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The pianist, precursor of flamenco-jazz fusion with Cuban music, offers his performance in quartet format this Saturday.


On Saturday,18th of March, at 7:30 p.m., the Auditorio de Tenerife hosts in the Chamber Hall a concert by Caramelo de Cuba Latin Jazz Quartet. Tickets are sold out. In addition to Caramelo de Cuba on piano, there will be Dani Morales on drums, Jesús Bachiller Bachi on bass and José Montaña on percussion. In this project, Caramelo de Cuba (in quartet format) proposes a journey through almost all the genres and composers of Cuban music, proposing an interpretation that takes inspiration from the contemporary to a deep knowledge of tradition.

A pianist, percussionist, arranger, composer and music producer, Caramelo de Cuba is considered in Spain the precursor of flamenco-jazz fusion with Cuban music. The international specialised press highlights him as one of the best Latin jazz pianists in the world.

Born and trained in Havana, where he started with Benny Moré's orchestra and the Conjunto Casino. Talented and versatile, he has recorded and shared the stage with countless jazz personalities, such as Deborah J. Carter, Jerry González, Paquito D'Rivera, Cuban music such as Celia Cruz, Omara Portuondo and flamenco such as Diego "El Cigala", Enrique Morente, Paco de Lucía, and Josemi Carmona.

Internationally renowned, he has been awarded and nominated on several occasions for a Grammy for best Latin jazz pianist and album in the world for The Latin Jazz Corner (2011). He was nominated by Latin Jazz Corner magazine and the prestigious Down Beat magazine for the best Latin jazz pianist of the year. He won a Grammy with the album Entre 20 Aguas, a tribute to Paco de Lucía, sharing the stage with the greatest international pianists such as Chick Corea, Chucho Valdés and Michael Camilo.

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Ana Belén García and Ana Aguado will play the unique instrument housed in the walls of the Symphonic Hall as if it were an orchestra.


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers on Sunday [19th] at 12:00 noon the concert El órgano vs la orquesta (Organ vs orchestra). The two members of A2 Duo will play the unique instrument housed in the walls of the Symphonic Hall at the same time as if it were a symphony orchestra. General admission tickets cost 15 euros, and discounts are available for audiences under 30 years of age, students, the unemployed and large families.

El órgano vs la orquesta (Organ vs orchestra) is a programme featuring works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Gustav Merkel, Camille Saint-Saëns, Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky and Edward Elgar. The organ concerts of the Auditorio are organised in collaboration with the San Miguel Arcángel Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts (RACBA).

A2 Dúo is formed by the organists Ana Aguado (Palencia) and Ana Belén García (Andoain, Gipuzkoa). These young professionals undertook their musical studies at different conservatoires and schools of great prestige: San Sebastián, Palencia, Barcelona, Pau, Amsterdam and Toulouse, receiving classes from masters such as Michel Bouvard, Esteban Landart, Esteban Elizondo, Óscar Candendo, Jan Willem Jansen, Jesús Martín Moro, Roberto Fresco, Jacques Van Oortmersen and Loïc Mallié, among others.

With extensive experience in the field of teaching and concerts, these two organists performed their first concert as a duo in June 2015 on one of the most representative organs of French romantic organ building: the great Cavaille-Coll organ of the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Chorus in San Sebastian (1863), where Ana Belén is the resident organist.

Ana Aguado has taught organ classes at different centres, such as the Higher Conservatoire of Music of Malaga. She currently works at the Professional Conservatoire of Music of León and runs and is a teacher at the "Fray Domingo de Aguirre" Provincial School of Organ. Ana Belén García is a director and teacher at the Lourdes Iriondo Music School in Urnieta (Gipuzkoa) as well as a repertoire performer with the Easo choir in San Sebastian and director of the International Organ Festival of the San Sebastian Musical Fortnight.

With a very versatile repertoire that explores all styles and periods of organ music, A2 Dúo investigates compositions and adaptations for organs played by four hands offering several performances at different international music festivals.

According to the musicologist and president of RACBA, Rosario Àlvarez, regarding this work "unlike his religious works, Johann Sebastian Bach intended his four Orchestral Suites for the haute bourgeoisie of Leipzig". The fourth (BWV 1069), formed by 5 movements with a marked French

character, a striking Overture, an elegant Minuet and an agile and resolute Réjouissance, will be performed. “It is worth highlighting that the transcription chosen for this occasion was produced by the composer, organist and pianist Max Reger, whose 150th birth anniversary is being celebrated", the expert explains.

The next work following in this matinee is one of the most well-known from the original repertoire for two organists: The Sonata no.1 by the German organist and composer Gustav Adolf Merkel. “This splendid and solid composition exudes influences of some of the great names of the era such as Josef Rheinberger and Felix Mendelssohn, and in the central Adagio, it is possible to find the lyricism that the latter composer used to display", Álvarez points out.

