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The three silver bands feature this new event of the "Primavera Musical" cycle



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the islands’ Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Sunday, 25 April from 11:30 am, the fifth concert of the Primavera Musical cycle will be held at the Auditorium's Chamber Hall with the bands "Filarmónica de Los Realejos", "Agrupación Musical de Arona" and "Nueva Unión" of Los Silos. Tickets for this concert are sold out.

The concert starts with Los Realejos ensemble under the direction of Adán Pérez. The ensemble will play three pieces: the pasodoble Amparito Roca, by Jaime Texidor; Gulliver’s Travels by Bert Appermont, and Queen in concert, arranged by Jay Bocook.

"Agrupación Musical de Arona" under the direction of José Luis Domínguez, features five pieces: El Barca, by Llano; Ateneo musical, by Mariano Puig; The cream of Eric Clapton, by Ron Sebregts; El fallero, by José Calixto Serrano, to finish with Hispánico, by Nuno Miguel Osorio.

"Nueva Unión" of Los Silos will be the last brass band to play during this Sunday concert under the direction of Juana Bolaños. The repertoire is comprised of Santander, by Ernesto Pérez Rosillo, Where eagles soar, by Steven Reineke, and Mount Everest, by Rossano Galante.

The seventeenth edition of Primavera Musical, organised by the federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’ with the collaboration of Tenerife Island Council, is planning for 36 ensembles to perform part of their repertoires at the Auditorio de Tenerife. The concerts will continue on 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 May, on 12 June (Symphonic Hall) and will conclude on 13 June. On that last day, a morning session will be featured in the Chamber Hall and an afternoon concert will be given in the Symphony Hall. Performances in the Chamber Hall will take place at 11:30 a.m. and those in the Symphony Hall will begin at 6:00 p.m.

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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This Saturday's concert at 7.30 p.m. features eleven new pieces with a wide range of instruments



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. This Saturday, 24 April at 19:30, the Auditorium will host a concert with creations by composition students of the Canary Islands’ Conservatory of Music. The programme is comprised of eleven new pieces that will be performed by students of the training centre. Admission is free. 

Arriaga stressed how important the relations with the island's educational institutions are. He also explained that "through these concerts, we give students the chance to live a real professional experience at the Auditorium and help them to start a career in the music world". Arriaga encourages the public to "get to know these young artists who can become great composers".

The concert opens with the creation “Estado de Amarla” (State to love her) (by Adrián Denis Oliva Rodríguez. The piece will be performed by Gabriel Díaz Santos on marimba, Elena García Seoane on tenor saxophone and Adrián Denis Oliva Rodríguez on electric bass. The next premier will be Alegatos (Pleadings), composed and conducted by Basilio Gómez Navarro and performed by Carmen González González González on oboe, Antonio Ramos Díaz on bassoon, Aday Olivero González on vibraphone and Mario Alessandro on cello.

It will be followed by Alma Impura (Impure Soul), by Aarón Rodríguez Pérez, piece that will be feature by the baritone Borja Miguel Molina Rodríguez and a string quartet by Alberto López Torrente (violin), Lidia Mirella Ramos Mesa (violin), Marina Montero Torres (viola) and Mario Astone (cello). The concert will continue with Dans la rue, acomposition by Jacob González Marrero that will be performed by the following woodwind quintet: Francisco Javier Lozano Cuéllar on bassoon, Caleb López González on clarinet, Ana María Muñoz Koniarska on horn, Víctor de la Fuente Brito on oboe and Antonella Vega Gutiérrez on flute.

The next composition will be Travesía a San Borondón (Voyage to St. Borondon) by Jonay Rodríguez González, performed by a brass quintet conducted by himself. The ensemble musicians will be Francisco José Rodríguez Afonso (trumpet I), Adexe Guillermo Alayón Mora (trumpet II), Susana Rodríguez Fariña (horn), Moisés del Rosario García (trombone) and Jesús Ignacio Lorenzo Santiago (tuba).

Felipe Ángel Hernández Ruiz will then present 4 x 3, a piece that will be performed by Carmen Delia Perdomo Amaral (flute), Antonella Vega Gutiérrez (flute) and Caleb López González (clarinet). It will be followed by Brighid, by Marta Hernández Yanes, brought to the stage by a Celtic trio consisting of herself on violin, Eva González Hernández on flute and piccolo, and a pre-recorded track.

