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The opera takes place on 23 and 24 April in the Auditorium's Symphony Hall, which will be transformed into a large and colourful circus


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island’s Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. It puts on sale the tickets for Les contes d’Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann). This is an adapted opera for all the family and ideal for adults who want to get an introduction to the world of opera. The opera takes place on 23 and 24 April in the Symphony Hall, which will be transformed into a large and colourful circus. 

Saturday's performance (23 April) takes place at 6:00 p.m., while Sunday's performance (24 April) is a morning session that starts at 12:00 noon. The tickets are sold to a general price of 10 Euro, price to which special discounts for the unemployed (50%), large families (25%), season ticket holders (15%) and audience under 30 years of age (5 Euro) are applicable. 

This is a revival of this production by the Auditorio de Tenerife which premièred in 2017, an opera in three acts with music by Offenbach and libretto by Jules Barbier. It is based on a work that Barbier himself and Michael Carré wrote about the tales of Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. This work was premièred at the Opera-Comique of Paris in 1881.

This adapted version for all audiences comes with the musical direction of Rubén Díez, conducting the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra and Raúl Vázquez in charge of staging and scene design. The costume design is by Leo Martínez while the lighting is by Miguel Ponce.

The cast will be led by the tenor David Astorga as Hoffmann. The sopranos Maria Rita Combattelli, Elvira Padrino and Inés Lorans, the mezzo-soprano Daniela Prado, the tenor César Arrieta and the baritone Jacobo Ochoa complete the list of singers who bring to life the fun characters surrounding the story of the protagonist.

The tickets can be purchased until fifteen minutes before each performance on the website, at the Auditorium's box office from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 during the same schedules. By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The introduction of music and the return of people in person are the main new additions for this edition of the programme


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council and managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. It presents its 2021-2022 catalogue of shows for the sixth edition of the programme Theatre at School. The schools on the island can submit their requests choosing between these ten selected shows and creative processes from today (Monday 21) up until 11 March. 

The new edition of this activity by the Educational and Social Department of the Auditorium introduces the musical offering, which joins the dance, the theatre and the arts of movement. It also returns to having people in person, which it had lost in order to guarantee the continuity of the last edition. The selected proposals, which will reach classrooms between March and June 2022 in the form of one hundred activities, are divided up according to educational levels, that is, pre-school, primary and secondary education and Baccalaureate or training cycles.

The Auditorio de Tenerife will provide teachers with a teaching guide so they can do work beforehand in class and optimise the educational possibilities of the programme. Information for schools about the process of requesting works is provided in the catalogue itself, available here.

For pre-school, ‘El sonido de los colores’ by Contando Ando & Co., ‘El ratoncito Pérez y la ratita presumida’ by Milagrosa Torres are on offer. As for Primary, ‘The pestoff’, by Clownbaret; ‘La musa pelusa en buscar de escritor’, by Zálatta Teatro, and ‘Los secretos de mi paraguas’, by Antonio Conejo have been selected. The shows selected for the secondary school are ‘¡Valientes!’ by Burka Teatro; ‘Sincerely, me’, by Mandrágora Laboratorio Cultural, and ‘Liso, estriado, liso’, by Vector de Ideas. Lastly, ‘Manos mojadas’, by Mon Peraza, and ‘Reteatrando Las meninas’, by Timaginas Teatro, are the proposals for the Baccalaureate and training cycles.

The program ‘Theatre at School’ aims to promote stage and musical languages to students within their own educational context link academic aspects to the professional context of performing arts in the Canaries, laying the foundations to encourage the socialisation of students within the school space, through cultural activities, and in turn promote the all-round development of pupils, as the companies stage works adapted to curricular needs.

Other objectives involve integrating other artistic languages associated with literature, using gestures and the voice through the use of poetic and narrative texts as dramatic expression. Lastly, the aim is for pupils to discover authors and their texts while analysing their structure.

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El espectáculo será dirigido por Michael Thomas y participan el tenor José Manuel Zapata y los músicos Juan Francisco Padilla y Rubén Rubio


La Sinfónica de Tenerife, proyecto que depende del Área de Cultura del Cabildo, que gestiona el consejero Enrique Arriaga, ofrece este jueves [día 24], a partir de las 19:30 horas, en el Auditorio de Tenerife, un recorrido por la música del siglo XVII hasta el presente, a través del concierto From Bach to Radiohead. Esta propuesta está dirigida por el también violinista Michal Thomas y cuenta con la participación de José Manuel Zapata (tenor), Rubén Rubio (viola de gamba y guitarra) y Juan Francisco Padilla (guitarra y arreglos musicales).