The Bacchanale, one of the most well-known pieces from the great opera Samson & Delilah by the French composer Camille Saint-Saëns, begins the last of the three acts that comprise this work based on the Biblical story of the warrior Samson and the beautiful Delilah. According to the musicologist, "this sensual dance is characterised by the use of exuberant rhythms and winding and exotic melodic lines created using oriental scales, resources combined with the sole aim of recreating in the minds of listeners the shameless festival in honour of the god Bacchus held to mark the arrest of Samson by the Philistines using Delilah”.

Alongside the ballet Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker is one of the most popular works by Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky. Before its premiere, the musician selected eight of its songs, thus creating the Nutcracker Suite op. 71a as a concert work premiered at the Mariinsky Theatre in 1892 in Saint Petersburg that was conducted by the composer himself. Three pieces from this collection will be performed in this concerto, "which simply had to include the very famous Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, featuring the peculiar timbre of the celesta", says Rosario Álvarez. The two remaining numbers are March and the Waltz of the Flowers. The latter is - in the words of the Racba's president - "an example of the high level of compositional sophistication to which Tchaikovsky subjected one of the nineteenth-century genres par excellence, as a result of the extensive mastery he had of the orchestra and his unquestionable ties to ballet”.

The series of marches of the collection Pomp and Circumstance have become the second national anthem of Great Britain, being performed at the end of each season of the Proms which, year after year, are held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The collection owes its name to a phrase that can be read in Othello by Shakespeare. The audience can enjoy the fourth march, which the composer himself described as "rhythmic and ceremonial”. “The finishing touch to conclude a programme that encapsulates and impeccably combines seriousness, fun, difficulty and solemnity", Álvarez predicts.

The organ of the Auditorio de Tenerife was built in the 21st century with 3,835 pipes by the prestigious organ builder Albert Blancafort and his team. It is considered a unique instrument in the world for its design, sound and musical ranges. The tickets are available on the website,  at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.

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Guillermo García Calvo se pondrá al frente de la formación con un concierto que incluye obras de Montsalvatge, Saint-Saëns y Atterberg


La Sinfónica de Tenerife retoma su programación de temporada este viernes [día 17], a las 19:30 horas, en el Auditorio de Tenerife con un concierto en el que destaca la Sinfonía Dólar, que será interpretada por primera vez por la orquesta. La dirección de este programa corre a cargo de Guillermo García Calvo y la propuesta incluye Calidoscopic Sinfónic, de Montsalvatge, y el Concierto para violonchelo nº1, de Camille Saint-Saens, en el que actuará Asier Polo como solista.

Calidoscopi Simfònic, obra escrita en 1955 por Xavier Montsalvatge, abrirá el programa de este concierto, tratándose de una pieza que experimenta con la luz y el color, a través de cuatro movimientos. La partitura refleja diferentes guiños al folclore catalán y es el sostén de una de las pasiones del autor: la danza. Este proyecto sería la base de un ballet que nunca vio la luz.

A continuación, la orquesta interpretará Concierto para violonchelo nº 1 en La menor, op. 33, del compositor Camille Saint-Saëns, una composición que muestra la explosión creativa en el cenit de su carrera. En una breve partitura que aúna lirismo y virtuosismo, el autor francés intercala una vistosa conversación entre el violonchelo, a través de Asier Polo, y la orquesta, presentando así, las virtudes solistas de este instrumento.

Tras el descanso, la orquesta interpretará por primera vez la Sinfonía nº 6 en Do mayor, Sinfonía Dólar, op 31 de Kurt Atterberg. Esta pieza recibe este nombre dado el premio de 10.000 dólares que obtuvo el compositor danés por ganar el concurso organizado por la Columbia Grammophone Company en 1928, con motivo del centenario de la muerte de Franz Schubert. La partitura refleja una composición de bellas sonoridades y depurada técnica, que, según el propio Atterberg, emana de la influencia de compositores como Brahms y Reger, en la que, además, incorpora diferentes tópicos del folclore sueco. 

Tras su última actuación al frente de la Sinfónica de Tenerife, en enero de 2018, regresa a la isla, el director Guillermo García Calvo, que cuenta con una extensa carrera en escenarios internacionales como la Deutsche Oper Berlin, la Wiener Staatsoper o la Ópera de París, y españoles como la Ópera de Oviedo, el Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona o el Teatro Real y el Teatro de la Zarzuela de Madrid.

Tras debutar como director de ópera en 2009, con apenas 25 años, el director madrileño ha dirigido más de 200 representaciones de ópera y ballet. Entre otros reconocimientos, obtiene en 2019 el premio Faust a la mejor producción de ópera de Alemania por Götterdämmerung (El ocaso de los dioses). Desde 2020 es además director musical del Teatro de la Zarzuela de Madrid, que compagina como Generalmusikdirektor de la Ópera de Chemnitz (Alemania) y director titular de la Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie.