The second score by Jacob González Marrero, Tim's dream, a piano solo, will then follow with Laura Paniagua Pérez on the piano. Tadeo Martin Ramos composed the piece Beren y Lúthien that will be performed by the singer María del Pilar Martín Ramos.

Adrián Denis Oliva Rodríguez premieres Juana, performed by himself on guitar with Jonay Rodríguez González as a reciter. Lobo Hernández closes the concert with Consequence, a digital creation that features the Venezuelan cuatro, silbo canario (whistling language), soprano, tenor, piano, cello, double bass and percussion, with Elide Fabbretti as the dancer on stage.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". You will then be asked for your personal data in order to comply with the guidelines of the health authorities. Once the show has begun, it will not be possible to leave the hall until the end of the show. By accessing the hall, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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Enrique Arriaga explains that this production "will take us to a chessboard with castles and dragons"



Auditorio de Tenerife presents the opera Rinaldo adapted as a fantasy show for the family audience. The show details were announced by the island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga; the stage director, Stefania Panighini and the musical director, Giovanni Paganelli. In addition to the performances on Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th of April, which are already sold out, an extraordinary session has been organised that will be attended by 210 schoolchildren from schools in Santa Cruz, La Laguna and Arafo. 

As Arriaga assured, "opera as a genre leaves no one indifferent, and we add spectators with each performance". "This production by the Auditorio de Tenerife will take us to a life-size chess board with castles and dragons," said the minister, who considers that the cultural proposal of the Island Council is "a synonym of safety". Finally, Mr Arriaga wished "that all those who come to see the performances really enjoy this family event".

Stefania Panighini declared that "considering the health situation we are experiencing, it is very important to be working in this production because Spain is one of the few European countries that has continued to work internationally". The stage director also said that, "in the case of Italy, the theatres were closed in November and have not reopened yet. That is a long time without work and culture". "Children were the great ignored in this pandemic, as we took a year off their leisure lives. This production is focused on children and on their emotions," explained Panighini, who returned to work in Tenerife after Hänsel und Gretel (2019) and Rinaldo (2016).

Giovanni Paganelli agreed with Enrique Arriaga's statement, adding that "opera does not leave you indifferent because it speaks of our life, of everyone's life". The maestro analysed that "this baroque opera covers many emotions: humour, astonishment, nostalgia, the will to transgress and the most beautiful cry for freedom that can exist in the opera world: when Almirena was taken prisoner and sings Lascia ch'io pianga, she shows that they might be able to control her body but never her desire for freedom". "I've seen one-year-old children thrilled by this moment, moved by the energy of music composed more than 300 years ago," Paganelli said.

Produced by Opera de Tenerife, Rinaldo was premièred in 2016 and scheduled to be performed again in April 2020. However, it was postponed due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Leo Martínez designed the costumes in steampunk aesthetics, and Hugo Carugatti is in charge of the lighting. 

The voices that will embody these fantasy characters will be: mezzo-soprano Aurora Faggioli (Rinaldo, the knight), sopranos Beatriz de Sousa (Almirena, Goffredo's daughter) and Gloria Giurgola (Armida, sorceress), mezzo-soprano Silvia Zorita (Goffredo, Christian captain), baritone Pablo Gálvez (Argante, king of Jerusalem) and tenor Jorge Franco (Eustazio, Goffredo's brother).

The framework of this story is a fantasy chessboard. The evil sorceress Armida abducts Almirena, daughter of King Goffredo, to distract her betrothed Rinaldo, a famous knight. Fiery battles, spells and beautiful melodies such as the famous Lascia ch'io pianga make this show to be an experience for all audiences.

This three-act Baroque opera is one of Handel's best known. The Italian libretto by Giacomo Rossi is inspired by the poem La Gerusalemme liberata (Torquato Tasso). It was premiered on 24 February 1711 at the Queen's Theatre in Haymarket, London.

Opera de Tenerife's family programme offers lyrical titles adapted to the youngest ones to be enjoyed by a family audience. The initiative thus reinforces Opera de Tenerife's commitment to creating new audiences and raising awareness of the performing arts.