From Bach to Radiohead es un espectáculo musical especial dentro de la temporada de la Sinfónica de Tenerife. Esta propuesta consiste en una selección de piezas musicales amplia tanto en lo cronológico como en lo estilístico -clásico, flamenco, rock...- y en lo geográfico, con compositores alemanes, españoles, italianos, ingleses y escandinavos.

Tiene este formato el valor añadido de los arreglos musicales, realizados por Juan Francisco Padilla para este proyecto, explorando con intensidad las similitudes y sinergias entre Bach, Radiohead, Paco de Lucía, Shostakovich, Iron Maiden, Arvo Pärt, Björk, Rossini y muchos más.

El programa que se escuchará este jueves en el Auditorio de Tenerife incluye los siguientes temas: Toccata en Re menor (Johann Sebastian Bach), Fade Out (Radiohead), The Trooper (Iron Maiden/Dimitri Shostakovich), Spiegel im Spiegel (Arvo Pärt), No surprises (Radiohead), La Danza-Tarantella Napolitana (Giacomo Rossini), Zyryab (Paco de Lucía); Harold is Islington (Michael Thomas), Hyperballad (Björk), Garganta con arena (Castaña) y Paranoid Android (Radiohead).

Michael Thomas accedió a los once años a la Joven Orquesta Nacional de Gran Bretaña, convirtiéndose en el integrante más joven de la formación y a los diecisiete inicia su formación como director en el Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) de Manchester, donde recibe el “Premio Bass Charrington”. De 2000 a 2011 fue director titular de la Orquesta Joven de Andalucía y actualmente ocupa ese puesto en la Orquesta Ciudad de Almería, Orquesta Bética de Cámara de Sevilla -fundada por Manuel de Falla en 1924- y la Joven Orquesta Mediterránea, actividad que compagina con la de concertista y compositor. Su visión global del arte y su inquietud por profundizar en la esencia de otros estilos musicales, le han llevado a colaborar con artistas de muy diversa índole: Elvis Costello, Paul McCartney, Björk, Kiko Veneno, Ian Carr, o Raimundo Amador.

José Manuel Zapata es el único de los invitados que ya ha estado en la temporada de la Sinfónica de Tenerife. El tenor granadino reconoce que su relación con la música clásica llega muy tarde, con dieciocho años. Hace dos décadas conoció a la persona que cambió su vida: Alberto Zedda, que le impulsó y pasó en cuatro años de cantar en la Comunidad Valencia a debutar en el Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York.

Desde entonces, entre otros escenarios ha actuado en el Teatro Real de Madrid, Teatro del Liceo de Barcelona, Deutsche Oper de Berlín, Semper Oper de Dresden, Reggio di Parma, Massimo de Palermo, Rossini Opera Festival, Teâtre Chatelet y Champs Elysees de París y Teather An der Wien. Ha compartido escenario con Flórez, Arteta, Garança, Antonacci, Fleming, Bronwlee, Podles, Blake, Di Donato, y con los directores de orquesta Zedda, Lopez-Cobos, Spinosi, Rousset, Pons, Frizza, Allemandi, Scimone.

Juan Francisco Padilla es el responsable de los arreglos musicales de este espectáculo en el que también toca la guitarra. Distinguido durante 2004 por la Junta de Andalucía con la insignia de oro a la personalidad artística más destacada del año. Considerado niño prodigio de su instrumento, en la actualidad es uno de los guitarristas e intérpretes de instrumentos antiguos más importantes del mundo de su generación.

Padilla ha ofrecido recitales en España, Italia, Portugal, Francia, Eslovenia, Alemania, México, Inglaterra, Brasil, Ucrania, Estados Unidos o India, actuando en salas como el Teatro Real (Madrid), Palau de la Música (Barcelona), Barbican (Londres), Teatro de los Campos Elíseos (París), Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofía (Valencia) Filarmónica de Kiev (Ucrania), Teatro Maestranza (Sevilla), Auditorio Nacional (Madrid) y Bellas Artes (México). Ganador de multitud de premios en concursos internacionales, ha grabado y realizado gira junto a Cecilia Bartoli e Il Giardino Armonico para el sello Decca de los álbumes Sospiri y Sacrificium, este último ganador de los premios Grammy 2011.