García Calvo compagina estos cargos con la dirección de óperas y conciertos, destacando sus trabajos en Siegfried en la Ópera de Oviedo, Premio Ópera XXI a la mejor dirección musical; Curro Vargas o Farinelli, en el Teatro de la Zarzuela; La Gioconda, en el Gran Teatre del Liceu, Premio de la Crítica de Amics del Liceu a la mejor dirección musical o Don Giovanni en la Ópera de París.

Asier Polo, que fue galardonado con el Premio Nacional de Música en 2019, ha colaborado como solista con algunas de las orquestas más importantes del panorama internacional, como la Philharmonia Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Sinfónica Nazionalle della RAI, Dresdner Philharmonie, Orchestre de Paris, BBC Philharmonic, Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Berli-ner Symphoniker, Orquesta Nacional de México, Orquesta Sinfónica de Sao Paulo, Louisiana Philharmonic, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, Orquesta Nacional de España o la Basel Symphony Orchestra.

El violonchelista bilbaíno ha compaginado la nueva música con el gran repertorio de la literatura clásica, abarcando desde las Suites de Bach hasta la música contemporánea (Henri Dutilleux, Cristóbal Halffter, Sofia Gubaidulina), pasando por los grandes conciertos clásicos y románticos.

Dada su trayectoria comprometida con la música actual y su perfil como impulsor de nuevas obras, diferentes compositores como Gabriel Erkoreka, Jesús Torres, Luis de Pablo, Jesús Villa-Rojo, Fernando Velázquez y Antón García Abril, le han dedicado sus conciertos para violonchelo.

La Asociación Tinerfeña de Amigos de la Música, ATADEM, recupera las charlas previas a los conciertos. Una actividad organizada para dar a conocer, con más profundidad, un análisis y la contextualización de las obras que se interpretan en el concierto, que en esta ocasión correrá a cargo de Tania Marrero, a las 18:30 horas en la Sala Avenida, en el hall del Auditorio.

Las entradas para este nuevo concierto podrán adquirirse hasta el mismo día del concierto, a través de la página web, en la taquilla del propio recinto cultural del Cabildo o de forma teléfonica en el 902 317 327, de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas, y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas.

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The event takes place in the Chamber Hall at 11:30 a.m., as part of the "Primavera Musical" cycle.


On Sunday, 12 May, at 11:30 a.m., the Auditorio de Tenerife hosts a new concert of the "Primavera Musical" cycle, with the performance of the brass bands Unión y Amistad (Santa Cruz), Cruz Santa (Los Realejos) and Nivaria (Arafo). The cycle is an initiative by the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' and the collaboration of the Tenerife Island Council.

In this edition of Primavera Musical, the association 'Asociación Musical Unión y Amistad' performs under the direction of Iván Yeray Rodríguez. This band offers the audience three pieces. The concert starts with the prelude to the zarzuela La Marchenera, by Federico Moreno Torroba, continues with the premiere piece Ceniza y volcán, by Antonio Ramos Díaz, and concludes with La vida es un Carnaval, by Víctor Daniel and Celia Cruz, with arrangements by the band's director.

The second group to perform on the stage of the Chamber Hall will be the Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa, from Los Realejos. The band starts a new stage after the departure of José Manuel Álvarez, who was 28 years at the helm of this group and will say goodbye on Sunday conducting Steve Reineke's Sedona. The other two pieces of the programme, the pasodoble A mi madre, by Roque Baños, and the symphonic prelude La Torre del Oro, by Gerónimo Giménez, will be performed under the direction of Sofía González Batista.

The musical event will be completed with the Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria, from Arafo. Under the direction of Miguel Ángel Expósito Marrero, the band will begin its performance with Cassiopeia, by Carlos Marques, to continue with The Green Hill, by Bert Appermont and Juan Carlos Pérez Afonso as a soloist. The programme will conclude with the overture for a symphonic band titled La sombra del peregrino by José Luis Peiró Roig.

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La Asociación de mayores Guanche, flor y palma representa ˋLa escuela de don Silvestreˊ a las 17:00 horas con entrada libre


La Asociación de mayores Guanche, flor y palma presenta una nueva función en el marco del programa Teatro Aficionado de Auditorio de Tenerife. La obra, bajo el título La escuela de don Silvestre, de José Cedena, se ha programado para mañana [viernes 10] a las 17:00 horas en la Asociación de mayores La Arbeja-La Luz, en La Orotava, con entrada libre hasta completar aforo.

La propuesta se desarrolla “en un lugar de Castilla-La Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme”, en un pueblecito muy pequeño, uno de tantos de los que hay en esta comunidad, estaba la escuela de don Silvestre El refranes, un maestro peculiar con unos alumnos también muy peculiares. Por aquel entonces, un día cualquiera de mil novecientos cincuenta y tantos, se estaba esperando un acontecimiento que alteraba la relativa tranquilidad cotidiana de esta escuela rural: la llegada del inspector.