Each year one performance is chosen and adapted to a format lasting approximately 70 minutes. Reducing the time neither means limiting the expression nor the author's original message, which is reinforced by the information material delivered to the audience when entering the hall.

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From April to July, the Auditorio de Tenerife relaunches this artistic and social project to develop the initiatives ‘Natura’, ‘Formación a formadores’and ‘Misiva’


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island’s Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. Its programme Danza en Comunidad (Dance in Community) resumes its face-to-face activity with the initiatives NaturaFormación a formadores (Training of Trainers) and Misiva (Missive), which will take place in several municipalities of the island from April to July in compliance with the established COVID-19 prevention and hygiene measures.

The first initiative, Natura, offers a context to dance in contact with nature. This action has already started and runs until 7 May in El Chorrillo, El Rosario. The first part takes place on the path of the pirate Amaro Pargo and the second part in the Casa de la Juventud (Youth House). On the last day, an exhibition takes place at 5:00 pm in Casa de la Cultura of El Rosario to show the results of this experiment with the body and senses. 

From 10 May to 4 June, the Centro Cultural of El Portezuelo, Tegueste, will host the second initiative called Formación a formadores (Training of Trainers), a health and creative workshop that seeks to foster wellbeing and creativity. It has been designed for people who work with groups and communities related to Dance in Community and also for professionals who work in social education, psychology, care, facilitation, accompaniment, educational community members and working groups. Special emphasis will be placed on the subject Performing Arts taught in the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education.

Finally, the third initiative called Misiva (Missive) will run from 1 June to 30 July. This cross-generational proposal starts with letters written by participants themselves for people of older and younger ages as creative inspirations. This programme involves people who are in prison Tenerife II, in the Educational Internment Centre for Young Offenders (CIEMI) in Valle Tabares, and the Padre Laraña Association. This project aims to pay tribute to the wisdom and life experiences of older people. 

Danza en Comunidad is a project fostered by the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. It aims to create different means and schedules to make dance available to any person, collective, group or association that needs to work with the tools of a dance professional. The main objective is to create a community that provides mediation and resources for dance and movement. Considering these artistic commitments, the team is comprised of performing arts professionals and social workers. All the information on this project is available on the web site under the section Social Projects of the Educational and Social Area.

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The concert takes place on Tuesday, 20 April at 7:30 pm at the Chamber Hall. The tickets already sold out.



The Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island’s Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga, offers a concert that pays tribute to the Spanish composer Enrique Granados (1867-1916). Next Tuesday, 20 April at 7:30 pm, the pianist Javier Negrín will perform the programme "Escenas románticas" (Romantic Scenes) at the Auditorium’s Chamber Hall. The tickets are already sold out.

The Tenerife-born musician pays tribute to the Spanish composer with this monographic recital. Considered as one of his most outstanding performers today, Negrín has played the complete Goyescas suite over 30 times all over the world. He is currently recording all Granados’ piano pieces for the American record label Odradek Records.

Granados' style combines Schumann's and Chopin's great romantic tradition with the so-called musical nationalism, a very important influence towards the end of the 19th century. Spanish classical and romantic periods held an irresistible attraction for Granados, who was especially influenced by Madrid cultural movements.

He admired Goya, the atmosphere of Madrid during the 18th century and the world of the tonadilla-popular song. The latter inspired his most brilliant compositions, including the Goyescas suite (1911- 1913), a true masterpiece of Spanish and universal pianism. During this recital, Negrín will also play the famous piece Quejas o la maja y el ruiseñor (The Maiden and the Nightingale), full of pain and melancholy, and El pelele (The straw man), a brilliant Goyaesque scene.

In 1904 and only a few years before composing the suite Goyescas, the author composed a far-reaching Spanish piano piece called Allegro de Concierto, which was a winning work during the Composition Competition organised by Tomás Bretón. His intention was to include it as part of the final year piano exams at the Madrid Conservatory. It is brilliant, difficult, moving and colourful. The romantic influence and its spirit of gallantry already show an incipient Goyaesque character.

The Valses Poéticos (Poetic Waltzes) is a youthful work that he composed during his stay in Paris (1886-1887). This delightful collection of seven short waltzes comprise a single piece that is influenced by the great Spanish Romanticism; it evokes elegance, great refinement and evidences his sublime musical composition skills. This composition shows an evident influence of Robert Schumann.

