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Three singers, a trio, a quartet, a group and a percussion group will star in the event this Sunday at 06.00 p.m.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. It schedules a new concert by students of the Professional Music Conservatory of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The performances take place in the Chamber Hall this Sunday, 12th February, at 6.00 p.m. with free entry until total capacity is reached.

The concert will involve the participation of a percussion group, two chamber music groups, the students from the Professional Singing teaching and the chamber music percussion group. Through this type of activity, the Professional Music Conservatory of Santa Cruz de Tenerife encourages pupils to participate in activities outside the school environment. The Conservatory's management explains that the aim of this concert is to show the level and work carried out by the students and teachers.

The singing students will open the programme, accompanied by a piano. The group is formed by Andrea Suárez Navarro, soprano 4th year, Andrés Darío Rodríguez Campovari, baritone 5th year, and Arantxa Cooper Aubé, soprano 4th year. Afterwards, a trio of two clarinets and piano will take to the stage, formed by Pablo Rosales Calzadilla, clarinet 6th year, Christian Gálvez Silveira, clarinet 6th year EP, and Víctor Rodríguez Visuerte, piano 6th year EP.

Then, it will be the turn of the Quartet of saxophones, in which all the members are from the 6th year: Jacob Molina Díaz, soprano sax, Mario Martín Remedios, alto sax, Álvaro García Alonso, tenor sax, and Raúl Quintero Díaz, saxophone baritone. Next it will be the students from 3rd and 4th year who form the percussion group. The concert is concluded by the chamber music percussion group with the soloist Ana Beatriz Alonso and conducted by Emilio Díaz.

In addition to the students who will participate with their voice or instruments, there is another group that has produced notes for the programme as part of the activities of the Workshop of (very) young musicologists, a project at the centre developed through the History of Music subject, to promote the discipline of Musicology. These texts, as well as the complete programme, can be consulted on the website of the Auditorio de

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This play is part of the programme of the Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) and will take place on Friday, the 10th of February, at 06.00 p.m.


The association for the senior citizens of Abona-Grupo La Jara presents Hotelito C. Herrera. The play is part of the programme of the Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) of the Auditorio de Tenerife and will be performed on Friday 10 February at the Teatro Príncipe Felipe in Tegueste at 06:00 p.m. 

Hotelito C. Herrera is a comedy of intrigue adapted from the text El anuncio inoportuno (The unwelcome announcement) by Alicia Uzcanga Lavalle. The plot will lead the audience to discover a motley cast of characters who fill different  scenes of the show with very funny moments. This adaptation premiered last November at the Cine (the old cinema) in Arico Viejo.

Gregorio Bonilla and Wame Gutiérrez are responsible for both the direction and music of the work, which has make-up by Laura Cobo Aguilar and the collaboration of the Town Council of Tegueste. The cast of Hotelito C. Herrera is formed by Carolina Marrero, Esmeralda Expósito, Loly Castro, Feli Oval, Loly González, Juani Pérez, María José Domínguez, Pilar González, Montse González, Lala Pérez, María Esther Álvarez, Toni Fuu, Nanci González and Encarna Pineda.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. Teatro Aficionado encourages interest in theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays by the local associations of Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; likewise, to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups (directors, actors, costume designers, seamstresses, playwrights, scriptwriters, etc.).

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The sonatas by Mozart, Janáček, Cervelló and Franck are part of Thursday's programme at the Chamber Hall


The Auditorio de Tenerife has programmed a concert by the duo Iturriagagoitia-Bagaría for Thursday [9-Feb] at 7:30 p.m. The violinist Aitzol Iturriagagoitia and the pianist Enrique Bagaría propose a concert at the Chamber Hall titled Elegancia, política, denuncia y epitalamio. A Jordi Cervelló in memoriam (Elegance, politics, denunciation and epithalamium. To Jordi Cervelló, in memoriam)

The programme will begin with a sonata by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) that was part of a group of them. This one was dedicated by the composer to a pianist shortly after he settled in Vienna. They were new in their genre as they demanded two performers of an extremely high level and showed the composer's clear desire to amaze the new audience of the city, squeezing the most out of his endless creativity packed with ideas. Mozart in his purest form: perfection, surprise and elegance.

More than a century later, Leoš Janácek (1854-1928) wrote one sonata for violin and piano, and it was the only one that he published for this group. This second piece of the concert is framed by the context of the First World War and the pro-Russian position of the Moravia region, which aimed to come under Russian control and get out of German rule. With a very intense and dramatic character, it cannot be said that this is not a political work.

