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The programme of this matinee, ˋTímbrica exquisitaˊ, includes pieces by Bach, Mendelssohn, Liszt and compositions of the organist himself


The organ of the Auditorio de Tenerife will sound again this Sunday [12th] at 12:00 noon with the programme Tímbrica exquisita. The Austrian organist Valentin Fheodoroff will be in charge of playing this instrument, unique in the world, with works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, Franz Liszt and one of his own compositions.

The Auditorio de Tenerife offers this concert in collaboration with the Real Academia Canaria de Bellas Artes de San Miguel Arcángel (San Miguel Arcángel Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts). The Academy’s president, Rosario Álvarez, explains that this programme is based on the Baroque genius, Bach, with one of his preludes and fugues. According to the musicologist, "after that, Fheodoroff draws us into romanticism alongside the German Felix Mendelssohn, not through his sonatas for organ, but rather through his transcriptions of very famous pieces such as the solemn overture of the Paulus Oratorio, of the joyful and light-hearted Scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream and one of his Lieder ohne Worte (Songs without words), op. 19/1, written for piano and very expressive". 

As far as the last compositions are concerned, Álvarez highlights that "as a good Austrian and excellent pianist and organist, Fheodoroff has chosen three famous pieces by the Austro-Hungarian Franz Liszt, with transcriptions by the author himself; another one by the great composer and orchestrator Max Reger and the third by himself. He will end with a score written by him, the Jubilant, which opens a door into the future that indeed would be doomed to repetition and tedium without these new creations”. 

Jubilant! Eine Windhymne was composed for the Rieger organ of the Great Hall of the Konzerthaus of Vienna and premièred there by the composer on 13 June 2016. Fheodoroff explains that "No other instrument moves as much air as the organ; it finds its path in each and every one of the pipes, wherever they are, it follows set routes, and, however, it is always free". “But, in Jubilant! the centre of attention is not only the air in the broadest sense for the organ, rather, but it is also the wind as breath and a life force that can adapt and reach all conceivable forms; wind as an element through which sound becomes perceivable", as the musician states.

This Austrian organist began his musical career as a pianist. Since 2003, his study with Danja Lukan (Vienna) has been at the centre of his musical training, constantly promoting his character and the expressiveness of his piano and organ performance, as well as his artistic development, including intense training as a vocal performer. A talented performer and trained in many different music disciplines: piano, chamber music, improvisation, composition, vocal accompaniment, and organ, since 2016 the approach of Fheodoroff has moved almost completely from piano to playing and composing for the organ. In recent years, his engagements have included concerts in France, Romania, Spain and Latvia.

Built in the 20th-century by the prestigious organ builder Albert Blancafort and his team, the Auditorium's organ is considered a unique instrument for its design, sound and musical ranges. The sounds come from 3,835 pipes that are housed in the walls of the emblematic Symphony Hall, which are controlled by the organist from on-stage through the console and the four keyboards that he can play. 

Tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. There are special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.


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In addition to a 20% discount, there are benefits such as having the same seat and a special price of €20 for the audience under 30 years of age


The Auditorio de Tenerife opens the period to purchase new subscriptions for the 2022-2023 season of Ópera de Tenerife. The subscriptions are available from €100 and include five titles with a 20% saving, among other benefits. In addition, for those under 30 years of age, the subscription only costs €20. 
Tarjetas ópera 1

The performances included in the subscription are Fuenteovejuna, by Jorge Muñiz, Un ballo in maschera by Giuseppe Verdi, the opera gala with Nancy Fabiola and her guestsDer Zwerg by Alexander von Zemlinsky, and Tannhäuser, the symphonic poem adapted by Pedro Halffter on the historic composition by Richard Wagner.

Having a subscription for this opera programme of Auditorio de Tenerife means being part of the Opera Club. These opera lovers enjoy interesting baits like additional discounts for other shows, for guided tours to the Auditorio de Tenerife and for the shop; the same seat at the Symphony Hall for all performances, an email submitted with the programme before the show and personalised treatment.