One of the most beautiful and passionate pieces written in 1904 by Granados, “Escenas románticas” (Romantic Scenes), gives name to this repertoire and will be its highlight. It is one of his most significant pieces, and it was frequently performed by the Catalan composer during his recitals; it allowed him to display his great expressiveness and extraordinary feeling.

It is not a coincidence that he dedicated this work to his pupil, María Oliveró. Granados composed the work inspired by the short affair he had with this young woman. Many scenes evoke tenderness, excitement and passion with no need to explain or confirm which inspiration gave rise to them. It is said that his wife, Amparo, knew what these Romantic Scenesmeant and forbade him to play them again. The piece truly reflects his extreme poetry and melodic inspiration that has remained for posterity.

The pianist Javier Negrín made his debut at London's Wigmore Hall in 2004. He has developed a solid career as a soloist and chamber musician thereafter and played in important European, American and Asian venues. Negrín was a prizewinner at the Royal College of Music in London, where he also obtained a Junior Fellowship. He has been honoured with many awards, including best performances of Schumann, Chopin, Brahms, Ravel and virtuoso studies. He has been mainly influenced by Yonty Solomon (a pupil of Myra Hess) and Armando Alfonso, son of the pianist Javier Alfonso, and more recently by Howard Shelley and Joaquín Achúcarro.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves".  The measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance to the event only with people you live with, are certified by AENOR and can be checked at the Auditorium’s website.

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The cellist Pablo Ferrández, this season's resident artist, is the soloist in a programme to be conducted by Perry So.



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island’s Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. This Friday 16 April from 19:30 on, the Auditorium will host a concert by the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife (OST) in which the orchestra will perform a Russian music repertoire with compositions by Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky and Borodin. On this occasion, the ensemble will be conducted by Perry So. The cellist Pablo Ferrández, resident soloist during this season, will feature for the second time.

The programme begins with Eight Instrumental miniatures, by Igor Stravinsky, a piece included for the first time in the repertoire of the OST. The concert will continue with The Variations on a Rococo Theme, for cello and orchestra, op. 33 by Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky, in which Pablo Ferrández will take part. To finish, the orchestra will perform Symphony No. 2 in B minor (Heroic Symphony) by Alexander Borodin. 

Igor Stravinsky composed Eight Instrumental Miniatures in 1962, an arrangement of his work Les cinq doigts (The Five Fingers) for 15 instruments, a piece that he had created forty years before. The score begins with a childlike melody marked by an orchestra's rich sound that will be repeated throughout the score.

The Variations on a Rococo Theme, for cello and orchestra, op. 33 is a work in which Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky pays homage to the grace and lightness of eighteenth-century music. The rococo composition led by the cello, demands great technical virtuosity from the soloist, a role that will be featured this Friday by the Madrid-born cellist Pablo Ferrández.

Over a period of seven years and intermittently, Alexander Borodin composed his Symphony No. 2 in B minor (Heroic Symphony). This composition reveals his Slavic musical influence in which he shows his talent to treat instrumental voices and contrasts with a great sense of timbre or colour and dynamism.

Conductor Perry So returns to lead the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife after his last appearance in October 2017. The Hong Kong conductor has been assistant to Edo de Waart, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Gustavo Dudamel, Lorin Maazel or John Adams and has worked at the head of different orchestras in Cleveland, Minnesota, Houston, Detroit, New Jersey, Nuremberg, Israel or Shanghai.

In April 2008, Perry So received both the First and Special Prize at the Fifth International Prokofiev Conducting Competition in Saint Petersburg. The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra was awarded the Diapason d'Or in January 2012 for So’s recording of the Barber and Korngold violin concertos with Alexander Gilman. He has been a frequent guest both at Walt Disney Hall and the Hollywood Bowl following his stint as an inaugural Dudamel Conducting Fellow of Los Angeles Philharmonic. He also led the Hong Kong Philharmonic in the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China.

Cellist Pablo Ferrández, artist-in-residence of the OST during the 2020/2021 season, will be making his second appearance with the Tenerife's ensemble this year. The Madrid-born musician was recognised at the Fifteenth International Tchaikovsky Competition. He was awarded the coveted ICMA “Young Artist of the Year”, and in 2018 he won the Princess of Girona Award for his "exceptional talent and international projection".

