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The Catalan tenor and the pianist Marco Evangelisti will perform melodies from 'Luisa Fernanda' and 'Doña Francisquita', among others.


This week, the Auditorio of Tenerife is organising three lyrical recitals to complement the Tenerife Opera season. The programme, entitled Noches de Zarzuela (Zarzuela Evenings), will feature the Catalan tenor José Bros and the Italian pianist Marco Evangelisti. The three concerts take place at 7.30 p.m. each at the Teatro El Sauzal, the Infanta Leonor in Arona, and the Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín. Tickets can be purchased through the usual channels of the concert halls.

The first of the events with the Spanish genre takes place on Thursday (12th) at the Teatro El Sauzal. The next day (Friday 13th), the performance will be at the Auditorio Infanta Leonor Los Cristianos (Arona). Lastly, on 14 October, the Chamber Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife will host the last performance of these Noches de Zarzuela.

Arias such as Bella enamorada of the zarzuela El último romántico will be heard, along with other melodies from well-known zarzuelas such as Luisa Fernanda, La dolorosa, Alma de dios, El huésped del sevillano, La isla de las perlas, El sombrero de tres picos, and Doña Francisquita.

José Bros, a tenor who is much loved by the Tenerife public and a regular of the Opera of Tenerife seasons, is considered one of the leading exponents of the Romantic bel canto repertoire of recent years. He has performed over 60 titles in this style and has also achieved important successes with works from the French repertoire.

Marco Evangelisti was born in Lucca, Italy. He has taught courses in the lyrical repertoire, and he performs as an accompanying pianist in opera and chamber music performances at the main theatres and festivals in Spain, Europe, and the United States, alongside performers such as Ainhoa Arteta, Montserrat Caballé, Mariola Cantarero, Fiorenza Cedolins, and María Gallego.

The tickets for the performance on 14 October at the Auditorio de Tenerife can be purchased at, where the complete programme can also be checked. The tickets can also be purchased at the box office from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and by telephone on 902 317 327 during the same hours, except during the month of August. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families. Tickets for the shows in El Sauzal and Arona can be purchased respectively on the websites of the two venues: and

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'Seguimos enteras', starring the choreographer herself and Acerina H. Toledo, will take place this weekend with two shows


The Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín is scheduling the world premiere of the new work Seguimos enteras for this weekend, directed by Carmen Werner, National Dance Award winner. This production is by Provisional Danza, gestionART-e and Cía. El Jablero stars the choreographer herself and the Lanzarote dancer Acerina H. Toledo. The two shows take place on Friday (6th) and Saturday (7th) at 7:30 p.m. in the Sala Castillo.

This new creation is based on the premise that everything has a starting point and it considers the world as a game in which people only need to connect with life in order to realise that everyone has the right to make a fool of themselves. Not placing importance on the opinion of others is presented here as an inalienable right. This piece maintains that the fear of looking foolish when you want to fulfil your dreams is one of the main demotivators and predators of our drive and creativity.

Carmen Werner is a renowned figure in contemporary dance, recognised with the Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts in 2020. In 2007, the Ministry of Culture awarded her the National Dance Award in the Performance category, and in 2001 she won the Third Prize at the First International Onassis Competition. She also received the Culture Prize in the Dance section of the Community of Madrid in 2000 and the Mention Prize at the XIII Cinema Festival of Girona. Her impact is reflected in the awarding of La llave en forga (Wrought-iron Key) by the Puerta al Mediterráneo Festival for her dance trajectory, and the Culiacán Award for Choreography in 2015. Trained in classical and contemporary dance in Madrid, Barcelona, and London, she founded Provisional Danza in 1987.

Acerina H. Toledo, a native of Lanzarote, trained in Tenerife, Gran Canarias, Madrid, and Nantes, which gave her a different perspective. She is the director of the Traslación Dance Festival and of the Cúrcuma hall. Alongside Juan Cabrera, she founded the Company El Jablero, producing Divino desierto. She has worked producing works such as Conversaciones entre plumas and La orilla de mi piel through the company, as well as the Traslación Dance Festival, bringing dance to unconventional places in Lanzarote. Her devotion and creativity have made a significant impact on contemporary dance.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €8 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The rest of the FAM programme is available at FAM has the collaboration of the Dance on Stage and Acieloabierto Circuit, both of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music of the Spanish Ministry of Culture INAEM.