Esta obra se presenta bajo la dirección de Eusebio Galván Cabello y cuenta con la colaboración del ayuntamiento de La Orotava. En cuanto a los intérpretes, La escuela de don Silvestre está protagonizada por Juana Perdigón Marrero, Miguelina Hernández Pacheco, Amparo Hernández Luis, Anisia Acosta Hernández, Candelaria Acosta Pacheco, M.ª Dolores García García, M.ª Luz Valladares Fariña, Narcisa Luis Pacheco, Petra Rodríguez Pacheco, José Antonio Delgado Luis, Francisco Pérez Afonso, Sigfredo Hernández Pacheco, Restituto Rodríguez Expósito y Sabina Pacheco Cabrera.

Teatro Aficionado es un programa del Área Educativa y Social de Auditorio de Tenerife. El teatro aficionado fomenta el interés por la afición y producción de actividades teatrales dentro de las asociaciones existentes en Tenerife. Este programa pretende estimular las inquietudes de comunicación, intercambio de ideas y creatividad de los miembros pertenecientes a colectivos juveniles, culturales, de mujeres y vecinales, entre otros.

Sus objetivos fundamentales son promover en los distintos colectivos sociales y culturales el gusto por la práctica y desarrollo del teatro, así como la asistencia y afición del público a las obras teatrales; contribuir a enriquecer la calidad técnico-artística de grupos de teatro aficionado y crear los diferentes grupos de trabajo (dirección, intérpretes, escenógrafos figurinistas, costureros, dramaturgos, guionistas, entre otros).

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ˋEl carnaval de los animales... también de Canariasˊ ofrece tres sesiones escolares y una para el público, que ya agotó las entradas


El Auditorio de Tenerife programa la propuesta familiar El carnaval de los animales…también de Canarias, del Ensemble Resonancias. Tres sesiones para escolares en la Sala de Cámara sumarán más de mil alumnos, mientras que la función pública, que tendrá lugar mañana [viernes 10] a las 18:00 horas, ya cuenta con las entradas agotadas. El programa constará del conocido Carnaval de los animales de Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) y de El carnaval de los animales canarios, un estreno para la ocasión de los compositores canarios Celia Rivero y Sergio Rodríguez, que estarán presentes en los conciertos.

Para esta ocasión, el Ensemble Resonancias estará conformado por Raquel Martorell Dorta (flauta), Andrea Chico Díaz (clarinete), Javier Lanis (piano), Ernesto González Alemán (piano), David Ballesteros Ramírez y Marie Cooper Auber (violines), Fran Gutiérrez Medina (viola), Laura de Armas (violonchelo), José Manuel Vinagre Hernández (contrabajo) y Verónica Cagigao (percusión).

Camille Saint-Saëns presenta leones, gallinas y gallos, tortugas, el elefante, canguros, el acuario, personajes con largas orejas (burros), el cucú, la pajarera, pianistas, fósiles y el cisne. Los contrastes en las descripciones sonoras, cargadas de humor, transportan al interior de la propia existencia vital y hacia todo lo que habita en la naturaleza y el mundo de la fantasía.

Ahora el espectáculo continúa con una serie de animales reales y fantásticos de Canarias. El público recorrerá las vivencias de los canes autóctonos (presa canario y podencos), algunas de las aves más representativas (canario, pinzón azul, paloma turqué); y, bajo el agua, encontrarán la ballena azul y el rorcual. Junto al lagarto gigante de El Hierro se arrastrarán por el suelo y escalarán por las paredes de las casas junto al perenquén. Además, se adentrarán en los Jameos del Agua junto a los cangrejos ciegos de Lanzarote. Todo ello sin olvidar parte de la mitología como las guacanchas y el ladón.

En cuanto al estreno, David Ballesteros, del Ensemble Resonancias, explica que “nuestra idea de crear música dedicada a los animales canarios es un homenaje a nuestro entorno natural, con el deseo de despertar la responsabilidad por cuidarlo; y con ese fin esta música compuesta por dos brillantes artistas canarios, Celia Rivero y Sergio Rodríguez, tendrá su estreno absoluto en el Auditorio de Tenerife”. De esta manera, uno de los objetivos de este espectáculo pedagógico y divulgativo es despertar la responsabilidad de cuidar el entorno natural compartido.

Celia Rivero, nacida en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, obtiene el Máster en Música para Cine, Televisión y Videojuegos en Berklee College of Music de Valencia, así como el Máster en Composición Musical de Bandas Sonoras y Medios Audiovisuales en la Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña (ESMUC), todo ello tras haberse graduado en Composición Musical en el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias.

Ha compuesto la banda sonora de distintas creaciones audiovisuales (Érase una vez en Canarias, de Armando Ravelo, y Mujeres en la Isla, de Macu Machín, entre otros). Ha grabado obras orquestales en Air Studios (Londres), en Budapest con la Budapest Art Orchestra, en Bratislava con la “Orquesta Sinfónica de Bratislava” y en Gran Canaria con la “Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria”. Ganó el Concurso de Jóvenes Talentos Gran Canaria Joven 2021, recibiendo el primer premio en la categoría de música.