Rubén Rubio es profesor de guitarra clásica en Trigueros (Huelva). Su inquietud musical lo ha llevado a estudiar diversos instrumentos como la guitarra clásica, la viola da gamba o la batería y siempre relacionado con estilos más modernos como el rock, soul, funk, hip-hop o neo-soul. Ha pertenecido a diferentes formaciones, destacando su participación en el grupo de música antigua “Intavolatura”, con el que ha realizado numerosos conciertos.

Hace nueve años tuvo su primera participación conjunta con José Manuel Zapata y Juan Francisco Padilla en el espectáculo de teatro musical Barrockeros, que se estrenó en Las Naves del Teatro Español (Madrid) y posteriormente ha estado en San Sebastián y Pamplona.

Las entradas para este concierto se pueden adquirir hasta una hora antes del comienzo en en la taquilla de Auditorio y de forma telefónica en el 902 317 327 de lunes a viernes, de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas. Los asistentes deben llegar al recinto con antelación suficiente para realizar un acceso escalonado a la sala. La compra de las entradas supone la aceptación de las medidas implementadas por el centro cultural del Cabildo para hacer frente a la COVID-19. Las medidas al completo, así como el plan de contingencia certifivado por AENOR, se puede consultar en la web del Auditorio.

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ˋSomos volcán. La leyenda de Guayota’ takes place on Saturday this week at the Symphony Hall. The tickets are sold out


The Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council, is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. On Saturday this week [19th], it offers the family concert titled ˋSomos volcán. La leyenda de Guayota´ (We live on a volcano. Guayota’s legend). Tickets are sold out for this proposal by the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra of Tenerife of Miguel Jaubert. 

The show, directed by José Antonio Cubas Delgado, will feature symphonic music, a theatrical adaptation of the Guanche story entitled La leyenda de Guayota (The Legend of Guayota) and directed by Luis Padilla, and a classical ballet led by Héctor Navarro, artistic director of the Ballets de Tenerife company. 

In addition to all of this, and supporting the percussion section of the orchestra, there will also be the participation of members of the Comparsa Tropicana Infantil (a children’s Carnival dance and music group) of Candelaria, whose dance and Batucada beats are directed by David Gómez and Daniel Darias, respectively. There will also be a show of affection for the Island of La Palma and a nod to Carnival, which cannot be held this year in February.

The legend takes place on an island where, the Guanches (inhabitants of Tenerife) lived happily, danced and celebrated spring, but the day of the solstice was approaching and they gathered at the Tagoror (the council of leaders) to decide what to do when Guayota (the devil of volcanoes) appeared and devastated the fields. They decided to prepare a ruse to deceive Guayota, who would think that it was still winter and not dare to go out because of the cold. Thus, on the night of the solstice, they filled the island with bonfires and everyone gathered to warm up. The devil of volcanoes was fooled and stayed inside the mountain, the town celebrated their victory over Guayota, and they promised that every year, on the night of the solstice, the Beñesmen, the island would be filled with bonfires.

This show is organised by the Canarian Association for the Diffusion of Music (ACADIM), a non-profit association whose purpose is to spread music through the Miguel Jaubert Youth Philharmonic Orchestra of Tenerife (OFJT-MJ). There is no other project like this one in all of Spain, bringing together different artistic disciplines in order to attract children to the wonderful world of music.

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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Friday's concert will be directed by the Andalusian maestro Lucas Macías


Sinfónica de Tenerife (Tenerife Symphony Orchestra) is a project of the Island Council’s Department of Culture that is managed by Enrique Arriaga. This Friday (the 18th) at 7:30 p.m. it offers in the Auditorio de Tenerife a journey through Romanticism under the direction of maestro Lucas Macías Navarro. The programme includes pieces by two composers who are clearly connected by the influence of the first –Richard Wagner (Leipzig, 1813 – Venice, 1883) and in the case of Anton Bruckner (Ansfelden, 1824 – Vienna, 1896), in terms of the dramatic development of his scores and his way of life.

This week's concert opens with two instrumental pieces from well-known Wagner operas: the 'Tannhäuser' Overture and the Prelude from 'Tristan und Isolde' (Tristan and Isolde)Tannhäuser, premièred in Dresden in 1845 and the fifth opera by the German composer, shows a wide array of intense emotions from the very first bars of its Overture which support both the piece and the life of the author himself: love, suffering, and the redemption of man.

