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Next week, the cellist Kathleen Balfe will perform ten pieces of women composers that are inspired in texts by women poets.


Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Thursday 4th of March at 7:30 pm, music and poetry will combine at the Chamber Hall during the show Tapiz de incertidumbres (Tapestry of Uncertainties). The cellist Kathleen Balfe will offer a programme comprised of ten pieces by contemporary women composers.

Tapestry of uncertainties is a mixed proposal of music and poetry that will take place in an intimate and reflective framework. The cellist will play live music with a pre-recorded electro-acoustic accompaniment and the voice-over narration of poetic texts.

The programme consists of works by ten women composers who were chosen to participate at the workshop "Taller de Compositoras", that was linked to the 18th Festival of Spanish Music Manuel de Falla (2020). Each piece is based on a different poetic text. Thus, the common element is uncertainty expressed and contained in each poem.

The programme consists of: Los tiempos del porvenir (Times to Come) by María José Arenas Martín (1983); Stunt Fall V, by María del Pilar Miralles Castillo (1997); Policronías de las Sibilas (Polychronies of the Sibyls) by Beatriz Arzamendi (1961);  La senda (The Path) by Consuelo Díez (1958); Funambudumbre: Cuando Todo Se Apaga (When Everything Shuts Down) by Dolores Serrano Cueto (1967); Viajar es lo que importa  (Travel is what it's all about) by Anna Bofill Levi (1944); Vivir en Aporesis ... o Turbulencias... (Living with undecidedness...or under turbulence...) by Ana Teruel Medina (1981); Veritas Vincit, by Reyes Oteo (1982), Questo tremito, questo vacillamento, by María del Carmen Asenjo-Marrodán (1978), and Un mundo sin bocas y con olor a desinfectante (A world without mouths that smells to disinfectant), by Diana Pérez Custodio (1970). 

The show is part of the Spanish tour of Ensemble NeoArs Sonora of which Bathlee is a soloist. It is also a co-production of the Andalusian Agency of Cultural Institutions, the Andalusian Regional Department of Culture and Historical Heritage and the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Kathleen Balfe has lived and worked in Spain since 2003, when she began her career with the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife. In 2007 she won the position of cello soloist at Orquesta Ciudad de Granada, where she is currently a member. She is also a founder member of the contemporary group Ensemble NeoArs Sonora since 2008, year in which the project was conceived.  Thus, Kathleen Balfe has had the chance to play at many festivals and with the most renowned Spanish institutions. 

Tickets can be purchased until two hours before the concert on the website and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you are living with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The concert starts at 7:00 pm at Escuela Municipal de Música (Municipal Music School) and tickets are sold out


The singers that comprise the eighth edition of Opera (e)Studio will offer tomorrow [Thursday 25] a lyrical recital at Escuela Municipal de Música (Municipal Music School)that starts at 7:00 pm. Tickets are sold out. This will be the second performance of the twelve artists, after the premiere they had yesterday [Tuesday 23] at the venue Paraninfo of the University of La Laguna (ULL). The concert was attended, among others, by Enrique Arriaga, Councillor for Culture of Tenerife Island Council; Juan Albino Méndez, Vice-Rector for Culture, and Alejandro Krawietz, Island Director of Culture.

All twelve singers are currently members of this training programme's edition aimed at artists for their comprehensive music enhancement. The training programme is organised by the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council through Opera Tenerife. The singers will offer again in Adeje a journey through popular fragments by different composers. The pieces were presented by Giulio Zappa, the academy director. 

Arriaga was satisfied with the show. "Considering the audience's response, I think it has been shown that the recital has been well received during this first chance to listen to the international singers, who are being trained on our island" declares the councillor of Culture, who is convinced that the singers will repeat their success in Adeje. He is also confident that there will be a good response to the four performances of Il matrimonio segreto the opera that these artists will offer from the 18th to the 21st of March.

For his part, Alejandro Krawietz highlighted the collaboration with the University of La Laguna: “We always find help every time we come to these facilities. This recital has become a classic in its season. Moreover, there has been an excellent response from the public who, in these difficult times, continue to demand cultural offerings."

The Vice-Rector for Culture thanked Auditorio de Tenerife for "once again having chosen the venue Paraninfo to host the presentation of these young opera singers on the island" and was very happy with the quality of the show. 

The Adeje lyrical recital will consist of thirteen pieces, three of them by Rossini, corresponding to his operas Il barbiere de Siviglia, La cambiale di matrimonio and La Cenerentola; two by Puccini (Edgar and La Rondine); one by Donizetti (Don Pasquale), one by Monteverdi (L’incoronazione di Poppea), one by Bizet (Les pêcheurs de perles), one by Rachmaninov (Aleko) and four by Cimarosa, from the opera Il matrimonio segreto that will be performed from the 18th to the 21st of March at the Symphonic Hall of Auditorio de Tenerife.