In addition to the special price for young people and the discount on the subscription, there is a 30% discount for large family members. When purchasing the subscription, they shall choose the day of the week of the performances (Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday) and the seat in the Symphonic Hall. Ópera de Tenerife offers once more subscriptions after two seasons during which it was impossible to offer them as a result of the changing health crisis and the reduced capacity of the concert hall.

Fuenteovejuna takes place on 18, 20 and 22 October. This contemporary opera in Spanish was commissioned by Ópera de Oviedo to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Lope de Vega's play of the same name. On 22, 24 and 26 November, the Symphony Hall receives Un ballo in maschera, a co-production between the Auditorio de Tenerife and the Teatro Regio di Parma. 

The Opera Gala, Nancy Fabiola and her guests, revolves around the figure of the mezzo-soprano Nancy Fabiola Herrera, who has brought together a series of guests at the Auditorio de Tenerife to celebrate 25 years since her debut in her leading role in CarmenDer Zwerg (The Dwarf) is the most emblematic work by the Austrian composer Alexander von Zemlinsky. The performances take place on 7, 9 and 11 March 2023.  

The season concludes on 9 and 10 June with Tannhäuser, the symphonic poem in three movements for choir and a large orchestra that has been adapted by Pedro Halffter, the musical director, based on the opera by Richard Wagner.

The subscriptions are available under the tag ‘Subscriptions’ at the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. After purchasing the subscription, please collect the subscription card at the box office and show your ID card. The subscription card certifies that you are a member of the Club Ópera de Tenerife. 

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The violinist Noa Wildschut also makes her debut during the Friday concert with a monographic programme devoted to Sibelius


The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra offers its eighteenth concert of the season with a monographic programme dedicated to Jean Sibelius. The conductor Tabita Berglund and the Dutch violinist Noa Wildschut will make their debut with the island’s orchestra. This new encounter with Tenerife audiences takes place this Friday [10th], at 7:30 p.m., in the Auditorio de Tenerife.

The repertoire starts with the “Concerto for violin and orchestra in D minor, Op. 47”. The score was premièred in 1904. The Finnish composer defines the relationship between nature and human feelings through a composition that is a thrilling melodic balance between the soloist and the orchestra.

During the second part of the concert, the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will perform the Lemminnkäinen Suite, Op. 22. This composition was premièred in 1896 and is inspired by the Finnish epic Kalevala, a compilation of Finnish folklore and mythology. Sibelius transformed what was initially conceived as a Wagnerian-style opera into a set of tone poems about Lemminkäinen's adventures.

Tabita Berglund is considered one of the young conductors with the most outstanding talent. She has been recently appointed Principal Guest Conductor of the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra. From 2018 to 2020, she was also the star of the Talent Norway programme and received the Neeme Järvi Prize (2018) from the Gstaad Conducting Academy. 

Berglund started her career as a cellist and studied up to the Master's level under Truls Mørk. She regularly plays with the Oslo Philharmonic and Bergen Philharmonic. In addition, before focusing her career in musical direction in 2015, she also played the cello with the Trondheim Soloists. In 2019 she graduated from the Norwegian Academy of Music's Master of Orchestral Conducting course. She has participated in master classes with Bernard Haitink, Jorma Panula and Jaap van Zweden, and in September 2018 she participated in a workshop given by the BBC Philharmonic. 

Among her recent engagements, we highlight her débuts with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Oslo, the Philharmonic of Bergen, the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of Trondheim, the Symphony Orchestra of Stavanger, the Arctic Philharmonic and the Norwegian National Opera Orchestra. She has also played internationally outside the Nordic area with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the City of Granada Orchestra and the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya, among others. 

Noa Wildschut made her early debut when she was 7 years old at the Amsterdamer Concertgebouw during a Night of the Promising. She has become a benchmark for her generation on the international music scene.  During the season 2019/2020 she was named "Rising Star" by the European Concert Hall Organisation. She is currently named "Junge Wilde" by Dortmund Konzerthaus. 

