Friday 03Sep21
Saturday 04Sep21

La buena vecindad

A comedy by Antonio Tabares. Première
2 Shows
03 Sep 20:30 h.and 04 Sep 20:30 h.
Musical Theatre/Canarias
 MEI ()

The theatre festival Muestra Escénica Iberoamericana (MEI) has programmed the première of La buena vecindad (The good neighbourhood) by Delirium Teatro. A comedy by Antonio Tabares at the theatre Auditorio Capitol, Tacoronte.

Manolo and Carmen's peaceful and monotonous life is shaken by the arrival of some particularly noisy new tenants in their building. The couple is overwhelmed by the situation and feels unable to make a decision. They come up with a thousand formulas, each one crazier than the last, to get rid of their undesirable neighbours. They thus achieve the longed-awaited peace of mind they had always wanted for their old age. Apart from exposing through comedy the difficulties of daily coexistence, 'La buena vecindad' reflects the alibis, self-deceptions, and justifications we cling to on a daily basis to avoid facing an uncomfortable and implacable reality. 

Author: Antonio Tabares

Direction and stage space: Severiano García

Actors: Carmen Cabeza, Severiano García, Soraya González del Rosario, Javier Socorro and Miriam Vázquez

Musical director and composer: Julio Tejera

Costume designer: Héctor León

Lighting designer: Grace Morales

Graphic design: John P. Cruz

Communication: Sara Vega

Audio-visual production: Recursos P. S. L.

Lighting and sound technicians: Grace Morales and Carlos Ramos

Production assistant: Berrie Miravalls

Production: Soraya González del Rosario

Direction assistant: Iratxe Menalbert

Performances of 'La buena vecindad' in Tenerife with MEI

Tacoronte-3 and 4 September 

En este espacio se podrá disponer de una visualización del espectáculo solo para los programadores con clave de la Red Española de Teatros, Auditorios, Circuitos y Festivales de Titularidad Pública (Redescena) y la Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae).

Tickets will be on sale at each venue under their own conditions and measures.

Fri 03Sep21
Sat 04Sep21

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