The young artists are Giulia Mazzola (Italy), Veronika Seghers (Germany), Eleonora Nota (Italy), Marilena Ruta (Italy), Mara Gaudenzi (Italy), Claire Gascoin (France), Bekir Serbest (Turkey), Antonio Mandrillo (Italy), Ignas Melnikas (Lithuania), Francesco Leone (Italy), Jan Antem (España) and Ramiro Maturana (Chile). They will be accompanied on the piano by Claudio Marchetti.

The project Opera (e)Studio started in 2013 in parallel with the opera season offered by Opera Tenerife. 1,099 singers have participated during the auditions that have been held over the last eight years, of which 87 singers from 23 countries have been chosen for the training.  Opera (e)Studio is an education academy aimed at artists for their comprehensive music enhancement. It also aims to support and promote young singers in order to provide them adequate job prospects. In fact, many of the singers who have taken part in this project currently enjoy consolidated professional careers.

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The tickets for this Friday's concert are already sold out. This concert will also be a unique opportunity to listen to the Ukrainian pianist Dmytro Choni


Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor Enrique Arriaga. On Friday this week [26] at 7:30 pm it will offer a new concert at Auditorio de Tenerife. The conductor Lucía Marín (Linares, 1982) will be at the helm of the island’s ensemble for the first time. Once again during this season, Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife has sold out the tickets for this new concert.

Marín has designed a programme where the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife will perform the Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 by Frédéric Chopin with the Ukrainian pianist Dmytro Choni as invited soloist; Rimas infantiles, by María Rodrigo and Dances of Galánta by Zoltán Kodály.

In 1830, Frédéric Chopin prémieres his first public recital with Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21, which earned him national hero status. This score follows the trale of Johann Nepomuk Hummel's concertos, influenced in turn by those of Mozart, giving absolute prominence to the piano - played by Dmytro Choni - with a highly ornamented composition. This concert consists of multiple romantic expressions and different rhythms, ranges that go from intimate landscapes to nationalistic traces, including a mazurka that shapes a light-hearted and luminous finale. 

The Madrid-born María Rodrigo, considered as the first professional Spanish female composer, made numerous incursions into symphonic music, opera, zarzuela and ballet; she also composed short pieces for piano. Rimas infantiles(1929) comprise five fragments that paraphrase well-known popular chorus songs with an elaborate and exuberant orchestration. Her work is backed by a clear educational vocation. This piece is cheerful and simple, full of instrumental colours that reveal the author's ability to handle the orchestra.

Zoltán Kodály composed Dances of Galánta in 1933, evoking his childhood in this northern Hungarian town and paying tribute to the Budapest Philharmonic Society on the occasion of its 80th anniversary. Kodály builds this composition as a skeleton on which this ancient Hungarian dances evoke different pieces of Central European folklore: from the melancholic lassú section in the first bars, to the last, frenetically paced ones and a concluding friss, moving towards jubilant movements. 

Lucía Marín is making her debut at the helm of Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife. She is one of the few Spanish female conductors on the current scene. The Linares-born master has already taken up her post at the helm of the the Spanish National Orchestra, the Spanish Radio Television Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of Galicia, Symphony Orchestra of Asturias, Málaga Philharmonic Orchestra, Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, Euskadi Symphony Orchestra, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Oviedo, Youth Orchestra of Madrid and Youth Orchestra of the Canary Islands.

From 2013 to 2015, Marín was the principal conductor of the University of Kentucky Philharmonia; from 2012 to 2015she has also conducted the University of Kentucky Symphony Orchestra Opera Theatre. Her extensive academic training includes a doctorate in conducting from the University of Kentucky, a master's degree in conducting from the University of Illinois, an advanced degree in conducting from Centro Superior de Música of the Basque Country and an advanced degree in piano from the Conservatory of Music of Seville.

Lucía Marín has been distinguished with the 2006 awards of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Santa Isabel de Hungría of Seville, XI International Orchestra Conducting Competition "Mestre Ferríz" 2008, "Andalusians of the Future" Award 2009, "Jaén Joven" Arts Award of the Andalusian Youth Institute 2014, "Cultura Viva" Award under the category revelation artist in 2017, Ideal Culture Prize 2019; she was recently awarded with the "La Bandera de Andalucía" prize 2020.

Dmytro Choni (Kiev, Ukraine 1993) received his first piano lesson at the age of four and began his studies in his hometown with Nina Naiditch and Yuri Kot. He is currently studying at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. The young pianist also received a scholarship from the International Academy of Music of Liechtenstein and regularly participates in the intensive music weeks and other activities held there.