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El proyecto La suerte Newman estuvo enr esidencia artística en el Auditorio de Tenerife 11 de septiembre hasta el 25.

Equipo artístico

Idea: Cristina Hernández Cruz

Carmelo Fernández (Dama de compañía, Musibailactor, cucaracha)
Cristina Hernández Cruz (musibailaactriz, dramaqueen, cucaracha)
Baltasar Patiño (musiiluminador, cucaracha)
Raquel Ponce (Bailaactriz, dramaqueen, cucaracha)
Nacho Sanz (musibailactor)
Espacio escénico: Tahíche Díaz
Indumentaria: Raquel Rodríguez
Imagen: Hugo Cebrián

La suerte Newman

Expresión que utilizaba Paul Newman para definir la sucesión de acontecimientos que lo habían llevado a tener una vida exitosa. Con ese humor tan suyo, se restaba el mérito de sus logros personales y profesionales; para Paul Newman sus decisiones, sus acciones, su carácter o su talento no habían tenido mucho que ver en la consecución de sus logros atribuyendo de alguna forma al universo la responsabilidad de su fatum.

La frase resume lo que en psicología se denomina síndrome de la impostora

El síndrome de la impostora es el cuadro psicológico en el que la gente se siente incapaz de interiorizar sus logros y sufre un miedo constante a ser desenmascarado como fraude (en la vida privada y/o en la laboral). El término fue acuñado en 1978 por las psicólogas clínicas Pauline Clance y Suzanne Imes en su artículo «The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women: Dynamics and therapeutic intervention». Se categorizan en 5 grupos de personas: Los perfeccionistas, los individualistas, los expertos, los genios naturales, y los superhumanos.

Entregarse, enajenarse, conmoverse…

El cuadro protocubista por antonomasia que en realidad se inspiró en las prostitutas de la calle Avinyò de Barcelona. Creado inicialmente con un propósito aleccionador sobre la prostitución… El cubismo también se exploró en poesía (Gertrude Stein, Vicente Huidobro, Apollinaire,...). Todas estas ideas atraviesan la pieza escénica transversalmente: el espacio escénico, el espacio sonoro, la indumentaria, la iluminación, una manera de estar en escena (que entiende el cuerpo como un todo que incluye voz, acción, movimiento,...y sus contrarios) , o la dramaturgia (el texto, o/y la estructura de la pieza, concebidos en sí mismo como una deconstrucción que se aleja de la construcción dramática clásica: introducción, nudo y desenlace).


El síndrome de la impostora es el argumento principal de La suerte Newman, sus catalizadores son:

  • La distorsión. La geometría. El cubismo.
  • La música.
  • Algunas piezas audiovisuales.

La vida de Joanne Woodward y Paul Newman retratada por Ethan Hawke en “Las últimas estrellas de Hollywood” puso sobre la mesa la perfección de lo imperfecto.

“La mujer que dice no” (sobre Françoise Gillot y Pablo Picasso) y “El álbum secreto de Clint Eastwood” , “Pi” (película de Darren Aronovski), Druk (Thomas Vinterberg), o Zorba el griego continúan con el debate sobre el éxito, la obsesión, el síndrome de la impostora, la distinción persona-obra, la imagen creada y la construida...

Son distintos planos de un todo, o distintas perspectivas de mirar las cosas.

Se eligen 5 “impostoras” en escena porque 5 son las personalidades de “la impostora”, el 5 está presente en la notación musical europea (pentagrama) y 5 son las señoritas de Avignon...

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The play by Grupo Teatruva will take place tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in the Francisco Álvarez Abrante Auditorium with free entry.


The Amateur Theatre programme of the Auditorio de Tenerife is presenting the play El caso de la señora estupenda (The Case of the Wonderful Lady), performed by the cultural association Fiesta de la Vendimia-theatre ensemble Teatruva. The play can be seen tomorrow (Wednesday 4th) at 8:30 p.m. in the Francisco Álvarez Abrante Auditorium in La Perdoma, La Orotava. Entry is free until the total capacity is reached.

The story of this play takes place in the middle of a war in an imaginary city in the Balkans. The plot begins with the arrival of a newly married couple at a hotel. And so, the mess is clear to see. It is a comedy but with a hint of bitterness that wittily mocks the institution of marriage, the international climate of espionage and counter-espionage, and warfare.

