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Sunday 30 Mar 25
Primavera Musical
Concert Cycle offered by the Tenerife Federation of Wind Bands
1 Shows
30 Mar 11:30
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Chamber hall)
The 'Primavera Musical' cycle (Musical Spring Cycle) is organised by the wind bands federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' with the collaboration of Tenerife Island Council. The event will be held at the Auditorio de Tenerife between March and June.

Wind band ‘Nivaria’ from Arafo

Candelaria Marrero Tejera…..Ferrer Ferrán
Stell Overture…………………..José Alberto Pina
Conga del Fuego Nuevo…..…Arturo Márquez

Conductor: Miguel Ángel Expósito Marrero

Wind band ‘A. Musical de Garachico’

Nuestras Bandas de Música……....Francisco Andreu Comos
Virginia …………………..…………Jacob de Haan
Spain…………………………………Chick Corea Arr: Paul Murtha

Conductor: Antonio Jesús Gutiérrez León


Wind band ‘La Victoria de Acentejo’

Gladiator …….Frank Bernaerts
Alice in Wonderland….Frank Bernaerts
Coldplay Classics….Michael Brown

Conductor: Humberto García Afonso

Free entry until full capacity is reached.

If you wish, you can consult the general purchase terms and hall conditions.

Sunday 30 Mar

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