Choni has won several awards such as the Spanish First Prize and Gold Medal at the Paloma O'Shea Santander International Piano Competition 2018, as well as various medals at the Swiss Verbier Festival 2019 or the Italian Ferruccio Busoni International Piano Competition 2017, the Ukranian International Competition for Young Pianists in Memory of Vladimir Horowitz 2017, the Chinese Suzhou Jinji Lake International Piano Competition 2017 and the San Marino Piano Competition 2016. 

The Ukrainian pianist has given a considerable number of solo recitals and chamber music concerts. Among others, he has performed with the American Phoenix Symphony Orchestra, the Spanish Symphony Orchestra of RTVE, Ensemble Esperanza (Liechtenstein), Republic of San Marino Symphony Orchestra, the Korean Seongnam Philharmonic Orchestra, the Spanish Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Galicia, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, the Spanish Symphony Orchestra of Castilla y León, the Chinese Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of Dominican Republic, Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein or the Hungarian Varaždin Chamber Orchestra. 

To enjoy the concert organised by Tenerife Island Council, the audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept of the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat the pandemic, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you are living with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The members of Opera (e)Studio’s eighth edition will sing on Tuesday at Paraninfo (La Laguna) and on Thursday in Adeje.


Next week, the singers of Opera (e)Studio’s eighth edition will offer two recitals organised by Opera Tenerife with the collaboration of Universidad de La Laguna and the City Council of Adeje. The first recital will take place on Tuesday [23rd] after 7:00 pm at Paraninfo de La Laguna, and the second will be held on Thursday [25th] at the same time at Escuela Municipal de Música, Adeje

All twelve singers are currently members of this training programme's edition aimed at artists for their comprehensive music enhancement. The training programme is organised by the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council through Opera Tenerife. The singers will offer both recitals and will perform well-known pieces of works by composers like Mozart, Rossini, Donizetti and Cimarosa that will be presented by Giulio Zappa, the academy director. Cimarosa is the author of 'Il matrimonio segreto', opera to be performed from March 18 to 21 at the Symphonic Hall of Auditorio de Tenerife.

The councillor of Culture, Enrique Arriaga, reminds that "these recitals by the singers are part of the training cycle they are taking since they arrived last January to Tenerife. They will be their first opportunity to introduce themselves to our public before the staging of the opera in the second half of March."

The young artists are Giulia Mazzola (Italy), Veronika Seghers (Germany), Eleonora Nota (Italy), Marilena Ruta (Italy), Mara Gaudenzi (Italy), Claire Gascoin (France), Bekir Serbest (Turkey), Antonio Mandrillo (Italy), Ignas Melnikas (Lithuania), Francesco Leone (Italy), Jan Antem (España) and Ramiro Maturana (Chile). They will be accompanied on the piano by Hana Lee at Paraninfo and by Claudio Marchetti in Adeje.

The programme will comprise pieces like “Cheti cheti immantinente” (Don Pasquale / Donizetti), “Au fond du temple saint” (The Pearl Fishers / Bizet), “Pur ti miro” (L’incoronazione di Poppea / Monteverdi), “Caro nome” (Rigoletto / Verdi), “Ach, ich fühl’s” (The Magic Flute / Mozart), “Chi il bel sogno di Doretta” (La Rondine / Puccini) and a few samples of Il matrimonio segreto. Both music appointments will be free of charge. Invitations can be withdrawn at and at Tomaticket.

The project Opera (e)Studio started in 2013 in parallel with the opera season offered by Opera Tenerife. 1,099 singers have participated during the auditions that have been held over the last eight years, of which 87 singers from 23 countries have been chosen for the training.  Opera (e)Studio is an education academy aimed at artists for their comprehensive music enhancement. It also aims to support and promote young singers in order to provide them adequate job prospects. In fact, many of the singers who have taken part in this project currently enjoy consolidated professional careers.

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The programme 'Nach Bach: Communicating vessels' will be performed next Tuesday.


Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor Enrique Arriaga. Next Tuesday [23th] at 7:30 p.m the Auditorium welcomes a concert by pianist José Luis Castillo. The programme, entitled 'Nach Bach:Communicating vessels' offers an approach to Bach. The physical journey comprises his work ‘Capriccio on the departure of a beloved brother’, the opening piece of the concert. The style of the German composer, who transcribed and was transcribed by different authors, concludes with a spiritual journey that crystallises in the reflection of inner pain.