'Tristan and Isolde' is probably the best known of Wagner’s operas, and it is certainly one of the most influential on later classical composers such as Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Karol Szymanowski, and Arnold Schoenberg. The first chord of the opera, known as the “Tristan Chord,” is considered to be of great importance in the development of traditional tonal harmony, establishing – for many – the foundations for the direction of classical music in the twentieth century.

After the break, the Sinfónica de Tenerife brings us Bruckner and his Symphony in C Minor. This is the first symphony that, after multiple revisions, the author considered worthy of being made official in his repertoire; his first version was debuted in 1868 in Linz with the composer himself conducting it. In this look at the work of Bruckner, the so-called “Vienna Version” is the one that will be played at the Auditorio de Tenerife. In comparison with the original version debuted in Linz, it offers a very rich orchestration, a wide array of intensities and of marked contrasts.

The Andalusian conductor Lucas Macías, who is back at the Sinfónica de Tenerife after three years, is the new artistic director of the City of Granada Orchestra. He has also been the main conductor of the Oviedo Philharmonic since 2018. 

Macías has previously conducted the Swedish Radio Symphony, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Orchestre de Paris (where he was assistant conductor for two years in close collaboration with Daniel Harding), Orchestre de Chambre de Genève, Buenos Aires Philharmonic, Orchestre de Cannes, Het Gelders Orkest, the Castile and León Symphony Orchestra, and the Royal Philharmonic of Galicia, among others.

He made his debut as a conductor at the Colón Theatre in Buenos Aires in 2014 after an exceptional career as one of the world's leading oboists, having played as a soloist with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and Lucerne Festival Orchestra.  Macías is also a founding member of Claudio Abbado's Orchestra Mozart, with Abbado being a mentor who helped him to acquire deep knowledge and understanding of both chamber and symphonic repertoire.

Tickets can be purchased until one hour before the show on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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Edmon Colomer returns to the island at an event where the Catalan pianist Albert Guinovart will be the guest soloist


Sinfónica de Tenerife (Tenerife Symphony Orchestra) is a project of the Island Council’s Department of Culture that is managed by Enrique Arriaga. This Friday (the 11th) at 7:30 p.m., it is giving a concert, conducted by Edmon Colomer, where it will perform Symphony No.2 The Age of Anxiety by Bernstein, Passacaglia, by Webern, and Le mer, by Claude Debussy. In the first of these pieces, the soloist role will be performed by the pianist Albert Guinovart.

The Age of Anxiety by Leonard Bernstein (Lawrence, 1918 – New York, 1990) was premièred in 1949 and revised during the sixties by the composer himself. Work written based on the poem of the same name by the 1948 winner of the Pulitzer Prize, W.H. Auden, “one of the most devastating examples in the history of English poetry”, according to Bernstein who, fascinated from the time of his first reading, delved into “almost compulsive” composing. As if a musical and autobiographical reflection of the bar depicted in the Nightwhawkers painting by Hopper, the work speaks, according to the musician himself, of the quest for his own identity and his values in a world of spiritual emptiness and lacking purpose.

The second part of the concert begins with a work by Anton Webern (Vienna, 1883 – Mittersill, 1945). We will listen to his first work: Passacaglia, an original Spanish form with variations characteristic of the Baroque, on basso ostinato. The piece is the result of the lessons of Schoenberg as the direct teacher of Webern, who displayed a special interest, from the outset, in counterpoint. A late romantic work that, at times, is reminiscent of Symphony No. 4 by Brahms.

The programme is completed with La Mer, by Claude Debussy (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1862 – Paris, 1918), a suggestive impressionist work that the French composer began working on using his childhood memories on the beach. Memories that are nothing other than imagined experience, and that become a powerful evocative tool in the hands of Debussy. 

Edmon Colomer (Barcelona, 1951) is returning to the island to conduct an orchestra that he was the lead conductor of during the 1985-1986 season. Colomer was the founder of the Cadaqués Orchestra and, in addition to the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, he has served as the led conductor of the Balearic Islands Symphony Orchestra, the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Malaga, the Orchestre de Picardie in France and the Daejeon Philharmonic in South Korea.