Her latest collaborations include her compromises with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Het Resdientie Orkest, Musikalische Akademie Mannheim, Royal Liverpool Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

Wildschut has offered recitals in the main European halls, such as the Philharmonie de París, L’auditori de Barcelona or the Palais des Beaux-Arts of Brussels. Likewise, she has participated in renowned international festivals such as the Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where she received the Soloist of the Year award in 2018, the Rheingau Musik Festival or the Festival Heidelberger Frühling. 

The tickets for the concert this Friday in the Auditorio de Tenerife can be purchased on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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A maximum of 22 dance, theatre, movement arts and musical projects will be selected to work with schools on the island


Theatre, dance, movement art companies and music groups on the island can now register for the new edition of Theatre at School. The programme of the Island Council, which is managed through the Auditorio deTenerife, will select a maximum of 22 companies and music groups to carry out its shows and creative processes next year in schools on the island.

The new terms of this programme by the Educational and Social Department can now be viewed on the website: The selection will be undertaken by an assessment committee based on the criteria published and in accordance with the principles of objectivity, competition and advertising.

The companies and groups must present their projects for shows or creative processes in the form of a dossier and accompanied by a teaching guide tailored to the age of the pupils it is aimed at, which can be for preschool, primary, secondary, baccalaureate education and training cycles. The registration period ends on 24 June.

Professional theatre, dance and movement arts companies can participate, along with music groups that have been legally established, with business addresses or permanent headquarters on the island of Tenerife. Projects that are supported by professionals (theatre, dance and music) and multidisciplinary teams in the education sector, pedagogy, etc. will be favourably viewed.

In the case of shows, their duration must range between 45 and 75 minutes; in terms of creative processes, they will be counted as two shows and must be formed by five working sessions. Thus, each selected project can choose ten shows or five creative processes to implement throughout the year.

This seventh edition begins in September and runs until June 2023, coinciding with the school year. Just like every year, the advertising and coordination with the schools from the catalogue resulting from the selective process will be carried out by the team from the Auditorium of Tenerife.

The objectives of this programme notably include making students aware of performing and musical languages in their own educational context, as well as providing access to and disseminating the performing and music arts among pupils on the island. On the other hand, it is important to link academic aspects to the professional context of performing and musical arts in Tenerife.

Thus, another of the goals is to encourage values focused on dance and movement arts, relating to art, health, the body, and movement, linked to the artistic discipline of dance in a cross-cutting and cross-disciplinary way. In this regard, enriching and diversifying communicative, expressive and creative possibilities through musical language is also included. 

Encouraging the all-around development of students through arts and creating the foundations to encourage the socialisation of students within the school space through cultural activities are other aims of this initiative which is celebrating its seventh consecutive year.

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Tomorrow, the association Tatrum is staging the comedy ‘Bar Manolo’ at 8:30 p.m.


Tomorrow [Friday 3] the Teatro Unión Tejina hosts the premiere of the work Bar Manolo, by the Amateur Theatre programme of the Auditorio de Tenerife. The proposal by the Tatrum theatre association begins at 8:30 p.m. and tickets, priced at six Euros, will be available at the ticket office at the cultural venue in La Laguna two hours before it starts. 

This piece of theatre presents Bar Manolo, a popular establishment as it is located just opposite the cemetery. Manolo, the bar owner, is a fan of crosswords and drinking. He is accompanied by Conchi, who is responsible for cleaning and cooking. 

Over the course of the show, a wide variety of characters will come to the bar, which will be the setting of forbidden loves, vices, complicities, and madness. One day, things get out of control due to the death of an acquaintance and an accident that includes a coffin, an old woman whose memory is failing and a lottery number.

Nine performers from the Tatrum theatre association are bringing this proposal to life. José Manuel Sosa will be Manolo, the bar owner, while Yesica Rodríguez will be Conchi, the cook. Hugo Rodríguez will play Carlos the teacher and Mariana Rodríguez will be Silvia, mother of Leticia, who will be in the role of Yolanda Peña. Luisa and Paco are the workers at the funeral home, roles played by Olga Vanesa Curotto and José Luis Rubio, respectively. Lastly, Olgui González will become Blanca, the widow, and Pepe Damas will play Jesus, the plumber. 