After this opening piece, the programme will continue with variations on the piece Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (Weeping, lamenting, worrying, fearing), composed by Frank Liszt on the death of his daughter; the programme will continue with the Organ Concert in D minor BWV 596 composed by Vivaldi. This piece has undergone various modifications involving Bach himself and the Australian pianist William Murdoch. Castillo will then play three short pieces without interruption:  'Erbarm dich mein, o Herr Gott' (O God, be merciful to me), BWV 721; Requiem Op. 48: Agnus Dei, by Fauré, and Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben (Out of love my saviour is willing to die) from St Matthew Passion. 

José Luis Castillo (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1976) premiered last December at Teatro Pérez Galdós in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, together with Alicia Ramos, the play Ad Libitum, with text and direction by Noemi Pérez. This work deals with Clara Schumann's struggle to be an artist and creator. After concluding his training in Gran Canaria, Madrid and New York, the pianist has offered recitals as a soloist in the Canary Islands, France, Germany, Ireland, Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico and the United States. He has also played with several orchestras like Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, Manhattan Philharmonia (New York) and the Youth Orchestra of Gran Canaria.

Tickets can be purchased until two hours before the concert on the website and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you are living with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

The programme 'Nach Bach: Communicating vessels' will be performed next Tuesday.

Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor Enrique Arriaga. Next Tuesday [23th] at 7:30 p.m the Auditorium welcomes a concert by pianist José Luis Castillo. The programme, entitled 'Nach Bach:Communicating vessels' offers an approach to Bach. The physical journey comprises his work ‘Capriccio on the departure of a beloved brother’, the opening piece of the concert. The style of the German composer, who transcribed and was transcribed by different authors, concludes with a spiritual journey that crystallises in the reflection of inner pain.

After this opening piece, the programme will continue with variations on the piece Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (Weeping, lamenting, worrying, fearing), composed by Frank Liszt on the death of his daughter; the programme will continue with the Organ Concert in D minor BWV 596 composed by Vivaldi. This piece has undergone various modifications involving Bach himself and the Australian pianist William Murdoch. Castillo will then play three short pieces without interruption:  'Erbarm dich mein, o Herr Gott' (O God, be merciful to me), BWV 721; Requiem Op. 48: Agnus Dei, by Fauré, and Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben (Out of love my saviour is willing to die) from St Matthew Passion. 

José Luis Castillo (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1976) premiered last December at Teatro Pérez Galdós in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, together with Alicia Ramos, the play Ad Libitum, with text and direction by Noemi Pérez. This work deals with Clara Schumann's struggle to be an artist and creator. After concluding his training in Gran Canaria, Madrid and New York, the pianist has offered recitals as a soloist in the Canary Islands, France, Germany, Ireland, Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico and the United States. He has also played with several orchestras like Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, Manhattan Philharmonia (New York) and the Youth Orchestra of Gran Canaria.

Tickets can be purchased until two hours before the concert on the website and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you are living with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The training will take place between the 11th and the 14th of March.


Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council, that is managed by the councillor of Culture Enrique Arriaga. The auditorium offers a dramaturgy workshop held by José Padilla a Canary Islands's author and winner of a Max Award for Performing Arts. The title of the training course is 'What have you done with the scissors?' and it will be held between the 11th and the 14th of March. The registration is now open. 

This 20 hours workshop is recommended for professional and amateur playwrights; it will be held from 10 am to 4 pm (with one-hour lunch break each day). The registration will close on the 26th of February and it can be done by filling a registration form at the website of Auditorio de Tenerife here. Having written, published, self-published or staged a play, having attended workshops and courses in playwriting will be considered an asset. The workshop price is €30 for professionals and €15 for students.

During the workshop many topics will be approached, starting with the first stumbling block that writers have to face: the topic. José Padilla explains that "it is almost unavoidable having to face a heavy burden which is rather linked to the image that we want to show the world of ourselves as creators, than what we really want to tell. Thus, it is much more practical to search through imagination than to impose a topic. During this workshop the author's imagination, which ultimately generates situations and dramatic texts, will be explored. This will be the starting point to find a genuine story to tell. 

José Padilla (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1976) has a degree in Textual Interpretation by the Spanish Royal School of Dramatic Arts. He continued his training with professionals like Declan Donnellan, Simon Stephens, Wadji Mouawad, José Ramón Fernández, Alfredo Sanzol and Vicente Fuentes. Among other recognitions, he won the prize Max Award for Performing Arts for his work Dados, the 'Almagro Off' award for Perra Vida, the prize 'Ojo Crítico de Teatro' awarded by Radio Nacional de España or the prize 'Premio Réplica a Mejor Autoría Canaria' for his work Porno Casero. Among other shows, he conducts Haz clic aquí for Centro Dramático Nacional, La isla púpura and Las crónicas of Peter Sanchidrián, both for Kamikaze Producciones; he currently writes and directs a trilogy for the company Ventrículo Veloz: Papel, Por la boca and Dados. As a classic’s versioner, he has focused his career on Shakespeare and Cervantes. His works have been played in prestigious theatres like The Moscow Art Theatre, the Globe Theatre of London or La Comedie Française of Paris. He has taught workshops for Centro Dramático Nacional, Instituto Cervantes, Sala Beckett (Barcelona) or Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico.