The subtitle of the concert is a declaration – of love in this case – for the composer Jordi Cervelló, who passed away in September 2022 and a close friend of the duo Iturriagagoitia-Bagaría. The third piece of this programme is a sonata for violin and piano by Cervelló. This duo is a rich mixture of styles, a constant dialogue with a dialectic that ranges from the most passionate and dramatic to the most ethereal and sublime. It reminds Shostakovich and a denunciation faced with the excesses of the world. A fighter up until his death, Cervelló did not stop condemning everything that seemed unfair to him, plainly and without any shame. With this work, the duo offers a tribute to him.

To finish the concert, the sonata of César Franck (1822-1890) will be performed. It is one of the most inspired works of chamber music of the 18th century. The work was created as a wedding present for the great violin player Eugène Ysaÿe, hence the epithalamium, and it exudes romanticism, delicacy, love and harmony. It could be said that its style is the perfect blend of German form and French improvisation, a synthesis of the romantic spirit that had finally achieved perfection. The sonata has been transcribed for endless instruments and chamber groups. The four movements are very different to one another, like the entire programme, but they share some thematic elements that give overall unity to the work.

Thanks to their great artistic chemistry, Aitzol Iturriagagoitia and Enrique Bagaría have been working together in the Duo in 2019. Prior to that, both musicians had received several awards and recognitions. Despite the difficulties of the pandemic, they have already performed at the Auditorium of Zaragoza, the Panticosa Festival, the Palau de la Música of Barcelona, the Philharmonic Society of Bilbao, the

Theatre Arriaga, among others. Their first album, with sonatas by Debussy, Janáček and Strauss, obtained great international reviews.

Tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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The concert features the participation of the Centro Internacional de Danza and over 2,000 schoolchildren will attend it this week.


Tenerife Symphony Orchestra offers on Saturday [11-Feb] the family concert "The Firebird" by Ígor Stravinski under the direction of Ignacio García-Vidal, the participation of Ana Hernández Sanchiz (narrator) and the dancers of the Centro Internacional de Danza of Tenerife. The activity takes place at midday in the Symphony Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife. In addition to Stravinski's concert, Gymnopédie 1 (orq. C. Debussy), by Erik Satie will also be performed.

As part of this educational proposal by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, more than 2,200 schoolchildren will enjoy the sessions from Wednesday to Friday after 10 a.m. A total of 33 groups from fifteen municipalities will participate in these concerts.

The spectators of the three sessions come from the following school centres: Escuelas Pías Tenerife, Pureza de La Cuesta, San Luis Gonzaga, Andrés Llarena, Igueste, Mencey Acaymo, San Isidro, Infanta Elena, Green Village Montessori, Fundación Sonsoles Soriano, Orobal, Lope de Vguerra, Prácticas Aneja, Las Mercedes, San Bartolomé, Nuryana, Apanate, San Juan de Dios, Agustín Espinosa, Príncipe Felipe, Ernesto Castro Fariñas, Guajara, Antonio del Valle, San Fernando, César Manrique, Samoga, Mainlop, Julio Castillo Torroba, San José, El Viso, Alfonso X El Sabio, Hermano Pedro, and Charco del Pino.

The palace and gardens of Princess Zarevna have had a spell cast on them by the evil wizard Katschei, as well as all their inhabitants: the princess herself, nobles, and servants have been turned into statues and gloomy trees, destroying the colour and joy of the garden. Prince Iván ended up there when he saw a beautiful creature going into the place after a day of hunting. It was a bird with radiant plumage resembling fire - an animal that he could not help but follow and try to catch. When he succeeded, the bird offered him one of its magical feathers in exchange for its freedom. With that feather, the prince could have the bird's help whenever he needed it. Iván moved and grateful, accepted the deal.

This is the second family-friendly event that the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra organises during this season. The next concert takes place on 20 May at 12 midday with a concert inspired in the work "Pictures at an exhibition" by Mussorgsky.

The tickets for the family concerts can be purchased on the website, at the Auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


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The piece ‘Quien pide el último, pide mejor’ will be performed on Friday (3rd) at 8:00 p.m. Entry is free until the total capacity is reached.


The theatre group of the Tais association presents its first performance of the year as part of the programme of the Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) of the Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. The proposal, entitled Quien pide el último, pide mejor (Who has the last laugh?) will be performed on Friday, the 3rd at 8.00 p.m. at the Centro Ciudadano Los Baldíos in La Laguna. Entry is free until the total capacity is reached.

The play begins with a lady who while tidying the attic finds a strange lamp that turns out to have powers. Then, she decides to share the discovery with her friends, who turn up both intrigued and sceptical. After some adventures, they conclude that everyone can achieve what they want if they are really determined to do so. The magic is thus within each person.