The work Bar Manolo was work created by Jean Pierre Martínez and directed by Irene Pérez. The costumes and stage design of this show, which involves the collaboration of the Council of La Laguna, is provided by the theatre group itself.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. This programme encourages interest in the hobby of theatre and the production of theatrical plays by the existing associations in Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

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The conductor, aged 34, is making her debut with a programme formed by works by Rachmaninoff and Shostakovich


The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra is approaching a new seasonal event with a programme that will make it possible to discover two new talents on the international scene making their debut on the Island: The Colombian conductor Lina González-Granados (34-years-old) and the Uzbek pianist Evgeny Konnov (29-years-old), both winners of important awards despite their young age. The concert will be on Friday [3], at 7:30 p.m., in the Auditorio de Tenerife, with a programme that includes works by Sergei Rachmaninoff and Dmitri Shostakovich and it is sponsored by the Jesus Serra Foundation.

The selected repertoire begins with the concert for piano and orchestra No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18, by Sergei Rachmaninoff. This piece, considered one of the composers’ best-known scores, premiered in 1901 after he overcame a long period of depression. Over its course, it is possible to note the writing against the tide of a Romantic style that the author refused to abandon.  

In the second part of the concert, the orchestra will perform Symphony No. 5 in D minor, Op. 47, by Dmitri Shostakovich. This composition written in 1937 presents a heroic character with clear influences from Beethoven and Mahler, with which the Russian author aimed to redeem himself to the Soviet regime after the harsh critique received for his opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

Lina González-Granados is the current resident conductor of Los Angeles Opera, she holds a Master’s Degree in Conducting and a Graduate Diploma from New England Conservatory; and she also holds a Doctor of Musical Arts in Orchestral Conducting from Boston University.

Born and raised in Cali (Colombia), Lina González-Granados made her debut as an orchestra conductor aged 20. She subsequently won the Fourth Chicago Symphony Orchestra Sir Georg Solti International Conducting Competition of Chicago, becoming the Assistant Director of the Chicago Symphony under the helm of the maestro Riccardo Muti. She has also led the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Seattle Symphony Orchestra.

Her versatility in the symphonic and operatic fields, as well as her commitment to the creation and promotion of the Latin American repertoire, have earned her recognition with the Sphinx Medal of Excellence 2021, Solti Foundation US Career Assistance Award 2020 and 2021, and the Third Place and the ECHO Special Prize of the La Maestra Competition.

Her latest appearances include different performances with the Philharmonic Orchestra of New York, the San Francisco Symphony, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Rochester, and the Seattle Symphony Orchestra or the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra. She also collaborates frequently with artists of the stature of Misha Maisky, Yefim Bronfman, Pinchas Zukerman, Pablo Ferrández, Giancarlo Guerrero, Zubin Mehta, Marin Alsop and Yannick Nézet-Séguin.

Evgeny Konnov began studying piano at the early age of four. In 1999 he began training at the Gnesin State Music School in Moscow and, subsequently, at the Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow. From 2012 to 2013, he studied at the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf. In 2013 he attended the Leopold-Mozart-Zentrum at the University of Augsburg and, between 2017 and 2021, he undertook studies at the Music Academy "Neue Sterne" in Hannover. Since 2019, he has continued studying at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

The Uzbek pianist has obtained awards in different competitions, such as First Prize and the Audience Award at the 64th Maria Canals International Music Competition in Barcelona in 2018. He also obtained the First Prize and the Audience Award at the 31st International Piano Competition Ettore Pozzoli in Seregno in 2019. In 2020 he achieved the First Prize at the 14th Unisa International Piano Competition in Pretoria. 

Konnov has performed with different international groups: Symphony Orchestra of Madrid, Symphony Orchestra of Bilbao, National Youth Orchestra of Catalonia, City of Granada Orchestra, Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of Sanremo and the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, among others.