Recent highlights include the débuts at the Hollywood Bowl with Los Angeles Philharmonic, with Bayersichen Rundfunk Symphony Orchestra and the collaboration of Anne-Sophie Mutter performing Brahms Double Concerto and Beethoven’s Triple Concerto in Madrid and Oxford; besides his début with Bamberg Symphony, it is also worthwhile to mention his musical collaboration with Anne-Sophie Mutter, Khatia Buniatishvili and the London Philharmonic playing the Triple Concerto by Beethoven.

Ferrández has also played with Filarmonica della Scala under R. Chailly, Mahler Chamber Orchestra under D. Gatti, Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, BBC Scottish Symphony, RTE National Symphony Orchestra, Düsseldorf Symphony at the Elbphilharmonie, Orchestra Sinfonica Nationale RAI, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Spanish National Orchestra, RTVE Orchestra or Orquesta Sinfónica de les Illes Balears.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves” to enjoy this cultural experience. By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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As part of the Reside programme, Auditorio de Tenerife organizes in collaboration with the INAEM, a new artist in residence by the Valencia-born artist Sandra Gómez. Her contemporary dance proposal called "Cartografía de la soledad" ("A map of aloneness") is part of the research project "Solo los solos" ("Singularly singles"). This project aims to deal with the theme of aloneness and solos in contemporary dance in terms of stage practice.

"Cartografía de la soledad” (“A map of aloneness”) proposes a series of individual interviews with current choreographers who have worked ‘solo;’ it examines the reasons that brought them to do so, as well as their circumstances, contexts, and artistic approaches with the aim of finding common elements. The interviews will be recorded, creating a file that will be available to be viewed and/or listened to from a personal website. In the future, this material could be part of a stage piece as video installation art.

In choreographic terms, in the future there will be a practice of movement (a solo) resulting from the different artistic concerns of those interviewed who have passed the personal filter of Sandra Gómez.

Therefore, 15 choreographers or artists who have practised their art in solitude are being called; bodies belonging to the official and non-official history of contemporary dance, like a map of aloneness.

REGISTRATION: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 922 56 86 00 Ext. 219/104.

The selected candidates will be previously interviewed by Sandra Gómez to gather the necessary information on the artistic and aesthetic profiles of each participant. The in residence takes place from 26 April to 7 May in the hall "Sala Oval Castillo" at the Auditorio de Tenerife. As they are individual interviews, a prior schedule of participation will be established amongst the participants.

On 7 May at 11:00 a.m., a final encounter will take place at the "Sala Puerto" of Auditorio de Tenerife. To participate, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (limited places)

SANDRA GÓMEZ.  Choreographer and performer. She has extensive training in contemporary dance and holds a Master in Artistic Production, specialising in Contemporary Thought and Visual Culture (Fine Arts Department of the Valencia Polytechnic University). She also holds an Undergraduate Degree from the Higher Centre for Dramatic Art Studies of Valencia.

From 2001 to 2012, she worked as a creator with the LOSQUEQUEDAN collective on several projects displayed at different national fairs and festivals.

Since 2012, she has been working independently on projects that focus on the body and movement:

"Bailar al sonido" (“Dance the sound”) (Valencia, 2021), “Volumen 2” (“Volume 2”) (Valencia, 2020), "Preludio y fuga" (“Prelude and fugue”) (Valencia, 2019), "Tot per l ́aire" (BAD, Bilbao, 2018), "Heartbeat" (Valencia, 2017), "No soy yo" (It's not me") (Valencia, 2016), "Tentativa" ("Tentative") and "Guests" (Valencia, 2016-2014), "The love thing piece" (Madrid, 2013) and "Tentativa" ("Tentative") (Valencia, 2012).

This research was part of the “Autonomía y Complejidad” (“Autonomy and Complexity”) project organised by ARTEA, and Gómez was part of the working team at CETAE (the Centre for Cross-Cutting Studies Applied to the Stage and directed by Carolina Boluda. She has also participated in the project "Misión divina" ("Divine mission") coordinated by Ana Buitrago, Oscar Dasí and Sergi Faustino. She conceived and coordinated the Maneras de hacer (“Ways of Doing”) project and edited the book entitled, “Mejor libro de danza del mundo. Imaginarios sobre danza y otros asuntos” (“The Best Book on Dance in the World: Thoughts on Dance and Other Matters”) – a book which came out of this, her most recent project.