The pianist Albert Guinovart (Barcelona, 1962), who is making his debut in the season of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, first trained in Barcelona and then in London with the Italian pianist María Curcio. Guinovart has been a guest of many highly renowned orchestras such as Sydney Festival Orchestra, Gürzenich Orchester-Kölner Philarmoniker, Orchestre Nationale de Montpellier, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre de Toulouse, The State Academy Orchestra Saint Petersburgh, Israel Chamber Orchestra, Franz Liszt of Budapest, Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona and Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid. Likewise, he has performed with great singers like Juan Diego Flórez, Victoria de los Ángeles, Barbara Hendricks and Frederica von Stade.

Tickets can be purchased until one hour before the show on the website, at the box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The Puro Teatro Association is performing this comedy recommended for an adult audience at the Príncipe Felipe Theatre at 6:30 p.m.


The Tenerife Auditorium's Amateur Theatre Programme is under the Island Council's Culture Area, directed by Councillor Enrique Arriaga. Amateur Theatre is offering a new piece by the Puro Teatro Association: the play ‘Historias caóticas para cinco artistas desesperados’ ('Chaotic Stories for Five Desperate Artists'), at the Príncipe Felipe Theatre, Friday 4th February, 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the show, recommended for adult audiences, are free but you must make a reservation by telephoning the theatre on 922 316 136 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Historias caóticas para cinco artistas desesperados made its debut last December in La Laguna and is made up of five small texts whose common theme is chaos. Each of the five stories is starred by two characters who in some way express their feelings at a specific moment in their lives. The actors that are part of the Association are Lidia Dorta, Jesús Patrón, Sonia Lutzardo, Glenda Suárez and Nuria Neida.

In the first of the stories in this theatrical piece, two brothers find themselves in strange circumstances and realize that their lives have taken very different paths. In the second, a painter has been hiding a great secret from her husband, but he hides an even greater one. A comedian who gets himself entangled in a mess thanks to an admirer is the theme of the third story. In the fourth story, a husband disappears and forces his wife to turn to a professional to search for him. And, lastly, the fifth story features the appearance of a mother who causes a tremendous upheaval in her unstable daughter's life.

Amateur Theatre is a programme that is part of the Educational and Social Area of Tenerife Auditorium. Amateur Theatre encourages interest in the hobby of theatre and the production of theatrical plays amongst the existing associations in Tenerife. This programme aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among the different social and cultural groups, as well as to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; likewise, to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups (directors, actors, costume designers, seamstresses, playwrights, scriptwriters, etc.).

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More than 350 schoolchildren from five primary schools participate on Friday of this educational proposal


The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra is offering this Saturday [the 5th], at 12:00 noon, the Nuevos Mundos (New Worlds)family concert under the direction of Ignacio García-Vidal and with the participation of Ana Hernández Sanchiz as narrator. This activity will take place in the Auditorio de Tenerife and offers us fragments of the New World Symphony (Symphony No. 9) by Anton Dvorak. 

This educational proposal will have a concert on Friday [the 4th] at 10:30 a.m. as an aperitif, being attended by more than 350 schoolchildren from five primary schools: Colegio Virgen del Mar (Santa Cruz), CEIP Mencey Bencomo (Santa Úrsula), Salesianos San Isidro (La Orotava), CEIP Punta Brava (Puerto de la Cruz) and IES Canarias (La Laguna). The school and family concerts will be held in the Symphony Hall.

The Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga, has praised the work "which the Tenerife Symphony has been carrying out in the socio-educational sphere, striving each season to reach audiences of all ages."  The vice president of the Island Council added to that, stating, "We who are part of the Island Council are committed to this interest in bringing music closer to the public – not only through seasonal concerts, but through these types of initiatives for a family audience and through the visits that are made to the social service/healthcare centres."

Tickets for the family concert can be purchased until fifteen minutes before the performance on the website, at the Auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the hall in staggered "waves".

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with. 

In addition, spectators over 12 years and 3 months of age will be asked to provide the following at the time they access the venue: a COVID-19 certificate showing fully vaccinated status, a negative COVID-19 active infection diagnostic test performed in the last 48 hours by a legally authorised laboratory (at-home tests from the chemists are not allowed), or an official certificate proving that you have had the infection between 11 and 180 days prior to the event. Along with any of these three options, you will additionally be asked to show a personal ID. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The Symphony Hall hosts this lyrical work from Latin America on 22, 24, and 26 March 2022



The Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council and managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga, puts tickets on sale for the opera "Florencia in the Amazon", by Daniel Catán. This Spanish première is a proposal of Opera de Tenerife to host lyrical work from Latin America. On 22, 24, and 26 March, the Symphony Hall will host this love trip.