The tickets for the concert in the Auditorio de Tenerife can be purchased on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Through these three channels, it is also possible to formalise the renewal of subscriptions for the orchestra, season 2019-2020, once the new 2022-2023 season has been presented.

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This Saturday's event also includes a concert by the band of the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' to celebrate the Day of the Canary Islands


This Sunday, 29 May, at 10:30 a.m., the Auditorio de Tenerife hosts at the Chamber Hall a new concert of the "Primavera Musical" cycle, organised by the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' with the collaboration of the Tenerife Island Council. On this occasion, there will be bands’ performances from Igueste de Candelaria, La Victoria and the band José Manuel Cabrera Mejías, from Icod de los Vinos.

The association 'Asociación Musical Nueva Banda', under the direction of Luis Torres Oliva, will perform in this edition three works: Havana blues, by composer Chico O'Farrill, Café sin leche (Coffee without milk), by Claudio Roditi, and Rebelión, by Joe Arroyo.

The second band, La Victoria, comes from the northern municipality of the Acentejo region. Conducted by Humberto García Afonso, the wind band starts its performance with Albert Ketelbey's En un mercado persa (In A Persian Market), The Lion King, arranged by John Higgins, and a medley by pieces of Ennio Morricone, arranged by Johan de Meij.

The band 'Agrupación Musical José Manuel Cabrera Mejías', from Icod de los Vinos, offers at the Auditorio de Tenerife three pieces from their repertoire: Siempre noble y leal (Always noble and loyal) by José Luis Peiró; Ross Roy, composed by Jacob de Haan, and El tío Caniyitas (Uncle Caniyitas), by Ricardo Dorado Janeiro. The band is conducted by Juan Alexis González Rodríguez.

This performance of Primavera Musical starts at 10:30 a.m., an hour earlier than usual for this series of concerts in the Chamber Hall because the band of the Federación Tinerfeña will give a concert at 1:30 p.m. in the Symphonic Hall on the occasion of the Day of the Canary Islands.

Conducted by Juan Antonio Rancel, the programme includes works by Manuel Morales, Miguel del Castillo -arranged by Agustín Ramos-, José Manuel Encinoso and Antón Alcalde. The timple-player David Duque features as a soloist the pieces by Encinoso and Cabrera.

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In addition to classical repertoires, a project is beginning that puts a spotlight on contemporary Canarian composers   


The Tenerife Island Council presented the 2022-2023 subscription holder season of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra that begins on 9 September with the performance of The Emperor by Beethoven. It will extend to 23 June with a programme that includes The Pathétique Symphony by Tchaikovsky. A total of 49 works by 37 composers will be performed in the eighteen concerts of this series which includes sixteen composers, twenty soloists and two international choirs. The details were announced today [26th] by the president of the Island Council, Pedro Martín, the island’s minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga, and the honorary conductor of the orchestra, Víctor Pablo Pérez.

Pedro Martín stated that “this season will get underway without limitations after the restrictions we had during the pandemic. We are delighted to recover the Symphony Orchestra in all of its splendour, an orchestra that is the pride and heritage of Tenerife”. The president of the Council highlighted the role of Víctor Pablo Pérez, “the guiding light behind the orchestra, and held in great prestige and affection among citizens”.

Likewise, Martín highlighted that in this new season “the Island’s Council wants to highlight the talent of contemporary Canarian composers” and to do so it intends to select a Canarian artist every year to present their work and, in turn, will serve as a curator at the concert. This time, it will be the Tenerife local Rubens Askenar, whose Poema de sombras para clarinete y ensemble (Poem of shadows for clarinet and ensemble) will be premiered.   

Enrique Arriaga described the season that will begin in September as “exciting” and not only highlighted the subscription-holder concerts. “The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra carries out important work in its educational and social sector as it has done this year, with the participation of more than 2,700 people from 21 groups” and he recalled that the orchestra had been a pioneer in Spain for these types of concerts, through the initiative of Víctor Pablo Pérez during his time as a lead conductor. 