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The American violinist Stefan Jackiw makes his debut with the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife this Friday at a sold-out concert.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Friday the 9th of April at 7:30 pm, the Auditorium will host the 10th concert of the season 2020-2021, which is sold out. Nuno Coelho will conduct the orchestra with violinist Stefan Jackiw as a guest soloist during his debut with the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife. The violinist will play with them the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major, op. 61 by Ludwig Van Beethoven. The programme also includes Symphony No. 1 in C minor, op. 68 by Johannes Brahms.

In 1806, Ludwig Van Beethoven premièred the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major, op. 61, work that had not been performed again until almost 50 years later. After its disappointing première, Joseph Joachim revived the concerto with Felix Mendelssohn at the baton. The entire score is characterised by profuse and intricate musical fragments that demand the violinist to play very skillfully. 

On the other hand, it took Johannes Brahms 20 years to première his Symphony No. 1 in C minor, op. 68, among other reasons, because Beethoven's Ninth impressively impacted composers of the time. In 1876 he presented this work that starts vigorously with the kettledrums marking the initial tempo. During the concert, woodwind and string instruments interact constantly, and together with the horns, they configure a theme and a hopeful message.

Nuno Coelho made his debut at the helm of the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife in March 2019. He now returns to conduct the OST at the Auditorio de Tenerife. The Portuguese maestro studied violin in Klagenfurt and Brussels; he also studied at the Zurich University of Arts with Johannes Schlaefli. Coelho won the First Prize of the Portuguese Radio Competition and was a finalist in the Nestlé Festival Young Conductors Competition and in the Salzburg Young Conductors Competition. 

In 2014 he received a grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; in 2015 he joined the Dirigentenforum programme organised by the Deutscher Musikrat (German Music Council) which subsequently named him one of their “Conductors of Tomorrow”. In 2017, he won the First Prize at the Cadaqués International Conducting Competition.

Apart from the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, during the last seasons, he has conducted Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, BBC Philharmonic, Ulster Orchestra, Orchestra del Teatro Regio Torino, Hamburger Symphoniker, Beethoven Orchester Bonn and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, among others. He has also conducted on numerous occasions the programme of Los Angeles Philharmonic as a "Dudamel Fellow", including a world premiere as part of their “Green Umbrella” new music series.

The American violinist Stefan Jackiw started his musical training when he was 4 years old. In 2002 he won the prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant. His technique has been acclaimed by international critics for his excellent purity of sound and flawless playing. 

In the US, Jackiw has performed solo concerts with the Boston, Chicago, Cleveland and New York Philharmonic orchestras; he has earned the recognition and trust of numerous conductors such as Andris Nelsons, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Sir Andrew Davis, Juraj Valčuha, Yuri Temirkanov and Ludovic Morlot, among others.

In Europe, Jackiw has collaborated with Deutsches Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Dutch Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Helsinki Philharmonic, Philharmonia, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, or the London Philharmonic Orchestra.  In 2014 he performed the world premiere of David Fulmer's Violin Concerto No. 2 Jubilant Arcs, composed for him and commissioned by the Heidelberg Festival. 

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves” and enjoy this cultural experience. By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and your attendance at the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The European Commission has made a final assessment of the project led by Auditorio de Tenerife, the opera L'elisir d'amore. In 2019, this project received a grant through the European Commission’s framework programme Creative Europe. This edition of Opera (e)Studio was jointly developed with the partners Opera and Ballet Theatre of Tbilisi and the Comunale di Bologna. The project was rated as outstanding with a score of 90 out of 100 points.

The European Commission's report praises "the high quality of your interesting project" and notes that "activities carried out helped to reach a wider audience who would not normally attend opera performances". According to the European body, staging a production with a young artistic team has enabled them to connect with an audience that may have had so far "an approach to opera as an inaccessible or too old-fashioned performance".

Among the strengths of the project, the European Commission's assessment highlights its capacity for training young singers who start their professional careers. Likewise, the report remarks that young people from over 30 countries have participated in the call for entries; the project has also collaborated with universities that have offered their facilities for recitals and conferences, thus bringing part of the production closer to the educational sphere.

