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Saturday 18 May 19
Sunday 19 May 19
La traviata (Pto. de la Cruz)
The exciting life of Violetta Valéry
2 Shows
18 May 21:00h. and 19 May 21:00h.
Opera/Opera Pocket
 Ópera de Tenerife

robably one of the best-known compositions by Giuseppe Verdi, The traviata is based on an adaptation of the 19th century literary success Camile by Alejandro Dumas. The heroic and feminine free spirit of the main character, Violeta Valery, was a scandal when it was premiered in 1853 as it deals with the courtesan falling in love with the young Alfredo and the problems they have to face as his father, Giorgio Germont, interferes.

What makes La traviata different, apart from its immense ever-present beauty and its intense emotion, is that the author set it in his own time, something quite revolutionary in that historical period. It was a huge scandal at the time as evidenced by its failure with audience and critics.  In that period, when Victorian morals concealed vices, Verdi wanted to bring them out. The traviata -which means “errant” is absolutely male-chauvinistic and the heroine is “punished” for her sins with disease, unfortunate separation and death.

This Auditorio de Tenerife production has Alessandro Palumbo as musical director, the staging is directed by Alejandro Abrante; Jorge Cabrera is the stage designer and costumes are designed by Javier Caraballero.

Musical Director: Alessandro Palumbo

Stage Director: Alejandro Abrante

Set Designer: Jorge Cabrera

Costume Designer: Javier Caraballero

Lighting Designer: Miguel Ponce


Revival of an Auditorio de Tenerife Production

Violetta Valéry : Julia Muzychenko / Nina Solodovnikova 

Alfredo Germont: David Astorga / Gillen Munguía

Giorgio Germont:Daniele Terenzi / Pablo Gálvez

Marchese d'Obigny: Borja Molina 

Flora Bervoix: Christina Campsall

Barone Douphol: Francesco Venuti

Annina: María José Torres

Gastone: Badel Albelo

Dottor Grenvil: Aleksandr Utkin

Domestico di Flora: Ángel Silva

Giuseppe: Argel Campo

Un commissionario: Néstor Suárez

Tickets for Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May 2019 at Magma Arte & Congresos (Adeje)

Tickets for Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2019 in Puerto de la Cruz

Different venues

Saturday 18 May
Sunday 19 May
The traviata was programmed in 2017-2018 Ópera de Tenerife season and was put on in different municipalities on the Island. The aim of Auditorio de Tenerife was to take the production to different venues and audiences, highlighting the different trades and professions that come together in the largest cultural production centre in the Canary Islands. This touring format is called Opera Pocket, and it follows the European theatre tradition when touring companies brought shows to people across the country, which is still possible today because of its agile production and economic rationality. This way Auditorio de Tenerife maximizes its resources for travelling artists, instruments, costume and sets. This season The Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi will be put on in two municipalities of the island. There will be two peformances  at Magma Arte & Congresos in the municipality of Adeje on 11 and 12 May, and in the Gorunds of the former Hotel Taoro in Puerto de la Cruz on18 and 19 May.

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