More than one hundred shows and 28 companies comprise this initiative by the Auditorio de Tenerife, University of La Laguna and seven councils
Twenty-eight companies will participate in the first edition of the programme Oye toca ver (Listen Touch See) organised in conjunction by the Auditorio de Tenerife, the University of La Laguna and the councils of Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, El Sauzal, Guía de Isora, Los Realejos and Tacoronte. The project, organised as a season of performing arts, includes more than one hundred performances of Canarian, national and international shows, which will take place from 7 October to 26 March.
The minister for Culture of the Island Council, Enrique Arriaga, indicated that “the ambitious project that we are starting next month aims to be a tool for councils in terms of invigorating cultural activity” and he recalled “the significant investment that the Island Council of Tenerife is making to ensure that all the municipalities have a suitable facility for housing professional companies”.
Enrique Arriaga stated that the shows of this first edition, which serves as a laboratory, will take place in different stage spaces on the island: Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, El Sauzal, Guía de Isora, Los Realejos, Tacoronte and the Paraninfo (Auditorium) of the University of La Laguna. The minister informed the councillors and cultural programmers who attended the event held at the Auditorio de Tenerife that “this performance is included within the focus of the cultural policy that we presented and which aimed to balance the cultural activity on the island”.
For the island director of Culture, Alejandro Krawietz, “this initiative is pioneering as it creates the programme of the season through a selection team formed by municipal programmers, who have attended exhibitions and festivals on the national scene and held joint meetings for months”. He highlights that “this is a pilot experience that new municipalities will gradually join over the coming months”.
The international participation in this first edition comes with the company Hugo & Inés, formed by the Peruvian Hugo Suárez and the Bosnian Inés Pasic, which will bring Hambre de títeres. Miniaturas. From London, the String Theatre is participating with The Insect Circus, and the four Portuguese shows will feature the companies Gato Sa (Vai Vem), Do Chapitó (Antígona), Peripécia Teatro (Fardo) and Partículas elementares (Ninho).
Seventeen companies are participating from other Spanish autonomous communities. Madrid is contributing five: Manuel Liñán (¡Viva!), Jesús Rubio (Gran Bolero), Pablo Remón (Barbados, etcétera), Korsia (Igra) and La Tristura (Future lovers); Catalonia is offering four shows courtesy of El Pot Petit (Las aventuras del león vergonzoso – “The adventures of the shameful lion”), Les Cícliques (Tábula), La Calórica (Fairfly) and Dora Cantero (El tiempo de las tortugas – “The time of the turtles”).
The Andalusian companies La Zaranda, Las Niñas de Cádiz and Truca will stage their shows La batalla de los ausentes (” The battle of the absent”), Las bingueras de Eurípides (“Euripides’ Bingo Players”) and Sopla!(“Blow!”), respectively. From the Basque Country come Tanttaka Teatroa (Sexpiertos) and Mar-Mar Teatro (Tarzán); from the Valencian Community Leamok (Hanle) and Lucas Escobedo (Paüra), and from the Balearic Islands, the company Des Tro will participate with its show Poi.
The Canarian representation included in the programme is formed by Bypass (El sonajero de polichinela – “Polichinela’s rattle”) and Abubukaka (El nombre de la rosa – “The name of the rose”), Daniel Morales (Somnus), Paloma Hurtado (Origánika) and Cyrano (Mararía).
The companies that will star in the first two months of this season are: Leamok, performing in Tacoronte (7 October), Los Realejos (8 October) and Arona (14 October), Gato Sa, presenting their show in Adeje (21 October), University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 22 October), Los Realejos (28 October), Hugo & Inés with four performances in Tacoronte (28 October), Adeje (29 October), Arona (4 November) and Los Realejos (5 November).
La Zaranda will start the tour in Los Realejos (11 November), to continue in Arona (12 November), El Sauzal (18 November) and University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 19 November). String Theatre will perform in Candelaria (18 November), Tacoronte (20 November), Los Realejos (26 November) and Adeje (27 November). The performances by Bypass will be held at the University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 26 November), in El Sauzal (27 November), Adeje (3 December) and Los Realejos (4 December), and Tanttaka Teatroa will perform Sexpiertos in El Sauzal (26 November) and at the University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 27 November).
The activities of this project, which also includes workshops, talks and events with the participating companies, will be announced by each stage space through their normal formats. The first show will be on 7 October in Tacoronte with Hanle, by the company Leamok. The complete schedule of all the shows is also in the Performing arts section of the website of the Auditorio de Tenerife.