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Created by the Mexican composer Daniel Catán, and a libretto by Marcela Fuentes-Berain, this opera was premièred in 1996. It is a story about different ways of experiencing love during a boat trip in the Amazon. After an extensive tour around opera houses in America and two appearances in Europe (Germany and Switzerland), this opera that contains some elements of magical realism inspired by Gabriel García Márquez is staged in Spain for the first time.

Pedro Halffter, the musical director, will also be at the helm of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife to conduct this production of the Auditorio de Tenerife. With Chía Patiño as a stage director, the team is completed with Izmir Ickbal as set designer, Felype de Lima as a costume designer and Erin Fleming as a lighting designer. Alejandra Prieto is in charge of the design and direction of the puppets.

Regarding the cast, the soprano Sandra López will play Florencia Grimaldi; the soprano Lina Mendes will play Rosalba; the tenor Airam Hernández will play Arcadio; the baritones José Julian Frontal and Àngel Òdena will respectively play Álvaro and Riolbo; the mezzo-soprano Adriana Zabala will play Paula, and the bass Alejandro López will be the boat captain. 

Valentine's Day Promo

For Valentine's Day, we offer a 15% discount on the ticket price of this opera. The promo is valid from the 26th of January until the 14th of February. Dial 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., except for public holidays, or get your tickets at the box office from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except for public holidays. Remember to request your appointment at the box office if Tenerife is on alert level 4. Appointments can be requested by dialling 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or through our website.

If you rather prefer to get your tickets online, enter the promo code SANVALENTIN22 when making your online purchase. By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with. Likewise, you may be asked to show your health documentation to enter the premises. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.



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The production is premièred in Spain and transforms the hall into a North American radio station of the 1940s


This weekend the Auditorio de Tenerife bids farewell to the opera "The old maid and the thief". The opera by Gian Carlo Menotti was commissioned by the North American station NBC, which successfully debuted it on the airwaves in April 1939 and later took it to the stage. The two last performances take place on 29 and 30 January at 7:30 p.m., and the tickets are sold out. 

"The old maid and the thief" was first shown in Spain last weekend. This production by Auditorio de Tenerife will transform the Chamber Hall into a radio station from the 1940s to present Menotti's comedy and introduce the public to a live broadcast. 

Alicia Peraza is in charge of the stage direction, with a proposal that enables the audience to participate in Menotti's original idea. It offers a world full of moral dilemmas and lots of fun, thanks to the tools of radio: live music, sound effects and the talent of the singers and actors. 

The members of the cast are the mezzo-soprano Silvia Zorita (Miss Todd), the baritone Fernando Campero (Bob), the soprano Candelaria González (Laetitia), the soprano Estefanía Perdomo (Miss Pinkerton), the actors Alcides Cairós (Robert) and Joel Hernández (Roger). Javier Lanis and Luis López Tejedor round up the cast respectively as a pianist and a stage manager. This piece, inspired by the opera buffa of the 18th-century, takes place in a city in which very intimate and powerful desires, gossip, and secrets are hidden under an apparently picturesque and calm veil. 

The simple and routine life of a single middle-aged woman (Miss Todd), who shares her days of knitting and gossip with her neighbour (Miss Pinkerton), is turned upside down when a beggar knocked on her door, the handsome Bob. Miss Todd and her maid Laetitia quickly fall in love with the beggar and take him in under the guise of Steve, Miss Todd's cousin, despite learning that he could be a convict who has escaped from prison, accused of stealing. When their suspicions grow, the plot twists begin.

Apart from the stage direction, Alicia Peraza is in charge of the set design and works hand in hand with the pianist Javier Lanis as musical director. Leo Martínez has designed the costumes for this production by Tenerife Opera and Hugo Carugatti is in charge of the lighting design.

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance at the event only with people you live with. 

In addition, spectators over 12 years and 3 months of age will be asked to provide the following at the time they access the venue: a COVID-19 certificate showing fully vaccinated status, a negative COVID-19 active infection diagnostic test performed in the last 48 hours by a legally authorised laboratory (at-home tests from the chemists are not allowed), or an official certificate proving that you have had the infection between 11 and 180 days prior to the event. Along with any of these three options, you will additionally be asked to show a personal ID. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on our website.