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Cimarosa's amusing opera will be performed from 18 to 21 March 2021.


Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor of Culture Enrique Arriaga. Tomorrow 17th of February, tickets go on sale to enjoy  Il matrimonio segreto, the new proposal of Opera Tenerife. From 18 to 21 March 2021, the eighth edition's singers of Opera (e)Studio will take the stage at the Symphonic Hall to perform this opera buffa by Domenico Cimarosa.

‘Il matrimonio segreto’ is a co-production driven by Auditorio de Tenerife together with Teatro Regio di Parma and Teatro Massimo di Palermo. The musical direction of this artistic proposal will be provided by Davide Levi, in charge of the OST (Tenerife Symphony Orchestra) while Roberto Catalano will be on charge of the stage management. The rest of the team is completed by the set designer Emanuele Sinisi, the costume designer Ilaria Ariemme and the lighting designer Fiammetta Baldiserri.

This opera is a dramma giocoso in two acts with music by Domenico Cimarosa, on a libretto by Giovanni Bertati and based on the play “The Clandestine Marriage by George Colman the Elder and David Garrick. The Italian premiere of the opera was given at the Hofburgtheater of Vienna on the 7th February 1792 before the Leopold II. The emperor liked the performance so much that, after inviting the whole company to dinner, he asked for a complete encore of the opera. 

It is one of Cimarosa's most interesting and best-known pieces, a clear example of opera buffa from the 18thcentury. The plot is full of impossible situations, disguises and happy endings, where a wealthy merchant, eager to move up the social ladder, seeks to marry off his two daughters to noblemen. However, the businessman is unaware that one of his daughters has secretly married one of his employees. This impending conflict is spiced up with particularly original music, which stylistically falls somewhere between Mozart, Rossini and Donizetti. The stage manager and his team set the whole plot in New York in the 1950s.

The cast comprises twelve singers that participate in the current Opera (e)Studio's edition, an education academy directed by Giulio Zappa that is aimed at artists for their comprehensive music enhancement. The young artists have been selected from 195 candidates of 36 nationalities. They have already spent three weeks on the island where they receive intensive training in singing and acting. The singers, who are aged between 22 and 31, will form two casts each comprised of six roles of ‘Il matrimonio segreto’.

Both basses Ignas Melnikas, Lithuanian, and Francesco Leone, Italian, will play Geronimo. Both Italian sopranos Eleonara Nota and Marilena Ruta will play the role of Elisetta. Both sopranos, Giulia Mazzola, Italian, and Veronika Seghers, German, will play the role of Carolina. Fidalma will be played by both mezzo-sopranos Mara Gaudenzi, Italian, and Claire Gascoin, French. Both baritones, the Spaniard Jan Antem and the Chilean Ramiro Maturana have been chosen for the role of the Count Robinson, while both tenors Bekir Serbest, Turkish, and Antonio Mandrillo, Italian, will play the role of Paolino.

This programme for young artists is aimed at offering highly specialised training on international lyrical scene, and acts as a showcase and springboard for many of them. Opera (e)Studio also provides visibility for the technical production work of Auditorio de Tenerife. The Auditorium obtained both in 2019 and 2020 the recognition of the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission, which reflects development, sustainability, job creation and training.

Tickets can be purchased on the website and by phone dialling 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except holidays. They can also be obtained by prior appointment at the box office and at the same opening hours. Appointments can be requested on  or by dialling 922 568 625. Those telephone lines are also open to answer questions, from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except holidays. Ticket sales close two hours before the show starts to finish setting up the hall and to offer a completely safe experience.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you are living with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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Auditorio de Tenerife garantiza la realización de esta actividad con la transformación del formato, que este curso no será presencial


El Auditorio de Tenerife, espacio cultural que depende del área de Cultura del Cabildo que dirige el consejero Enrique Arriaga, abre el plazo de inscripción del proyecto de Teatro en la Escuela 2020/2021 para las compañías de artes escénicas de la isla. Como novedad, el formato de esta actividad del Área Educativa y Social del Auditorio se ha transformado en no presencial para poder garantizar su ejecución.

Este proyecto llevará durante el presente curso escolar 200 representaciones de 20 obras grabadas de teatro, danza y artes del movimiento a los centros educativos de la isla, que se completará con una guía didáctica y encuentros virtuales con los intérpretes.