The script was written by Blanca Poza Esperón and the play is directed by Irene Pérez, with the assistant Lucas Hernández. The following performers make the story come alive: Mari Carmen Cruz, Dorys Pelayo, Sergio del Pino, Nati Álvarez, Carmen del Rosario, Monse Morales, Juan Carlos del Pino and Lucas Hernández.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. Teatro Aficionado encourages interest in theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays by the local associations of Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; and to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups.


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From 1 to 14 February, the Auditorio de Tenerife offers a discount on tickets for the opera Der Zwerg (The Dwarf).


The Auditorio de Tenerife proposes to celebrate Valentine's Day with the opera Der Zwerg (The Dwarf).The Dwarf). From 1 to 14 February, we offer a 15% discount on tickets for this opera. Just add the code VALENTIN23 during the purchase process, either online, by phone or at the box office.

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This French co-production is the fifth title of the Ópera de Tenerife’s season and will take place in the Symphony Hall at Auditorio de Tenerife on 7, 9 and 11 March at 7:30 p.m. This one-act opera, composed by Alexander von Zemlinsky, is inspired by the short story The birthday of the infanta by Oscar Wilde.


The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.


The Opera de Tenerife initiative is organised by the Island Council through the Auditorio de Tenerife with the collaboration of the ICDC (Institute of Cultural Development of the Government of the Canary Islands) and the INAEM (Institute of Performing Arts and Music of the Spanish Government).

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The well-known guitarist will be accompanied by a cellist, a drummer and a bailaora (a Flamenco dancer).

The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island's Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. On Saturday, the 4th  of September at 7:30 p.m., it offers the show Caminos. This jazz-flamenco concert by Juan Gómez Chicuelo is a new project made up of typical flamenco pieces like tangos, alegrías, bulerías and granaínas. The tickets are sold out.

During this performance, Chicuelo's guitar will be joined by the cellist Martín Meléndez, the drummer David Gómez and the bailaora (flamenco dancer) Karen Lugo. The show combines freshness, strength and art, and conveys it with the same naturalness as the connection that is created on stage between the four artists.

With no singing, box drum or palms, the repertoire of Caminos is created from stories with Flamenco rhythms. From a nana (Flamenco lullaby) to a tribute to Djiango Reinhart, the alegrías are transformed with the cello of Meléndez and the bulerías with the drums of Gómez. Together, they envelop the dance of Karen Lugo who, in turn, adds new forms by dancing on the slightest whisper.

Juan Gómez 'Chicuelo' is one of the most important guitarists on the current flamenco scene and, at the same time, one of the most prolific and interesting composers of recent generations.

As a guitarist, he has accompanied singer-songwriters such as Enrique Morente, Miguel Poveda, Duquende, Mayte Martín, Rancapino, Chano Lobato, José Mercé, El Cigala, Potito, and Carmen Linares. He has also worked with jazz musicians such as Chano Domínguez, Carles Benavent, Jorge Pardo, Jordi Bonell, and Raynald Colom, among others, and has collaborated with the classical pianist Maria Joâo Pires.


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The theatrical association Tatrum offers this comedy in the Civic Centre at 7:30 pm with free entry until full capacity is reached


Tomorrow [Saturday 28] the civic centre Centro Ciudadano Punta del Hidalgo hosts the play Bar Manolo. This play is part of the programme of the Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) of the Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. The proposal by the theatrical association Tatrum begins at 7:30 p.m. Entry is free until total capacity is reached. 

The theatrical piece Bar Manolo presents a popular establishment located just opposite the cemetery. Manolo, the bar owner, is a fan of crosswords and drinking. He is accompanied by Conchi, who is responsible for cleaning and cooking. During the show, a wide variety of characters will come to the bar, which will be the setting of forbidden love, vices, complicities, and madness. One day, things get out of control due to the death of an acquaintance and an accident that includes a coffin, an old woman whose memory is failing and a lottery number.

Nine performers from the Tatrum theatre association bring this proposal to life. José Manuel Sosa will be Manolo, the bar owner, while Yesica Rodríguez will be Conchi, the cook. Hugo Rodríguez will play Carlos the teacher and Mariana Rodríguez will be Silvia, mother of Leticia, who will be in the role of Yolanda Peña. Luisa and Paco are the workers at the funeral home, roles played by Olga Vanesa Curotto and José Luis Rubio, respectively. Lastly, Olgui González will become Blanca, the widow, and Pepe Damas will play Jesus, the plumber.

Bar Manolo was created by Jean Pierre Martínez and directed by Irene Pérez. The theatre group provides the costumes and stage design of this show, which involves the collaboration of the Council of La Laguna.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. Teatro Aficionado displays theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays by the local associations of the island. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others. Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; and to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups.