Ten singers chosen through international auditions starred in the Opera (e)Studio's production L'elisir d'amore, which premiered in October 2019 at the Auditorio de Tenerife. It was subsequently staged in Tbilisi in February 2020 and concluded in Bologna in September 2020. Functions in Italy were already affected by COVID-19. 

The European Commission recognised that despite this major setback, the three partners showed strong collaboration and worked together to overcome it. The Commission's final report highlights that "their adaptation and proactive reaction to resolve some of these difficulties related to the global crisis reflected the strong commitment they had to implement their activities in the best possible way."

More information about the project, videos and photos can be found here:



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Las agrupaciones XIX de Marzo, La Victoria y Amigos del Arte protagonizan la nueva cita del ciclo Primavera Musical


El Auditorio de Tenerife, espacio cultural que depende del área de Cultura del Cabildo que dirige el consejero Enrique Arriaga, acoge este domingo [día 4], a partir de las 11:30 horas, el cuarto concierto del ciclo Primavera Musical, que contará con la participación de las agrupaciones musicales XIX de Marzo, La Victoria y Amigos del Arte, que proceden de San Juan de la Rambla, La Victoria de Acentejo y Güímar.

El concierto arranca con la banda de música XIX de Marzo, de San Juan de la Rambla que, bajo la dirección de Damián González, interpretará el pasodoble España Cañí, de Pascual Marquina, continuará con la marcha mora Kapytan, de Saúl Gómez, y finalizará con Moment for Morricone, donde mezclan temas del compositor italiano Ennio Morricone.

La formación de La Victoria, dirigida por Juan Antonio Domenech, arrancará su repertorio con el pasodoble Claveles y castañuelas, de Ricardo Dorado, continuará con Rise of the firebird, de Sterver Reineko, y concluirá con Virginia, de Jacob de Haan.

El primer concierto del mes de abril de Primavera Musical finaliza con la presencia de Amigos del Arte, de Güímar. Benigno González dirige a este colectivo en la interpretación de la obertura de The Avengers (Los Vengadores), de Alan Silvestri con arreglos de Michael Brown; la obertura de Majestia, de James Swearingen; Bon Jovi-Rock Mix, con arreglos de Wolfang Wössner y The Mandalorian, de la serie Star Wars, de Ludwig Göranson, con arreglos de Paul Murtha.

La decimoséptima edición de Primavera Musical, que organiza la Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música con la colaboración del Cabildo Insular, tiene previsto que 36 formaciones ofrezcan parte de su repertorio en las instalaciones del Auditorio de Tenerife. Los conciertos continuarán el 25 de abril, 2, 9, 16, 23 y 30 de mayo, y los días 12 (Sala Sinfónica) y concluirá el 13 de junio. Este último día habrá sesión matinal en la Sala de Cámara y por la tarde en la Sala Sinfónica. Las actuaciones en la Sala de Cámara tendrán lugar a las 11:30 horas y las que se desarrollen en la Sala Sinfónica, comenzarán a las 18:00 horas.

Las entradas a coste cero estarán disponibles el lunes antes de cada concierto y se pueden adquirir hasta dos horas antes del comienzo en la página web y de forma telefónica en el 902 317 327 y en la taquilla de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas. Se ruega al público llegar al recinto con antelación suficiente para realizar una entrada escalonada a la sala.

La adquisición de las entradas supone la aceptación de las medidas implementadas por el centro cultural del Cabildo para hacer frente a la COVID-19, como el uso correcto de la mascarilla o la asistencia solo con convivientes. Las medidas al completo, así como el plan de contingencia certificado por AENOR, se pueden consultar en la web del Auditorio.

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Both performances on 24 and 25 April will transform the Symphonic Hall into a fantasy chessboard with dragons and castles.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its Director of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. Tickets for the family opera Rinaldo, by G.F. Handel, go on sale. Pricing starts at five Euros. This show, suitable for all audiences, will transform the Symphonic Hall into a fantasy chessboard with medieval castles, dragons and sorceresses on 24 April at 6:00 pm and 25 April at 12:00 noon.

Produced by Opera de TenerifeRinaldo was premièred in 2016 and scheduled to be performed again in April 2020. However, it had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 health crisis. This season sees the revival of this opera conducted by Stefania Panighini and Giovanni Paganelli conducting the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife. Leo Martínez designed the costumes in steampunk aesthetics, and Hugo Carugatti is in charge of the lighting. 