Las bases para la selección de compañías de teatro y danza de la isla ya están publicadas en la página web y el plazo de inscripción está abierto hasta el 5 de marzo. El 17 de marzo se publicará la lista definitiva de las compañías seleccionadas y el 24 del mismo mes comenzarán las grabaciones en el Auditorio de Tenerife.

Auditorio de Tenerife acordará con los centros educativos de la isla 10 representaciones de cada obra elegida, de entre 45 y 75 minutos, que podrán estar dirigidas al alumnado Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato o de ciclos formativos. Se elegirá una obra por cada una de las 20 compañías, que serán seleccionadas por un comité de profesionales del sector de las artes escénicas y de la educación. Auditorio de Tenerife asume la grabación de las obras y la presentación de cada uno de los personajes.

Este proyecto tiene como objetivo dar a conocer los lenguajes escénicos a los estudiantes en su propio contexto educativo, además de acercar y difundir las artes escénicas entre el alumnado de la isla. Por otro lado, esta iniciativa busca unir aspectos académicos en el contexto profesional de las artes escénicas de Tenerife y fomentar valores centrados en la danza y las artes del movimiento, relacionados con el arte, la salud, el cuerpo, el movimiento, vinculados a la disciplina artística de la danza de manera transversal y transdisciplinar.

Otra de las metas del proyecto pasa por el fomento del desarrollo integral del alumnado y crear las bases para favorecer la socialización de estudiantes dentro del espacio de la escuela a través de actividades culturales, así como integrar otros lenguajes artísticos asociados al literario y conocer a los autores y sus textos analizando su estructura.

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Auditorio de Tenerife garantiza la realización de esta actividad con la transformación del formato, que este curso no será presencial


El Auditorio de Tenerife, espacio cultural que depende del área de Cultura del Cabildo que dirige el consejero Enrique Arriaga, abre el plazo de inscripción del proyecto de Teatro en la Escuela 2020/2021 para las compañías de artes escénicas de la isla. Como novedad, el formato de esta actividad del Área Educativa y Social del Auditorio se ha transformado en no presencial para poder garantizar su ejecución.

Este proyecto llevará durante el presente curso escolar 200 representaciones de 20 obras grabadas de teatro, danza y artes del movimiento a los centros educativos de la isla, que se completará con una guía didáctica y encuentros virtuales con los intérpretes.

Las bases para la selección de compañías de teatro y danza de la isla ya están publicadas en la página web y el plazo de inscripción está abierto hasta el 5 de marzo. El 17 de marzo se publicará la lista definitiva de las compañías seleccionadas y el 24 del mismo mes comenzarán las grabaciones en el Auditorio de Tenerife.

Auditorio de Tenerife acordará con los centros educativos de la isla 10 representaciones de cada obra elegida, de entre 45 y 75 minutos, que podrán estar dirigidas al alumnado Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato o de ciclos formativos. Se elegirá una obra por cada una de las 20 compañías, que serán seleccionadas por un comité de profesionales del sector de las artes escénicas y de la educación. Auditorio de Tenerife asume la grabación de las obras y la presentación de cada uno de los personajes.

Este proyecto tiene como objetivo dar a conocer los lenguajes escénicos a los estudiantes en su propio contexto educativo, además de acercar y difundir las artes escénicas entre el alumnado de la isla. Por otro lado, esta iniciativa busca unir aspectos académicos en el contexto profesional de las artes escénicas de Tenerife y fomentar valores centrados en la danza y las artes del movimiento, relacionados con el arte, la salud, el cuerpo, el movimiento, vinculados a la disciplina artística de la danza de manera transversal y transdisciplinar.

Otra de las metas del proyecto pasa por el fomento del desarrollo integral del alumnado y crear las bases para favorecer la socialización de estudiantes dentro del espacio de la escuela a través de actividades culturales, así como integrar otros lenguajes artísticos asociados al literario y conocer a los autores y sus textos analizando su estructura.

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Next week he will play this organ, unique in the world, playing works by César Franck and Charles Marie Widor.


Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Councilt that is managed by the councillor of Culture Enrique Arriaga. Next week the Basque musician Esteban Landart will offer at the Auditorium the organ concert Mirada a un programa histórico (A Look at a Historical Programme). The programme includes works by César Franck and Charles Marie Widor. This Sunday [21] from 12:00 noon onwards, the organist will play the colossal and unique instrument housed in Auditorio de Tenerife.

The repertoire is carried out in collaboration with the Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts San Miguel Arcángel. The title of this repertoire alludes to a real event that inspired this concert: on 1 October 1878, one of the great organs by the famous builder Aristide Cavaillé-Coll was inaugurated at the Concert Hall of the Trocadéro Palace in Paris, built for the World's Fair of that year. For that solemn occasion, works were commissioned to Caesar Franck, the organist of the Sainte Clotilde Church, and Charles Marie Widor, organist at the Temple of Saint Sulpice.

