Saturday 18Sep21
Sunday 19Sep21

La cápsula

Un viaje unipersonal
2 Shows
18 Sep 20:00 h.and 19 Sep 20:00 h.
80 mi. aprox.
(La Laguna)
Musical Theatre/Argentina
 MEI ()

The theatre festival Muestra Escénica Iberoamericana (MEI) has programmed the world première of 'La cápsula, un viaje unipersonal' (The capsule, a one-man journey).  A scenic play written and directed by Diego Casad Rubio at Paraninfo de la Universidad de La Laguna.

It is the story of the man who returned to the moon. He is a giant storyteller of impossible and magical feats who has only one wish: to return to where he came from. This journey offers only advantages. All you have to do is choose a day and time for a one-way trip, with no suitcases, no farewells, no departure notices. This is not just another story; it contains an endless list of things to avoid in life. This is my father's story.

Author and director: Diego Casado Rubio

Actor: Nicolás Scarpino

Original music by: Rafael Sucheras

Costume Designer: Vessna Bebek

Direction assistant: Sergio Paglini

General production: Juan Borraspardo


El Principito producciones Argentina-España 2021

Performances of 'La Cápsula'  in Tenerife

Paraninfo de la ULL-18 and 19 September Tickets HERE

En este espacio se podrá disponer de una visualización del espectáculo solo para los programadores con clave de la Red Española de Teatros, Auditorios, Circuitos y Festivales de Titularidad Pública (Redescena) y la Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae).

Tickets are on sale at each venue under their own conditions and measures.

Recommended for audience over 16 years of age.

Sat 18Sep21
Sun 19Sep21

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