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The senior citizens' association Guanche, flor y palma offers this comedy tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. at the Civic Centre La Florida

The senior citizens' association Guanche, flor y palma presents a new scenic première in the framework of the Amateur Theatre programme of the Auditorio de Tenerife The work is titled La escuela de don Silvestre, by José Cedena, will be premièred tomorrow [Tuesday 24] at 5:00 p.m. at the Civic Centre La Florida of La Orotava with free entry until total capacity is reached.

This proposal takes place "somewhere in Castilla-La Mancha, whose name I don't want to remember" In a very small village, one of many in this community, there was the school of Don Silvestre El Refranes, a very peculiar teacher with very odd pupils. At that time, on an ordinary day in the year nineteen fifty-something, an event was expected to disrupt the tranquillity of this rural school: the inspector's arrival.

The piece is presented under the direction of Eusebio Galván Cabello and takes place with the collaboration of the City Council of La Orotava. As far as the actors is concerned, La escuela de don Silvestre is featured by Juana Perdión Marrero, Miguelina Hernández Pacheco, Amparo Hernández Luis, Anisia Acosta Hernández, Candelaria Acosta Pacheco, María Dolores García García, María Luz Valladares Fariña, Narcisa Luis Pacheco, Petra Rodríguez Pacheco, José Antonio Delgado Luis, Francisco Pérez Afonso, Sigfredo Hernández Pacheco, Restituto Rodríguez Expósito and Sabina Pacheco Cabrera.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. Teatro Aficionado encourages interest in theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays by the local associations of Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; likewise, to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups.

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Featured by regional singers, the audience will travel through this comedy to the North American station NBC of the 40s

The Auditorio de Tenerife has programmed the chamber opera The old maid and the thief which was first premièred in Spain by Opera de Tenerife a year ago. The performances take place in the Chamber Hall on the 21, 22, 28 and 29 of January at 7:30 p.m. The tickets have a single price of 20 Euros and just 5 Euros for audiences under 30 years of age.

This opera, a comedy of errors by Gian Carlo Menotti, was commissioned by the North American station NBC, which debuted it on the airwaves in April 1939 with success that later took it to the stage. This staged chamber opera will transform the Chamber Hall into a radio station from the 1940s to bring back its first broadcast. At the same time, it introduces the public to the world that Menotti wrote about, a world full of moral dilemmas and lots of fun.

Alicia Peraza is in charge of the stage direction and stage design thanks to the tools of radio: live music, sound effects, and the talent of the singers. On the other hand, the pianist Javier Lanis is the musical director of Menotti’s composition. Leo Martínez has designed the costumes for this production by Tenerife Opera and Hugo Carugatti is in charge of the lighting design.

The cast is made up of regional singers from the Canary Islands. The mezzo-soprano Silvia Zorita will be Miss Todd, the baritone Fernando Campero will play Bob, the soprano Candelaria González will play the maid, Laetitia, and the soprano Estefanía Perdomo will play the role of the neighbour, Miss Pinkerton.

The two actors in this opera are Joel Hernández, who will play the radio soundman, and Javier Socorro, who will be the presenter of the evening. Likewise, the stage manager Luis López Tejedor and the pianist Javier Lanis, who will play Menotti's pieces, round up the cast respectively.

This piece, inspired by the opera buffa of the 18th century, takes place in a city where very intimate and powerful desires, gossip, and secrets are hidden under an apparently picturesque and calm veil.

The simple and routine life of a single middle-aged woman (Miss Todd), who shares her days of knitting and gossip with her friend (Miss Pinkerton), is turned upside down when a beggar knocks on her door, the handsome Bob. Miss Todd and her maid Laetitia quickly fall in love with the beggar and take him in under the guise of Steve, Miss Todd's cousin, despite learning that he could be a convict who has escaped from prison, accused of stealing. When their suspicions grow, the plot twists begin.

Opera de Tenerife is an initiative organised by the Island Council through the Auditorio de Tenerife with the collaboration of the ICDC (Regional Institute of Cultural Development) and the INAEM (National Institute of Performing Arts and Music) 

Tickets can be purchased at a single price of €20 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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Desde Auditorio de Tenerife te deseamos un feliz año nuevo. Un nuevo viaje está apunto de comenzar y queremos enviarte nuestros mejores deseos para que tus sueños se cumplan. Nosotros damos la bienvenida a 2023 con una agenda llena de espectáculos que esperamos disfrutar contigo


Brindemos por la salud, el amor y la cultura.



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Desde Auditorio de Tenerife queremos desear a nuestro público y a todos los que aman la cultura tanto como nosotros una Feliz Navidad. Con la felicitación de este año, este viaje por las emociones que simboliza nuestros valores, te enviamos nuestros mejores deseos para estas fiestas.

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