Musicologist Rosario Álvarez explains that "both musicians performed their own compositions that evening: the so-called 'Three Pieces' ('Fantasy', 'Cantabile', and 'Heroic Piece') of the former and the 'Symphony for Organ No. 6' of the latter, who was a composer and organist noted for having transferred the orchestral genre of the Symphony to the organ”. “The organ of our Auditorium, with its four keyboards and rich registration, among which is the human voice required by Franck for his 'Fantasy', lends itself like no other to the interpretation of this suggestive romantic repertoire."

This second organ concert offered by the Auditorium will be played by Esteban Landart, who is also organ teacher at the Conservatory Maurice Ravel of Bayonne (France) and at the School of Music Musikene, Basque country. He has published several studies and articles in many French and Spanish publications on subjects related to pedagogy, organ building, organ performance and musical analysis.

Landart combines teaching with his active career as organist in Europe and the United States, where he performs at major music festivals. He currently works as coordinator of the Technical Commission for the Conservation and Restoration of Organs and Harmoniums of the Diocese of San Sebastian (Spain).

The Auditorium's organ was built by prestigious organ builder Albert Blancafort and his team. It is a 21stcentury instrument that is unique not only because of its design, but also its sound and registration. The sounds come from 3,835 pipes that are housed in the walls of the emblematic Symphony Hall, which are controlled by the organist from on-stage through the console and the four keyboards that he can play. In addition, external keyboards can be added such as the positive organ designed by Blancafort.

Tickets can be purchased on the website until two hours before the concert starts. You can also purchase your tickets by phone dialling 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. They can also be obtained by going to the box office or by appointment.  Appointments can be requested on  or by dialling 922 568 625. Those lines are also open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. to answer questions.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves". By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of  masks and attendance to the event only with people you are living with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on our website.

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Enrique Arriaga highlights "this is our proposal in a year in which we will not enjoy the festivities as we have traditionally done".



On Friday and Saturday this week after 7:30 pm, Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife will offer a concert devoted to Carnival. Tickets are already sold out. Details of this new concert were given today [Wednesday 10th] by Enrique Arriaga, councillor for Culture of Tenerife Island Council; by Víctor Pablo Pérez, honorary conductor of Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, and Agustín Ramos, composer from Tenerife who arranged two pieces that the orchestra will play. One of the pieces Esto es Carnaval (This is Carnival) is a world première. The programme will be completed by “Carnival of The Animals”, by Camille Saint-Saëns; the script of this piece with be narrated by Antonia San Juan, actress, and played by the pianists Miguel Ángel Dionis and Javier Lanis.

As Enrique Arriaga highlighted “we are living an atypical year during which we will not be able to enjoy our fiesta; this is the first time that the streets will not be filled with colour and joy". He also stressed that "that's the reason why the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife wanted to offer these concerts". Arriaga pointed out that "I can't stop thinking about all those businesses and restaurants that won't be able to take part in the Carnival this year, but it is essential that we maintain caution."

Víctor Pablo Pérez, honorary conductor of Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, observed that "Carnival of The Animals" is a piece with several motivations. The actress Antonia San Juan will be on charge of the narration. The maestro anticipated that "it's going to be a lot of fun, interesting, atypical and probably biting, but that's how Carnival is. It is our way of feeling Carnival is alive. Hopefully next year it will take place with the same circumstances that we all know."

Agustín Ramos noted that "when I received the commission for this Carnival-themed work (Esto es Carnaval), I preferred to make a medley of well-known themes by people of Tenerife instead of a completely new creation. Once the audience listens to it, it will remind them of many moments experienced in our Carnival. It will be a carnival show for everyone."

The works Tenerife en Carnaval and Esto es Carnaval - a suite version - have been arranged for orchestra by Agustín Ramos. They review the best known tunes along Carnival's history whilst they group together different popular compositions that aim to synthesise the spirit of Carnival. Particularly noteworthy is the climax reached with rhythmic compositions of Latin orchestras, in which soloist and choir usually interact. On this occasion this will be emulated by different soloists of Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife. Among the most popular themes are: Caballo viejoOjalá que llueva café or Sigan bailando, as well as samba and batucada rhythms.

Tenerife Island Council and Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife have decided to acknowledge the career of Agustín Ramos (Candelaria, 1941) composer of the hymn par excellence of Carnival “Santa Cruz en Carnaval”. In this way, the orchestra joins the island's most international festival during this edition marked by current pandemic circumstances. 