The island’s minister for Culture stated that the offer of the next season “will begin in October at the Tenerife II Penitentiary Centre with two days of a workshop and a concert before continuing with a visit to four social-health centres, as part of the Open Music programme”. The proposals for school children and families are spread over the months of November, February and May.

Víctor Pablo Pérez stated that “it is an honour for me to present a season of excitement, optimism and a sense of the moment that the Island Board of Music has prepared after this long period that has completely messed up all of society and also culture”.

For the honorary director, “the Symphony Orchestra will perform twelve monumental symphonies, with a journey from Mendelssohn to Berio, encompassing everything from Romanticism to all of the 20th century”. “There will also be twelve new pieces that the orchestra adds to its repertoire, including the world premiere of the work of Rubens Askenar, a composer from Los Realejos with an intense and successful international career”.

Among the new additions in the repertoire is Elijah, by Mendelssohn, which can be heard -conducted by Víctor Pablo Pérez- on 31 March in the Symphony Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife and a day before at the Cathedral of Laguna, as part of the collaboration between the Council and the Diocese. Both events will have the Cor de Cambra del Palau de la Música Catalana choir, which Víctor Pablo Pérez described as “one of the great choirs of Europe”, conducted by Xavi Puig, and the participation of the soloists Alicia Amo (soprano), Anna Alás (mezzosoprano), James Gilchrist (tenor) and Josep-Ramon Olivé (baritone). 

Víctor Pablo Pérez will conduct the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra in two more programmes. In the first of them, the Unfinished Symphony by Schubert is included, “which I want to dedicate to the people who have lost their lives during the pandemic and the invasion in Ukraine” and his last appearance next season will be to tackle Bruckner, “one of the most beloved composers for this orchestra since it had great success at the Bruckner Festival held in Madrid and where the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra was the only Spanish orchestra present and rubbed shoulders with major international groups”.

The new season will involve the presence of sixteen prestigious and emerging conductors. In addition to Víctor Pablo Pérez, there will be five female composers and only one of them, Catherine Larsen-Maguire, is returning. Marta Gardolinska -in the opening concert, Shiyeon Sung, Corinna Niemeyer and Anu Tali are making their debut conducting the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, as are Jean Claude Casadesus, Joseph Swensen, Fabián Panisello and Hugh Wolff. The list of maestros who will conduct the orchestra is completed with names that are well-known to the Tenerife audience, such as Jaume Santonja, Daniel Raiskin, Guillermo García Calvo, Nuno Coelho, Felix Mildenberger and Edmon Colomer.

The guest musicians this season include the pianists Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Andrei Korobeinikov and Sandro Gegechkori, winner of the María Canals Competition 2021, the violinists Dmitri Makthin, Alexandra Conunova, Benjamin Schmid, Karen Gomyo and Abel Tomás, the cellists Johannes Moser, Asier Polo and Kian Soltani, the Tenerife clarinet player Maximiliano Martín Lechado and the accordion player Ksenija Sidorova. The double bass player of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, Iker Sánchez will make his debut as a soloist. The list of participants in the orchestra season is completed with the soprano Katharina Ruckgaber and the baritone Stèphane Degout. 

This year there is the option of buying a subscription for the eighteen concerts with prices starting at 306 Euros. Today marks the start of the period for renewing subscriptions from the 2019-2020 season, which can be done through the three normal channels of the Auditorio de Tenerife (online, ticket office and by phone). This preferential period ends on 6 June. 

On the following day, 7 June, a period of one week will open for the subscription holders of 2019-2020 who were unable to come in the previous period because they want to change the seat they had three years ago. Once the preferential treatment ends, a new subscription-holders’ period begins on 14 June. It will also be possible to purchase a subscription only for the first nine concerts of the season. Lastly, individual tickets will go on sale from 5 July. All the packages, periods, benefits and special prices of tickets can be consulted on the website

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This Saturday, the unpublished creations of seven young composers will be performed by their fellow students


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. Next Saturday [May 28], at 6.00 p.m., the Auditorio welcomes the première of the students of the composition grade at the Higher Music Conservatory of the Canary Islands. The new creations of seven novel composers will be heard for the first time in the Chamber Hall, performed by their fellow musicians. 