Sergio Rodríguez, nacido en Puerto de la Cruz, es titulado por la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) en Educación Musical y también por el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias en Composición. Obtiene, además, el Máster en Composición Musical con Nuevas Tecnologías en la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). Ha sido director artístico de numerosas formaciones vinculadas al mundo coral (Coro Polifónico de la Universidad de La Laguna, Orfeón La Paz…), desarrollando así una labor pedagógica a lo largo de los años.

Coordinadas por el Área Educativa y Social de Auditorio de Tenerife, las sesiones escolares comenzaron hoy [jueves 9], con dos pases, y mañana [viernes 10] a las 11:30 horas. Los 1.172 alumnos forman parte de centros escolares de Arona, Candelaria, Guía de Isora, Granadilla, Güímar, La Laguna, Los Realejos, Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santa Úrsula y Tegueste.

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ˋInspiraciones trascendentales (momentous inspirations)ˊ is the title of the concert, which takes place next Tuesday in the Chamber Hall at 7:30 p.m.


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers next Tuesday (14 March), at 7.30 p.m., at the Chamber Hall the concert Inspiraciones trascendentales (momentous inspirations). The pianist Sergei Yerokhin will give a recital with works by the composers Claude Debussy, Robert Schumann and Sergei Rachmaninoff. The tickets have a single price of 15 Euros. There are also discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

This programme claims that the great masters do not copy each other, but they inspire each other. Debussy was inspired by Chopin while remaining Debussy. Robert Schumann was inspired by Beethoven while remaining Schumann. And Rachmaninoff was inspired by Chopin and Beethoven while remaining Rachmaninoff. ˋInspiraciones trascendentales (momentous inspirations)ˊ are like climbing a mysterious stairway to the heavens of humanity.

Thus, the recital will open with three iconic preludes by Debussy from the early 20th century, with which Debussy surprises the world by introducing new scales into music that had never been heard before in classical music and gives rise to a new reality. Pictorial impressionism turns into acoustic impressionism.

We will listen to Brouillards (Mists), Feuilles Mortes (Dead leaves) and the third of the preludes La porte du vin (The wine gate), famous for Debussy being inspired by the postcard that master Falla sent him from Granada with the famous Moorish gate to the city. A whole world of sensations, of impressionist colours, of flights, of revolutionary reality. Debussy was undoubtedly the genuine revolutionary of 20th-century music, with consequences that are still enduring in all our sonorous places.

Robert Schumann's Fantasy is one of the cornerstones of the piano of all time. Written by the king of poetry as a tribute to Beethoven, dedicated in turn to his friend Franz Liszt without forgetting for a single bar his beloved Clara, this incredible architecture compels the performer and the audience to face something solemn and transcendent. It was written in three movements that cover Beethoven's life, including fragments from his lieder, symphonies and piano concertos. The sonata is, in a way, a musical biography of the genius of Bonn. The letter of profound gratitude that Liszt sent to Schumann after receiving the score has been preserved.

The second part of the concert is entirely devoted to Rachmaninoff, the last of the great pianists-composers. Yerokhin will tackle some reference preludes to finish with the Sonata No 2. This piece is said to be reserved for pianists with a colossal technique, as the composer himself was. It premiered in 1913, and although Strawinsky, Busoni or Schöenberg had already broken some ground, Rachmaninov wrote an overwhelmingly post-romantic sonata, evidencing that the Beethovenian impulse was not yet over.

The socialist revolution had not yet taken place, and personal, individual writing was still frowned upon; so, Rachmaninov wrote music without slogans or strings attached. If he was tied to anything, it was to the Beethovenian legacy of self-referential music, where from an initial cell an entire sonata can be unravelled.

Born in Moscow into a family of musicians, Sergei Yerokhin began studying with his father and at the Moscow Central Music School with Vadim Sukhanov.  He made his debut at the age of 16 as a soloist with the Minsk Philharmonic Orchestra, performing the Tchaikovsky's Concerto No. 1 and Rachmaninoff's Concerto No. 2, and continued his training at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory under the direction of Dimitri Bashkirov.

His career was launched with the impulse of his awards in important international competitions, acting in prestigious concert halls: Wigmore Hall in London, Herkulessal in Munich, Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Gran Sala Verdi in Milan (Societá dei Concerti Milano), Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Moscow International Perfomance Arts Center, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, among others.

He has also performed on the best stages in Spain: Teatro Real and Auditorio Nacional in Madrid, Palau de Música in Barcelona, Palau de Música in Valencia, Palacio de Festivales in Santander and Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao. He also participated in the event for great solists Ciclo de grandes Solistas at the Auditorio in Zaragoza in 2013 alongside artists such as Volodos, Lang Lang and Pogorelich.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.