Wame Gutiérrez directs this play, assisted by Candelaria Rodríguez, with costumes by Luisa Luis and the group itself, who have also created the set design. The actors and members of the association are Dionisio Linares, Afligidos García, Ezequiel de León, José Manuel Ramos, Luisa Herrera, María García, Domingo Arbelo, Luisa Luis, Inés Hernández, Domingo Hernández, Goyo Pérez, and Macu Hernández.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is an initiative that is included in the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. This programme encourages interest in the hobby of theatre and the production of theatrical plays by the existing associations in Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of theatrical plays; and to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups.

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The performers are Jonay Mesa & Luis Sánchez, Yul Ballesteros Trío, CJS Reunion Sara Liu Octet and Kepa Martínez & The Hot Club Tenerife


This weekend, the Auditorio de Tenerife is planning two concert days for the Canarias Jazz Showroom festival. On Friday (6th) the Chamber Hall will welcome Jonay Mesa & Luis Sánchez, a guitar and piano duo, and the Yul Ballesteros Trio at 7:30 p.m. The following day (Saturday 7th), in the same hall and at the same time, performs the CJS Reunion Sara Lilu Octet. Later, at the exit of the concert, there will be a live performance courtesy of Kepa Martínez and The Hot Club Tenerife.

Jonay Mesa & Luis Sánchez is a new project that emerged after these two young musicians, composers and improvisers met. They bring together an original repertoire arranged for guitar and piano that combines the musical imagination of each one. They have shared a journey full of dedication, complicity, and improvisation taking flight in each musical piece.

Alma, the new album project by Yul Ballesteros, shows the personal and musical evolution of this guitarist and composer imbued with elegance, delicacy, and lots of nuances. This album is grounded in the personal growth and musical maturity of the artist. He presents this project with the trio formed by Ballesteros, Carlos Meneses on double bass and Akior García on drums.

Sara Lilu is a young singer from Tenerife, a graduate of the Higher Conservatoire of the Liceu of Barcelona and an outstanding voice in the regional jazz scene. She has just presented her final project in Barcelona with her own compositions and a band led by herself and formed by other talented jazz students from the school. Canarias Jazz Showroom is giving her the chance to lead a band of great regional musicians from different generations under the name CJS Reunion Sara Lilu Octet. The aim is to create bonds and gradually make her professional project a reality.

The project CJS Reunion Sara Lilu Octet emerged with the intention of celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Canarias Jazz Showroom, a festival created to present the jazz projects produced in the Canaries or led by regional musicians. The octet is formed by Kike Perdomo, Carlos Pérez, Idafe Pérez, Kevin Díaz, Agustín Pérez, Iván Gutiérrez, Carlos Costa and the singer Sara Lilu. In addition, during the evening the Archipiélago Awards will be presented.

The band Hot Club Tenerife is formed by regional musicians united by a passion for swing music and improvisation. Its repertoire encompasses everything from immortal classics by Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli to contemporary swing pieces. They perform it to the rhythm of the acoustic guitar with Yeray Herrera, accordion with Pablo González, double bass with Augustin Buenafuente, and drums with Filemón Montero.

On this occasion, the group will involve the clarinettist Kepa Martínez as a soloist, trained in Modern Music and Jazz at the Higher Conservatoire of the Canaries. He has performed at many festivals and received the Archipiélago Award for Emerging Artist. He has participated in the recording of several jazz records and currently combines his activity as a clarinettist with his work as a teacher at the Professional Music Conservatoire of the Canaries.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website , at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, and large families.

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The writer, who already held a conference on the entire lyrical season at the Auditorio de Tenerife in June, returns this Wednesday.


The Auditorio de Tenerife welcomes Ramón Gener and his new lecture. This time he reveals the keys and curiosities of the opera María Moliner by Antoni Parera Fons, which opens the 2023-2024 season of the Ópera de Tenerife on 17, 19, and 21 October. Next Wednesday (4th October) at 7.30 p.m., the Chamber Hall hosts the musician and music disseminator who, with his knowledge, his voice, and his piano, conveys his passion: music. Tickets for this show, where Gener will also be accompanied visually, are available for eight euros.

The music and art expert will speak about the different angles from which to discover the keys and curiosities of a title he knows very well, the opera María Moliner, a 2016 production by Madrid's Teatro de la Zarzuela. For those who want to learn more about this opera and for those who have never attended an opera, Gener presents the emotions, the music, the theme, and the roles in an entertaining and sociable way.