The performance starts with the work by Mathias Rehberg, “Look, mom, I'm a composer” with the guitar players Silvia Mercedes Izquierdo Rufino, José Luis Hernández Ramos, Josué Padrón Luis and Joel Rodríguez Delgado. The composer himself will play the acoustic guitar during his second piece: Computers are now in ctrl.

Pilares is the title given by Basilio Gómez Navarro to his composition, which will be performed by Marina Montero Torres on viola, Alejandra Nazareth Rodríguez Suárez on saxophone and Gabriel Álvarez Doreste on piano. The next work, Evanescencia, is the proposal of Felipe A. Hernández, performed by the pianist María Sánchez García.

Jacob González Marrero premieres his composition Serial killer with the violinists Alberto López Torrente and Arantxa Rodríguez Deroy, Marina Montero Torres on viola, Mario Astone on cello and Adasat Santana Suárez on double bass. The violinist Mariana Yarelis Velásquez Urbina and the pianist and composer Marcos Trujillo Díaz will perform the latter's score, entitled Internal debate - Prelude.

Next, Laura María Delgado García (oboe) will play SOBoe by Tadeo Martín Ramos. The concert of the pieces by these new composers of the Higher Music Conservatory of the Canaries will conclude with the audiovisual piece Viento cósmico by Aarón Rodríguez Perez.

Tickets for free are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.

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In the project “La vida en el agua” (Life in Water), the pianist and composer from the Canary Islands performs together with the renowned jazz and flamenco musician from Madrid


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers this Friday (27 May), at 7.30 p.m., at the Chamber Hall the concert La vida en el agua (Life in Water). This project is presented jointly by the pianist and composer from the Canary Islands Alexis Alonso and the renowned flautist and saxophonist Jorge Pardo, specialising in jazz and flamenco, from Madrid.

This jazz work is signed by the two musicians. The pieces written by Alonso are interpreted at the piano by himself and the woodwind instruments that Pardo plays. It is an intimate show as a duo that exudes sensibility, strength and emotion from the first note. The seed of this partnership lies in the collaboration of Jorge Pardo in one of the songs of the latest piano solo project of Alexis Alonso, Love in Floating Bridges.

One of the most significant figures in global jazz and flamenco, this musician from Madrid has shared the stage with everyone: from Camarón to Gil Goldstein. In 2013, he received the award for Best European Jazz Musician at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, from the prestigious French Jazz Academy. In 2015, Jorge Pardo was awarded the "National Award for Current Music" awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.

With a career in the world of composition for soundtracks, Alexis Alonso surprised everyone in 2014 with the release of his first solo piano album, El Paisaje (The Landscape), which was followed by The Birth of Time (2016), being released in London. In 2018 he released his first album In with his own Alexis Alonso Quartet (followed by Jamboree Live 19 and Out (2020) with the collaboration of three superstars in global jazz, Seamus Blake, Ralph Alessi and Pedrito Martínez. With Love in Floating Bridges (2021) and this duo project with Jorge Pardo, Alexis Alonso returns to a more intimate environment, alongside the work with his quartet.

Tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There are special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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The association Rondalla Volcanes del Teide will perform tomorrow [24 May] at 5:00 p.m. in the town's senior citizens' centre


The Auditorio de Tenerife organises the Amateur Theatre Programme under the Island Council's Culture Area managed by the Island's minister Enrique Arriaga.  The programme offers a new piece titled Cena de Navidad (The Christmas Dinner). The Association Rondalla Volcanes del Teide features tomorrow (24 May) at 5.00 p.m., in the senior citizens' centre of La Orotava. The free tickets are available to the public until the full capacity is reached. This show is part of the programme of the town's Cultural Week.