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This story can be enjoyed tomorrow, next Thursday and Saturday, featuring nine solo singers, a women's choir and the Symphony Orchestra.


Tomorrow [Tuesday 7] the Auditorio de Tenerife premieres Der Zwerg (The Dwarf), by the Austrian composer Alexander von Zemlinsky, in a French co-production that comes to Spain for the first time. This story full of love and beauty can be enjoyed in the Symphony Hall today, at 7:30 p.m., on Thursday (9 March) and on Saturday (11 March). There are discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, large families and groups of more than five people.

The proposal is being staged in Tenerife and produced among Opéra de Lille, Opéra de Rennes, Fondation Royaumont and Théâtre de Caen. It has Jeanneteau as a stage designer and a stage director. His team is completed by Marie-Christine Soma for lighting and Olga Karpinsky for costumes. For the Tenerife shows, the number of choir singers has increased, and their costumes have been made by the tailors of the Opera de Tenerife with the collaboration of the costume designer of the production.

The cast includes German soprano Mojca Erdmann as the Infanta Donna Clara, Bilbao tenor Mikeldi Atxalandabaso as the dwarf, Asturian soprano Beatriz Díaz as the princess's maid Ghita and German bass-baritone Philipp Jekal as the chamberlain Don Estoban. In addition, Russian soprano Nina Solodovnikova and Carmen Mateo from Alicante, and Russian mezzo-soprano Maria Ostroukhova will sing the roles of the maids. The Infanta's friends will be played by the Turkish-born soprano Ezgi Alhuda and the Australian mezzo-soprano Sophie Burns.

They are joined by some thirty female voices of the choir Coro Titular Ópera de Tenerife-Intermezzo. The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will set this score from the last century to music with more than 60 musicians under the direction of the musical director of this season's title, Alessandro Palumbo.

Premièred in 1922, this opera is considered the most emblematic by the Austrian composer. The librettist, George Klaren, was a scriptwriter for Alfred Hitchcock. The show takes place in one act and narrates the celebration of the eighteenth birthday of the Infanta of Spain, Donna Clara. The gifts she receives notably include one from the Turkish Sultan: a deformed and ugly dwarf who sings and dances, which the Infanta greatly enjoys. So much so that she wants him to perform just for her.

The dwarf wrongly thinks that she has fallen in love with him. He tries to kiss her and she rejects him, calling him a monster. The Infanta orders Ghita, her favourite maid, to take him in front of a mirror so he can realise the reality of his situation. Due to his humble origins, raised with his family of coalmen in a cabin in the forest, the dwarf is unaware of his appearance. Upon seeing his reflection, he understands that the Infanta cannot love someone so ugly and unpleasant, and that he is only a source of fun for her.

The discovery of this harsh reality causes the dwarf to have a heart attack and dies.  When the Infanta sees him collapsed on the floor, she orders him to get up and dance for her. Ghita realises what has happened and informs the Infanta that it is not possible because the dwarf has suffered a broken heart.

The latter orders that, from that point on, nobody with a heart should enter the palace and join the party.

Alexander von Zemlinsky was madly in love with his composition student, the famous artist Alma Schindler, the future wife of Gustav Mahler. Initially, she responded to the feelings of love from Zemlinsky, but, ultimately, the relationship broke down, seemingly, due to family pressure. Der Zwerg has been interpreted as a metaphor for Zemlinsky's relationship with Schindler, who referred to the ugliness of the composer on several occasions.

The Birthday of the Infanta is one of the four stories compiled in the book of short stories A House of Pomegranates by Oscar Wilde. For this short story, the writer took inspiration from the dwarves of the Spanish court depicted by Velázquez.

The Opera de Tenerife is an initiative organised by the Island Council through the Auditorio de Tenerife with the collaboration of the ICDC (Regional Institute of Cultural Development) and the INAEM (National Institute of Performing Arts and Music).

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.

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This Sunday [5th], at 11:30 a.m., the event will feature the band of the island Federación Tinerfeña.


On Sunday, 5 March, at 11:30 am, the Auditorio de Tenerife hosts the opening concert of another edition of the "Primavera Musical" cycle, organised since 2005 by the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' with the collaboration of the Tenerife Island Council.

The federation's own ensemble, which is made up of different band members from the island, will play a leading role in this event, conducted by Juan Antonio Rancel Tejera and narrated by Moisés Évora de la Rosa.

The 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' will perform Symphony No. 1 The Lord of the Rings by Johan de Meij (Voorbuj, The Netherlands 1953). This composition, based on Tolkien's novels, was the first piece the composer created for a wind orchestra, and he won the Sudler Composition Prize (1989) with it. Through the melodies played by the wind orchestra, basic characters of the story created by Tolkien are depicted.

The 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' is made up of 36 groups belonging to twenty-seven municipalities of the island. All the groups take part in the dozen concerts of this new edition of Primavera Musical, which will last until 18th June.