After the conference, Gener signs his books in the Auditorio's hall: Si Beethoven pudiera escucharme (2013), El amor te hará inmortal (2016) and Beethoven, un músico sobre un mar de nubes (2020).

Ramón Gener's lectures in Tenerife take place throughout the season in the Chamber Hall at 7:30 p.m.; in each case, the nearest opera will be highlighted. The next meeting with the renowned communicator is on 7 November to talk about the co-production of Tenerife, Chile and Oviedo, the opera Manon by Jules Massenet (November), followed by the next meeting for the concert version of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saëns (December). On 17 January will be the turn of Leonard Bernstein's Trouble in Tahiti (January), and on 21 February the Auditorio's own production Rusalka, by Antonín Dvorák (March).

Born in Barcelona, Ramón Gener holds a degree in Humanities and Business Studies. He began his studies as a musician at the age of 6 at the Higher Conservatoire of Music of the Liceu, training which he completed later with the pianist Anna Maria Albors.

Through a recommendation from the soprano Victoria de los Ángeles, he began to study singing under her supervision. He finished his singing training in Warsaw with the baritone Jerzy Artysz and in Barcelona with the tenor Eduard Giménez. After a career lasting several years as a baritone, he began a new phase as a musical educator, offering conferences about classical music and opera.

The impact of these conferences led him to the world of television. First, at a regional level on TV3 with the programme Òpera en Texans, and then nationally and internationally with programmes such as This is Opera, this is Art, and 200, una noche en el Prado. His programmes have been recorded in Spanish and English; they have been broadcast and continue to be broadcast in many countries around the world. He currently collaborates with the radio programme No es un día cualquiera for Radio Nacional de España (RNE)

He currently continues with his conferences, classes, and contributions to RNE. Likewise, he is immersed in preparing his new TV program and his new book. Ramón Gener visited the Auditorio de Tenerife previously in February this year to present the show Love, love, love with José Corbacho.

The tickets for this conference by Gener are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, and large families.


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This is the second integral on the 19th-century composer to be held in the Auditorio de Tenerife by the famous British musician.


As part of its Chamber Cycle, the Auditorio de Tenerife is offering on Tuesday (3rd October) a piano concert whose programme will include three sonatas by Franz Schubert (1797-1828). It will be the second Integral performed by the English musician Paul Lewis on the Austrian composer's work for this instrument. The event takes place at 7:30 p.m. in the Chamber Hall.

With frankness and sincerity, the sonatas by Schubert express some of the most essential elements of human experience: longing, consolation, despair, joy, loss, nostalgia, and hope.

Paul Lewis will be a guest at the Auditorio de Tenerife up to four times between 2023 and 2024. This is the second concert to present various works by Franz Schubert, covering the last 12 years of his life. From the charming lyricism of the early sonatas to the transcendent creativity of the last masterpieces, and the harrowing moments of despair when his health began to decline.

Paul Lewis is a renowned performer of the Central European piano repertoire. His performances and recordings of Beethoven and Schubert have received unanimous acclaim worldwide. He was awarded a CBE (Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his services to music, and his musical approach has earned him followers all over the world.

He has performed as a soloist with orchestras such as the Philharmonic Orchestras Berlin, the Bavarian Radio Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra of New York and Los Angeles, the Symphony Orchestras of Chicago and London, the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Concertgebouw and the Leipzig Gewandhaus. His close relationship with the Boston Symphony Orchestra led to him being appointed a Koussevitzky Artist 2020 at Tanglewood.

He has received awards such as Instrumentalist of the Year of the Royal Philharmonic Society, two Edison, three Gramophone, Diapason d'Or de l'Annee, the South Bank Show Classical Music Award, honorary degrees from the universities of Liverpool, Edge Hill and Southampton.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, and large families.


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The work, an adaptation of the text of the same name by Cirilo Leal, will be staged by Los Viñedos elderly people association


The Amateur Theatre programme of the Auditorio de Tenerife is presenting the premiere of Pueblo seco (Dry Village), by the Los Viñedos elderly people association. The work is an adaptation of the text of the same name by Cirilo Leal. The event will take place tomorrow (Wednesday 27th) at 8.00 p.m. at the town square, Plaza de la Cruz Santa, in Los Realejos. Entry is free until the full capacity is reached.

The story takes place in a barren valley of a village on the island of Tenerife. The lack of rain has afflicted this mid-altitude zone, where another reality is also experienced: the sun delights tourists. The plot takes place on the town square, which is home to the old and deteriorated town hall and the luxury mansion of the owner of a large part of the land and most of the shares in the mine galleries, shafts and water reservoirs in the entire valley.