The play begins on Christmas Eve, with the Sánchez family waiting for their daughter Pepita, her future husband, Javi, and his mother to arrive. The parents, the grandmother and the maid are busy preparing dinner. They want to organise a perfect evening at home, but nothing will happen as the Sánchez family thought. Will the evening be a dream come true or a real nightmare?

The cast of actresses comprises Marina Santos García, Isabel Acosta Lina, Antonia García Luis, María del Pilar Padrón Yanes, Isabel Hernández Lorenzo, Ascención Díaz González and Estrella Escobar Luis, under the direction of Eusebio Galván Cabello.

The theatre group is in charge of the costumes and scenography with the collaboration of the Town Council of La Orotava.

The programme Amateur Theatre is part of the offer by the Educational and Social Area of Auditorio de Tenerife. It encourages the interest in theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays among the existing associations in Tenerife. This programme aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth, cultural and women's collectives or neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; and to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different workgroups such as directors, actors, costume designers, seamstresses, playwrights and scriptwriters.

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Karl-Heinz Steffens will conduct a programme with works by Ligeti, Adams and Bartok


The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra faces this week its sixteenth concert of the season with a programme that includes works by György Ligeti, John Adams and Bela Bartok, with the conductor Karl-Heinz Steffens and the debut of the Quiroga Quartet in the season of the Insel Council's orchestra. This new concert takes place in the Auditorio de Tenerife this Friday, 27 May at 7:30 p.m.

The repertoire selected for this occasion begins with Concert Românesc, by György Ligeti, a score that is being performed for the first time by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. The work, composed in 1951 but premièred twenty years later due to Soviet censorship, is inspired by different popular melodies from the Romanian region of Transylvania, where the author lived during his early childhood, adapting them to the orchestral language in four movements.

The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will continue the concert with another new release in its repertoire. It is Absolute Jest, by John Adams. This creation for a string quartet and orchestra reinterprets the influence of Ludwig van Beethoven. The composition emerged from the commission by the San Francisco Symphony to celebrate its centenary in 2012 and it is a paraphrase inspired by the work of the genius of Bonn, which reinterprets it and integrates it into the luminous minimalism that characterises the North American author.

In the second part of the evening, the Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123 by Bela Bartok, a work considered one of the most popular by the Hungarian author and a commission by the Koussevitzky Music Foundation released in 1944. This composition combines elements of western classical music and Hungarian folklore music.

The Cuarteto Quiroga is performing for the first time with the Symphony of Tenerife and it is considered one of the most outstanding groups of the new European generation. It is also recognised by international critics for its bold and refreshing performances.

The Spanish group has won awards at different international competitions for string quartets (Bordeaux, Paolo Borciani, Geneva, Beijing, Paris), the Ojo Crítico Award from RNE and the Gold Medal of Palau of Barcelona. They are regular performers on the world’s most important stages, from Berlin to New York, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Stockholm, Rome, Prague, Warsaw, Bogota, Buenos Aires, Ottawa, Los Angeles and Washington.

Their regular collaborators include musicians of the stature of Martha Argerich, Veronika Hagen, Valentin Erben, Jörg Widmann, Jonathan Brown and Javier Perianes, who will soon be at the season of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. This musical project is strongly involved with contemporary creation, recording releases of works by Peter Eötvös, Cristóbal Halffter, Jose María Sanchez Verdú, Antón García Abril and Marisa Manchado, among others.

The German conductor Karl-Heinz Steffens, who is once again leading the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, is the current conductor of the Prague State Opera and he also does direction and artistic advisory work in the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra.

During the current season, he will direct the productions The Flying Dutchman and The Distant Sound, by Schreker, among other works, as well as continuing the “Musica non Grata” series, devoted to the figure of composers who were victims of the despotism of the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.

Steffens has collaborated with different musical groups such as the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the Philharmonic Orchestras of Berlin, Israel and Munich, the National Orchestra of Lyon, Toronto Symphony Orchestra or de Tonhalle of Zurich, among others. He recently received the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in recognition of his services to music.

The tickets for the concert in the Auditorio de Tenerife can be purchased on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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