is De verdad and their goal is pretty clear: championing flamenco as music and culture, and taking it to the heights it deserves. Their alliance is about to make history.

De verdad is flamenco at its purest, a masterful lesson, a record the like of which had not been made in a long time.

This show is for people aged over 5.

Saturday 15 Jun

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