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The theatrical association Tatrum offers this comedy in the cultural centre at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are available at a price of six euros.


Tomorrow [Friday 3] the Teatro Príncipe Felipe in Tegueste hosts the comedy Bar Manolo. This play is part of the programme of the Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) of the Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga The proposal by the Tatrum theatre association begins at 8:00 p.m. The tickets are available at a price of six euros on the platform Tomaticket.

The theatrical piece Bar Manolo presents a popular establishment located just opposite the cemetery. Manolo, the bar owner, is a fan of crosswords and drinking. He is accompanied by Conchi, who is responsible for cleaning and cooking. During the show, a wide variety of characters will come to the bar, which will be the setting of forbidden love, vices, complicities, and madness. One day, things get out of control due to the death of an acquaintance and an accident that includes a coffin, an old woman whose memory is failing and a lottery number.

Nine performers from the Tatrum theatre association bring this proposal to life. José Manuel Sosa will be Manolo, the bar owner, while Yesica Rodríguez will be Conchi, the cook. Hugo Rodríguez will play Carlos the teacher and Mariana Rodríguez will be Silvia, mother of Leticia, who will be in the role of Yolanda Peña. Luisa and Paco are the workers at the funeral home, roles played by Olga Vanesa Curotto and José Luis Rubio, respectively. Lastly, Olgui González will become Blanca, the widow, and Pepe Damas will play Jesus, the plumber.

Bar Manolo was created by Jean Pierre Martínez and directed by Irene Pérez. The theatre group provides the costumes and stage design of this show, which involves the collaboration of the Council of La Laguna.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. Teatro Aficionado displays theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays by the local associations of the island. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others. Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; and to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups.

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The performances of this work by the Austrian Alexander von Zemlinsky take place on 7, 9, and 11 March in the Symphony Hall

The composer took inspiration from a short story by Oscar Wilde (The Birthday of the Infanta) and from a personal heartbreak he experienced


Auditorio de Tenerife presents Der Zwerg (The Dwarf) by Alexander von Zemlinsky. The details of this show were announced by the island director of Culture of the Council of Tenerife, Alejandro Krawietz, the stage director and set designer, Daniel Jeanneteau, and the musical director, Alessandro Palumbo. This new proposal from the Opera of Tenerife, a French co-production, can be enjoyed on 7, 9, and 11 March at 7:30 p.m.

Alejandro Krawietz explained that “with Der Zwerg, we are maintaining the balance this season between contemporary and repertoire production. On this occasion, we have the work of a composer, Alexander von Zemlinsky, not well-known and who is being brought back into the lyrical and symphonic fields. He is one of the figures who make it easiest to understand the boundary between both styles” reflected the island director, who recalled that “significant discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, large families and groups of more than five people are available thanks to the desire of the Island Council of Tenerife to attract a new audience”.

Daniel Jeanneteau stated that this is “a very peculiar work which sits between the transition of the 19th century and the modernity of the 20th, which is very strongly reflected in its structure and form”. “Over the course of the work, it speeds up dramatically and there is a symbiosis between the writing, the music and theatricality” described the director, for whom tackling this challenge “is a very interesting problem”. As an anecdote, he stated that the librettist of the opera, Georg C. Klaren, was a scriptwriter for  Alfred Hitchcock, “which explains the quality of the libretto”. Lastly, he highlighted the level of the singers who do “great performative work” and assured that it is an “accessible work for the general public”.

Alessandro Palumbo, who will conduct the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, emphasised that “it has been ten years since my first collaboration with Opera de Tenerife when I attended the press conferences as a musical assistant and sat at the back”. Now, as a conductor, he is grateful “to Tenerife, my second home, and to the Opera de Tenerife, my second family”. The maestro agreed that “Zemlinsky is not very well known, even among musicians”, but “this production is very beautiful and the music is fascinating, difficult in terms of the music but very communicative: Zemlinsky has a great sense of theatricality”.

Premièred in 1922, this opera is considered the most emblematic by the Austrian composer. The proposal is being staged in Tenerife and produced among Opéra de Lille, Opéra de Rennes, Fondation Royaumont and Théâtre de Caen, has Jeanneteau as a stage designer and stage director. His team is completed by Marie-Christine Soma for lighting and Olga Karpinsky for costumes. For the Tenerife shows, the number of choir singers has has increased, and their costumes have been made by the tailors of the Opera de Tenerife with the collaboration of the costume designer of the production.

The cast includes German soprano Mojca Erdmann as the Infanta Donna Clara, Bilbao tenor Mikeldi Atxalandabaso as the dwarf, Asturian soprano Beatriz Díaz as the princess's maid Ghita and German bass-baritone Philipp Jekal as the chamberlain Don Estoban. In addition, Russian soprano Nina Solodovnikova and Carmen Mateo from Alicante, and Russian mezzo-soprano Maria Ostroukhova will sing the roles of the maids. The Infanta's friends will be played by the Turkish-born soprano Ezgi Alhuda and the Australian mezzo-soprano Sophie Burns. They are joined by some thirty female voices of the choir Coro Titular Ópera de Tenerife-Intermezzo.