The show is directed by Wame Gutiérrez, while the costumes and stage design are by the theatre group Los Viñedos. The cast that brings this comedy in the form is formed by: Cheda Pérez, Antonia María García, Carmen Luz García, Olga Romero, Juanita González, Mercedes Abrante, Isabel Hernández, Luisa Trujillo and Candelaria García.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is an initiative that is included in the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. This programme encourages interest in the hobby of theatre and the production of theatrical plays by the existing associations in Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.


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The event will be held on Friday at 7.30 p.m. as part of the FAM programme, performed by two dancers and researchers


As part of the Arts and Movement Festival FAM programme, the Auditorio de Tenerife is offering, Transmissions. Conferencia bailada sobre danzas urbanas (Transmissions. A conference danced to urban dance) performed by the dancers and researchers Guille Vidal-Ribas and Javi Casado. It takes place in the Castillo Hall, with entry through the car park, this Friday (29th) at 7.30 p.m.

Transmissions is the title of a conference and show that combines music, audio-visuals, spoken word, and live movement to explain urban dance in all of its dimensions. It offers a discourse that is dynamic and accessible to all audiences and is enriching for both experts and those who want to get an introduction to urban dance.

Some of the key aspects considered are where, when, and why these forms of expression were created, what characterises them, and how they continue to develop today. Likewise, the impact that they have had, not only in the field of dance but also on popular culture as a whole from the end of the 20th century until the present.

Transmissions is the result of research carried out by Guille Vidal-Ribas (winner of the 2022 award for Best Dancer for Transmissions at the XXV Critics’Awards of Performing Awards of Catalonia) and Javi Casado (a dancer from Tenerife who works in the field of circus creation at the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris and who is the founding member of Vulcana). This piece presented by both covers the knowledge acquired over more than two decades as urban dancers, combining it with information taken from a broad range of documentary evidence and interviews with pioneering figures and national and international benchmarks in this field.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €8 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, and large families.

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Víctor Pablo Pérez will conduct the Symphony Orchestra, four soloists and the choirs of the Comunidad de Madrid and the Opera de Tenerife


Auditorio de Tenerife celebrates its first twenty years of history this week with a concert featuring the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, the choirs of the Comunidad de Madrid and Ópera de Tenerife - conducted by Josep Vidal - and the soloists Krassimira Stoyanova (Bulgarian soprano), Airam Hernández (tenor from Tenerife), Oleysa Petrova (Russian mezzo-soprano) and Alessio Cacciamani (Italian bass), all of them conducted by Víctor Pablo Pérez. The concerts will be performed in the Symphony Hall on 29 and 30 September at 7:30 p.m.

The president of the Island Council, Rosa Dávila, believes that “the construction of this auditorium was an architectural milestone that has left its mark and turned this iconic place into a symbol of the identity of Tenerife over the last two decades” and he remembered Adán Martín, “who we must thank for the fact that Tenerife can proudly show off facilities that overlook the Atlantic.”

The vice-president of the Council and delegate for Tourism, Lope Afonso, acknowledged that “the Auditorio de Tenerife is an image that is recognised both inside and outside of Tenerife and the Canaries. It plays a key role in the outside image of the island projects, but over these twenty years, it has also hosted many congresses and events in the business sector, which reflects the strategy for island progress. In addition, it has been a clear benchmark for cultural events, particularly music events which have projected the image of the island abroad at the highest level.”

In turn, the island minister for Culture, José Carlos Acha, stated “I want to highlight everyone, technicians and performers as well as audience members who have passed through the Auditorio de Tenerife over these first twenty years. With their effort, they have positioned it as the largest production centre for shows in the Canaries and as a benchmark on the national and international circuit for performing arts and music.”

The concert programme on Friday and Saturday will start with Royal Fanfare (2003), work commissioned for the inauguration of the Auditorio de Tenerife from the Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki. The central work of the concert is the Messa da Requiem (1874) by Giuseppe Verdi.

The tickets for the Saturday concert (30th) are sold out. Those for the Friday concert (29th) can be purchased at a special price of €10 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The Auditorio de Tenerife was opened in 2003. Since then, it has hosted thousands of artistic shows at the highest national and international level. Notable figures have also passed through the facilities of this cultural venue such as several heads of state, politicians, scientists, and winners of the Prince of Asturias awards. It is also the setting for film and advertising shoots, events, and conferences.