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The tickets are sold out for this musical journey through East Africa hand in hand with the Cuban pianist and composer


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Thursday, the 27th of January, at 7:30 p.m., it offers the Omar Sosa Trio’s concert. The pianist and Cuban composer presents the new album “An East African Journey”. The tickets are sold out. 

Apart from Oscar Sosa playing the piano and percussion, Steve Argüelles plays the drums and percussion and Christophe Minck plays the bass, harp and effects. Together they will present this new album conceived in collaboration with traditional musicians from that region of the planet, where he discovered new sounds, other ways of making music, and other timbres. The result: thirteen songs that showcase the musical richness of what he considers "Mother Africa".

The folk music base that makes up this project was recorded by Omar Sosa himself during a tour of East Africa and includes sounds from Madagascar, Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi, Zambia, and the Republic of Mauritius. Among traditional instruments we find Valiha, Lokanga, Marovany, Kalumbu, Krar, Umuduri, Nyatiti, and Ravanne.

Omar Sosa was born in Camagüey (Cuba), where he learned from a very young age to play percussion instruments and the piano. Although he was born in Cuba, his exploratory spirit has taken him to the ends of the world and especially to Africa, the root of many of the musical traditions of the Caribbean. He has great musical versatility as a composer, producer, pianist, percussionist, arranger and leader in several ensembles. 

His music blends several musical styles of the world, contemporary electronic elements and his Afro-Cuban roots, thus creating an urban, fresh and original sound that he masterly fusions with Latin jazz. He mixes jazz with Afro-Caribbean rhythms and combines them with electronic elements. His passionate way of playing the piano, always moving away from orthodoxy, feels closer to his creative freedom.

Through his charismatic personality, dynamic execution and improvisations, Omar Sosa brings out the best in his fellow musicians: an approach with plenty of emotional and spiritual strength. And of course, a lot of humour. 

Thanks to his creative force, Omar Sosa always makes his music sound very similar to a premiere. This skill always fascinates experts and amateurs, hence creating a spontaneous connection with his audience.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves". All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on our website.

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The Chamber Hall will be transformed into the North American radio station of the 1940s that saw the debut of this comedy


Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council and managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga, has programmed for the first time in Spain The old maid and the thief. This opera by Gian Carlo Menotti was commissioned by the North American station NBC, which debuted it on the airwaves in April 1939 with a success that later took it to the stage. The performances will take place in the Chamber Hall on the 22, 23, 29 and 30 of January at 7:30 p.m.

This staged chamber opera will transform the Chamber Hall into a radio station from the 1940s to bring back its first broadcast, while at the same time introducing the public to the world that Menotti wrote – a world full of moral dilemmas and lots of fun, thanks to the tools of radio: live music, sound effects, and the talent of the singers. Alicia Peraza is in charge of stage direction and set design, with Javier Lanis on the piano as the musical director. Leo Martínez has designed the costumes for this production by Tenerife Opera and Hugo Carugatti is in charge of lighting design.

The cast is made up of singers from the Canary Islands: the mezzo-soprano Silvia Zorita will be Miss Todd, the baritone Fernando Campero will play Bob, the soprano Candelaria González will play the maid, Laetitia, and the soprano Estefanía Perdomo will play the role of the neighbour, Miss Pinkerton. This piece, inspired by the opera buffa of the eighteenth century, takes place in a city in which very intimate and powerful desires, gossip, and secrets are hidden under an apparently picturesque and calm veil. 

The simple and routine life of a single middle-aged woman (Miss Todd), who shares her days of knitting and gossip with her friend (Miss Pinkerton), is turned upside down when a beggar knocks on her door, the handsome Bob.  Miss Todd and her maid Laetitia quickly fall in love with the beggar and take him in under the guise of Steve, Miss Todd's cousin, despite learning that he could be a convict who has escaped from prison, accused of stealing.  When their suspicions grow, the plot twists begin.

Tickets can be purchased until fifteen minutes before each performance on the website and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with.

In addition, spectators over 12 years and 3 months of age will be asked to provide the following at the time they access the venue: a COVID-19 certificate showing fully vaccinated status, a negative COVID-19 active infection diagnostic test performed in the last 48 hours by a legally authorised laboratory (at-home tests from the chemists are not allowed), or an official certificate proving that you have had the infection between 11 and 180 days prior to the event. Along with any of these three options, you will additionally be asked to show a personal ID. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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