The opera takes place in one act and narrates the celebration of the eighteenth birthday of the Infanta of Spain, Donna Clara. The gifts she receives notably include one from the Turkish Sultan: a deformed and ugly dwarf who sings and dances, which the Infanta greatly enjoys. So much so that she wants him to perform just for her.

The dwarf wrongly thinks that she has fallen in love with him. He tries to kiss her and she rejects him, calling him a monster. The Infanta orders Ghita, her favourite maid, to take him in front of a mirror so he can realise the reality of his situation. Due to his humble origins, raised with his family of coalmen in a cabin in the forest, the dwarf is unaware of his appearance. Upon seeing his reflection, he understands that the Infanta cannot love someone so ugly and unpleasant and that he is only a source of fun for her.

The discovery of this harsh reality causes the dwarf to have a heart attack and dies.  When the Infanta sees him collapsed on the floor, she orders him to get up and dance for her. Ghita realises what has happened and informs the Infanta that it is not possible because the dwarf has suffered a broken heart. The latter orders that, from that point on, nobody with a heart should enter the palace and join the party.

Alexander von Zemlinsky was madly in love with his composition student, the famous artist Alma Schindler, the future wife of Gustav Mahler. Initially, she responded to the feelings of love from Zemlinsky, but, ultimately the relationship broke down, seemingly, due to family pressure. Der Zwerg has been interpreted as a metaphor for Zemlinsky’s relationship with Schindler, who referred to the ugliness of the composer on several occasions.

The Birthday of the Infanta is one of the four stories compiled in the book of short stories A House of Pomegranates by Oscar Wilde. For this short story, the writer took inspiration from the dwarves of the Spanish court depicted by Velázquez.

The Opera de Tenerife is an initiative organised by the Island Council through the Auditorio de Tenerife with the collaboration of the ICDC (Regional Institute of Cultural Development) and the INAEM (National Institute of Performing Arts and Music).

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.

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José Corbacho and Ramón Gener will moderate the concert, presenting the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, a pop-rock band and three singers.


The Auditorio de Tenerife - a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga – has sold out the tickets for the show Love, love, love. A trip through music and love, presented by José Corbacho and Ramón Gener, with music by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra and The Love Rock Band, featuring three singers. The concert takes place this Thursday [16], starting at 7:30 p.m., in the Symphony Hall.

This artistic proposal is a journey through the most renowned works of classical music and the most important hits of modern music. The performance includes music by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi and Wagner, but also songs from Elvis Presley, Amy Winehouse, Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles, Madonna, Elton John, Katy Perry and Beyoncé.

During the show, between one song and the other, we will listen to incredible stories about the artists of the music that is performed during the show and the situations behind the compositions. The music will be performed by the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife conducted by Rubén Gimeno, and The Love Rock Band, formed by pop-rock musicians and the three singers Sara Pi, Sebastián Ramírez and Tonia Richardson.

Although love and music may be perceived as magic and emotion, they are chemistry and mathematics. Love is not only the feeling that moves the world, instead, over the centuries it has been one of the main sources of inspiration for artists in general and musicians in particular. Hence why this show combines words and theatre with live music, performed by fifty musicians, including the members of a symphony orchestra, a pop-rock group and three first-rate singers.

Ramón Gener began training as a musician studying piano at the Conservatoire of the Liceu and he completed it with vocal studies in Warsaw and Barcelona. After a career lasting several years as a baritone, he began a new phase as a musical educator, offering conferences about classical music and opera.

The success of these conferences led him to the television world on TV3 with the programme Òpera en Texans and subsequently on the national and international scene with This is opera and This is art. On radio, he regularly collaborates with the programme Hoy por hoy on the Cadena SER channel and Versió RAC1. He has published the books Si Beethoven pudiera escucharme (2013), El amor te hará inmortal (2016) and Beethoven, un músico sobre un mar de nubes (2020).

José Corbacho is an actor, director and scriptwriter. He has been part of the theatre company La Cubana for twelve years with shows such as Teresina S.A., Cómeme el coco negro and Cegada de amor. He directed the film Tapas (2005) and obtained the award for best film at the Malaga Festival and the Goya Award for the best new director. He directed the feature film Cobardes e Incidencias (2015) and was also the director of the series Pelotas on TVE. He is well-known for his television work on programmes such as La cosa nostra, Homo zapping, Tú sí que vales, Masterchef celebrity and Tu cara me suena, among others.

He is a founding member of Pepitos Brothers, a production company that he runs with Pep Espada and Bernat Gascon. José Corbacho is this show's artistic director, with musical direction by Marcelo Frajmowicz and executive production by Pep Espada.

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