This avant-garde work by the Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava covers 23,000 square metres. It combines the spectacular nature of a unique building enveloped in shiny white. It was created using the trencadís technique (uneven pieces of tile arranged as a mosaic) with a large square and the immense Atlantic Ocean behind it.

Its main auditoriums are the Symphony and Chamber halls, each one with a maximum capacity of 1,616 and 422 seats. Additionally, it offers multipurpose space such as the Castillo, Puerto, and Alisios halls, and communal space such as the square and foyer.


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‘El circo de Don Nicanor’, ‘Cuentan las voces’ and ‘Abemon’ comprise the educational proposals of this season 


The tickets are already on sale to enjoy any of the three family concerts offered by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra during the season 2023-2024. El circo de Don Nicanor (Don Nicanor’s Circus), Cuentan las voces (All voices count) and Abemon (cuando el agua suena) (Abemon, the water sound) comprise the proposal of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. The three concerts take place in the Auditorio de Tenerife on 18 November, 2 February and 11 May, respectively; with the script and narration by Ana Hernández Sanchiz.

The delegate for Culture of the Island Council, José Carlos Acha, highlighted that “the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra was one of the first orchestras to launch the initiative of educational concerts in the era of Víctor Pablo Pérez and since then they have remained as one of the focuses of the work of our musicians.” “This offer is an excellent opportunity to attract new audiences, in some cases, for the first time to classical music” added the vice-president of the island Corporation. 

The Toy Piano and an ensemble from the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will perform El circo de Don Nicanor, (Don Nicanor’s Circus), a piece narrated in verse with music by Victor Trescolí Sanz which recounts the adventures of the character with different animals that he rescues and with whom he decides to open a diverse circus in which each one contributes their skills. This first concert will be held at the Chamber Hall and includes two performances, the first at 11:00 a.m., especially suitable for babies and children under 3 years of age, and the second one at 12.30 noon for children over three years of age.

Cuentan las voces is a visual story by Ana Hernández Sanchiz that brings together the instruments of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra and the voices of the choir formed by the audience attending the show through a varied repertoire of symphonic and vocal music. This concert is suitable for families with children over 6 years of age and will be held at the Symphony Hall on Friday, 2 February, at 12:00 noon.

The conductor Ignacio García Vidal leads the orchestra to perform Abemon (cuando el agua suena) (Abemon, the water sound), a journey to the Canarian Aboriginal world with the liquid element as the guiding thread. Through contemporary dance, creative space and voice will be given to the people who want to be a part of an original choreographic creation, directed by Antonio Quiles. This third proposal takes place on 11 May 2024 at 12:00 noon in the Symphony Hall and is recommended for families with children over 9 years old.

The tickets for these family concerts can be purchased at the price of 5 euros on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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The event is part of the amateur performing arts programme of the Auditorio de Tenerife


Tomorrow (Friday 22nd), the Amateur Theatre programme of the Auditorio de Tenerife programmes the play Cuando Alicia llegue (When Alicia Arrives), by the theatre association Puro Teatro, directed by Goyo Bonilla. The performance starts at 8.00 p.m. in the Civic Centre of Bajamar, municipality of La Laguna. Recommended for an adult audience, entry to the work is free until full capacity is reached.

The plot of this play focuses on Ninoska, the owner of a cabaret acquired in circumstances that, for international security reasons, must not be revealed. She allows strange and extravagant characters into her show who recount their experiences inside and outside the cabaret. Although the Russian lady, as her employees call her, complains about the lack of professionalism of her artists, in reality, she is delighted because they fill her venue for a meagre salary. Cuando Alicia llegue (When Alicia arrives) is what can be read on the entrance sign although nobody knows the origin of this name.

The cast that brings this cabaret comedy to life is made up of members of the theatre association Puro Teatro: Lidia Dorta, Salomé Torres, María de Viana, Estrella Carmenati, Begoña Pagarza, Jesús Patrón, Glenda Suárez, Julio Sigut, Nuria Neida, Lucas Hehe, José Luis Alayón and Piluca Prada.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is an initiative that is included in the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. This programme encourages interest in the hobby of theatre and the production of theatrical plays by the existing associations in Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of theatrical plays; likewise, to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups (directors, actors, costume designers, seamstresses, playwrights, scriptwriters, etc.).

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