The voices that will embody these fantasy characters will be: mezzo-soprano Aurora Faggioli (Rinaldo, the knight), sopranos Beatriz de Sousa (Almirena, Goffredo's daughter) and Gloria Giurgola (Armida, sorceress), mezzo-soprano Silvia Zorita (Goffredo, Christian captain), baritone Pablo Gálvez (Argante, king of Jerusalem) and tenor Jorge Franco (Eustazio, Goffredo's brother).

The story is set in the Crusades. The evil sorceress Armida abducts Almirena, daughter of King Goffredo, to distract her betrothed Rinaldo, the most valiant paladin of the Christians. Fiery battles, spells and beautiful melodies such as the famous Lascia ch'io pianga make this show to be an experience for all audiences.

This is one of Handel's best known Baroque operas. The Italian libretto by Giacomo Rossi is inspired by the poem La Gerusalemme liberata (Torquato Tasso). It was premiered on 24 February 1711 at the Queen's Theatre in Haymarket, London.

The pricing starts at five Euros. Tickets can be purchased until two hours before the concert on the website and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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On Saturday the brass bands ‘Cruz Santa’ and ‘Nivaria’ will play in the Symphony Hall, and on Sunday the brass bands from El Tanque, Tegueste and Buenavista will play in the Chamber Hall.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its Director of Culture Enrique Arriaga. This weekend it will host two concerts programmed for the cycle Primavera Musical. Five brass bands which are members of the federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña’, will play. 

The first concert takes place in the Symphony Hall on Saturday [27 March] from 6:00 pm, during which the bands ‘Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa’ (Los Realejos) and ‘Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria’ (Arafo) will play. On Sunday [28 March] from 11:30 am is the turn of the brass bands ‘Santísimo Cristo del Calvario’ (El Tanque); ‘San Marcos’ (Tegueste) and ‘Nuestra Señora de los Remedios’ (Buenavista).

José Manuel Álvarez will conduct ‘Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa’ (Los Realejos) and they will play Hispánico, a pasodoble by the Portuguese composer Nuno Osorio. They will continue with La Cruz Santa, leyenda de una tradición, by José Manuel Encinoso and Sergio González as narrator. This piece is inspired by the legend after which La Cruz Santa was named, with texts by Juan Cruz. 

The ‘Filarmónica Nivaria’ (Arafo) will feature in the Symphony Hall during this edition. Under the direction of Miguel Ángel Expósito, their musical programme includes two pieces: Dunkirk, by José Alberto Pina, and the suite James Bond, by John Barry.

Sunday's concert in the Chamber Hall, starting at 11:30 a.m., will begin with the performance of the ‘Agrupación Musical Santísimo Cristo del Calvario’ (El Tanque). Conducted by José Eduardo Morales, the brass band will feature three pieces: María Carot Porcar, a pasodoble by Hugo Chinesta; la Chimo, a composition by José María Ferrero used in the Entrance of Moors, and Santana a portrait, by Giancarlo Gazzani.

Ismael Brajín is the conductor of ‘Agrupación Musical San Marcos’ (Tegueste), who will perform in second place with a programme that includes the pasodoble Cortés de la frontera, by Manuel Navarro; An American Elegy, by Frank Ticheli, and The great locomotive chase, by Robert Smith.

The group ‘Nuestra Señora de los Remedios’ will close the brass band performances at the Auditorio de Tenerife. José Humberto Martín will conduct this band during the piece Magdalena 1990, by Francisco Signes Castelló; Libertango, by Astor Piazzolla, and arranged by Marco Somadossi; La Parranda, by Francisco Alonso, and Grande Finale, by Harry de Groot and arranged by Marcel Peeters.

The seventeenth edition of Primavera Musical, organised by the federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’ with the collaboration of Tenerife Island Council, will continue on the 4 and 25 April, on the 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 May, on the 12 June (Symphonic Hall) and will conclude on the 13 June. On that last day, a morning concert will be featured in the Chamber Hall and an afternoon concert will be given in the Symphony Hall. Performances in the Chamber Hall will take place at 11:30 a.m. and those in the Symphony Hall will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased until two hours before the concert on the website and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves".

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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