During 15 years (1971-1986), Agustín Ramos was linked to Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife as principal trumpet player.  He was previously principal trumpet player in the Municipal Band of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1959-1984). After beginning his studies on the island with Antonio González Ferrera (solfège), Eneldo Díaz and Ernesto Correa (trumpet) and Santiago Sabina (harmony), he continued his studies in Madrid with José Ortí; his orchestra's conducting teachers were Armando Blanquer and Crescensio Díaz de Felipe. His teaching work stands out for his position as professor of trumpet at the Conservatory of Music of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Víctor Pablo Pérez studied at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid and at the Hochschule für Musik in Munich (Germany). He was artistic director and chief conductor of Symphony Orchestra of Asturias between 1980 and 1988 and of Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife between 1986 and 2005. In 1993 he started as conduct the Symphony Orchestra of Galicia, a task he carried out until 2013. That same year he joined the Orchestra and Choir of  the Community of Madrid as artistic director and conductor. Since January 2017 he has been the artistic director of the Youth Orchestra of the Canary Islands. 

Antonia San Juan, actress and filmmaker from the Canary Islands, won the Gold Medal of the Canary Islands. The actress is known for her regular appearances in TV series, theatre tours and film productions. She became known to the general public thanks to Pedro Almodóvar and his film All About My Mother, one of the director's best-known films. At a very young age, San Juan moved to Madrid to begin her theatrical career. She has stood out from very early on as a monologuist in bars and theatre cafés in Madrid. She has also followed her career as professional scriptwriter and producer. 

Miguel Angel Dionis García was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. After finishing his intermediate studies with Concepción Hernández Peraza, he continued his musical training with Miquel Farré in the Conservatory of Music of Barcelona. He currently teaches at the Conservatory of Music of Barcelona and at the School of Music of Catalonia. 

Tenerife native, Dionis García, has won several awards in competitions: XI National Piano Competition "Joan Massiá"; XXIV Interpreters' Competition of Catalonia; Competition of "Círculo XII de Enero”; Music Soloist of the Regional Government of Catalonia; XXV Competition for Musicians of Catalonia and the award Sofía Puche. Since 2001 he has been musical director of Mozart's The (little) Magic Flute, a production of the Gran Teatre del Liceu (Barcelona).

The Chilian pianist Javier Lanis studied with Elisa Alsina, Robert Roux and Anatol Ugorski at Chile University, Rice University (United States) and Hochschule für Musik Detmold (Germany). He currently teaches music at the Conservatory of Music of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 

Thanks to his exquisite sensitivity and overflowing musical energy, he won the Claudio Arrau International Piano Competition (1991). He has also performed with Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife, National Symphony Orchestra of Chile, Symphony Orchestra of Concepción (Chile), Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie (Germany) and Dogma Chamber Orchestra (Germany).

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Four musicians will tackle a programme comprised of pieces by Díaz-Jerez, Stravinsky and Rimski-Kórsakov


Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Thursday [11th] at 7:30 pm, the Auditorium welcomes the concert Temptations by Quantum Ensemble. Tickets are already sold out. The programme will tackle a repertoire comprised of pieces by Gustavo Díaz-Jerez, Igor Stravinsky and Nicolái Rimski-Kórsakov. 

On this occasion, the chamber ensemble will consist of Alissa Margulis, violinist, Cristo Barrios, clarinettist, Adolfo Gutiérrez cellist and Gustavo Díaz-Jerez, pianist. The title of this concert is based on the fact that since ancient Greece, strong condemnations against music appeal to the senses, against its ability to excite primitive emotions; thus, music was understood as a social threat. 

At the same time, numerous compositions have been inspired by vices and temptations; they have recreated the sounds of the underworld and have travelled the arduous path that leads from sin to redemption. As a preview of the concert, Cristo Barrios explains that "the devil dances, overjoyed, at the end of ‘The Soldier's Tale’ because he has managed to seize the protagonist's soul. Meanwhile, Scheherazade is able to save her life for one more day by postponing the end of her stories”. "Temptation disrupts plans and makes men know their limits." states the founder member of Quantum Ensemble.

The concert will take place at the Chamber Hall and will start with Metaludes (notebook 5) by Díaz-Jerez, that include the world première Hidden States. This will be followed by Stravinsky's L'Histoire du soldat (‘The Soldier's Tale’), to finish with Shéhérazade, symphonic suite, op. 35 by Rimski-Kórsakov, arranged for violin, clarinet, chello and piano by Pablo Díaz.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves". Likewise, the correct and compulsory use of masks is reminded. The concert will take place in compliance with all health and safety measures based in the contingency plan against COVID-19 of Auditorio de Tenerife, the first Spanish auditorium to be certified by AENOR.

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