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The Ciclo de Cámara welcomes this flute, violin, viola and cello ensemble that will play Haydn, Hummel, Krommer and Mozart


The Ciclo de Cámara [Chamber Music series] of Auditorio de Tenerife, venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga, welcomes on Thursday, the 29th at 7:30 pm the concert Temperamentos by the Ensemble Hespérides. Tickets cost 15 euros and there are discounts available. You can buy them on

The Ensemble Hespérides, that is playing at the Auditorio de Tenerife for the second time, is made up by Raquel Martorell, flute; David Ballesteros, violin; Macarena Pesutiç, viola; and Kathleen Balfe, cello. The repertoire includes London trio n.1 C Major by Joseph Haydn, Trio Eb Major s.30 by Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Flute quartet in F Major op.17 by Franz Krommer and Flute quartet in C Major k.285b by Wolfang Amadeus Mozart.

The title of the programme refers to the musical tuning systems. Since the Baroque period, irregular temperaments (French and German) gave each tonality special emotional characteristics, a fact that went on until the classical period, although equal temperament was gradually adopted until it became the norm in Western music during Classicism. This fact shows how stable the composition style was in this period: regular, balanced phrases whose difficulty lies on how tricky it is to convey all it comprises, although it is done with the naturalness and simplicity of a geometric shape that is apparently basic but has a wealth of content.

Tickets can be booked via the website and by telephone on 902  317 327 Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays. You can also make an appointment to come to the box office on // and on 922 568 625, where they can also answer all your queries Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.

Audience members are kindly asked to come to Auditorio early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this Cabildo cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask or coming only with people you live with. The full measures and the AENOR-certified contingency plan are available on Auditorio’s website. Both the GastroMag and the car park are open to the public. 

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La directora Anna Rakitina y el trompeta Manuel Blanco abordarán obras de Mozart, Hummel y Beethoven


La Sinfónica de Tenerife, que depende del Área de Cultura del Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, dirigido por el consejero Enrique Arriaga, responde al éxito de ventas de su próximo concierto de temporada, doblando función, que serán el jueves [día 29] y el viernes [día 30] a las 19:30 horas en el Auditorio de Tenerife. La directora Anna Rakitina debutará al frente de la formación tinerfeña abordando un programa compuesto por piezas de Mozart, Hummel y Beethoven. En esta ocasión el solista invitado será el trompeta Manuel Blanco.

La Orquesta del Cabildo interpretará, bajo la vigente fórmula orquestal reducida, La flauta mágica, Obertura, KV 620 de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Concierto para trompeta y orquesta en Mi mayor de Johann Nepomuk Hummel y Sinfonía nº 5 en Do menor, op 67 de Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Tras agotarse las localidades para el tercer concierto de la temporada 2020/2021, que tendrá lugar el viernes, ya pueden adquirirse las entradas para la segunda función, la del jueves, en la página web y de forma telefónica en el 902 317 327 de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos. También se pueden conseguir, en el mismo horario, en taquilla solicitando cita previa en // y en el 922 568 625, de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos.

Para disfutar de esta experiencia cultural es necesario llegar al recinto con antelación suficiente para realizar una entrada escalonada a la sala. La compra de las entradas supone la aceptación de las medidas implementadas por el centro cultural del Cabildo para hacer frente a la COVID-19, como el uso de la mascarilla o la asistencia solo con convivientes. Las medidas al completo, así como el plan de contingencia certificado por AENOR, se pueden consultar en la web del Auditorio. Tanto la cafetería GastroMag como el parking están disponibles.

La Obertura KV 620 de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart es el tema que da inicio a su última ópera, La flauta mágica (1791), un fragmento que fue terminado tan sólo unos días antes de su estreno. La obra completa es un auténtico compendio de símbolos musicales relacionados con la masonería, reflejados en la tonalidad de Mi bemol mayor junto a Do menor, repetidos a lo largo de esta partitura; o en los tres acordes iniciales cuyo ritmo imita la triple llamada a la puerta del templo masónico en el rito iniciático. La melodía no es original de Mozart, sino que proviene de la Sonata para piano en Si bemol mayor, op. 24 nº 2 escrita una década antes, por el también masón, Muzio Clementi; siendo adaptada por el genio de Salzburgo a su característica escritura.

Johann Nepomuk Hummel firma el Concierto para trompeta y orquesta en Mi mayor, una creación de resonancias mozartianas con un lenguaje y orquestación completamente clásicos. El vitalista Allegro con spirito se trata de una extensa introducción dominada por el enérgico primer tema, que avanza entre estructuras vigorosas, hasta desembocar en un exigente Rondó final que requiere de una gran agilidad técnica por parte del solista. Hummel quiso mostrar con esta creación todas las posibilidades del nuevo instrumento inventado por Weidinger.

Sinfonía nº 5 en Do menor, op 67 de Ludwig Van Beethoven es una composición que resulta de un largo proceso de creación, entre 1804 y 1808, periodo que coincide con las guerras napoleónicas y la agitación política en Austria. Este tema posee una escritura dinámica y robusta, presentando un amplio abanico de experiencias sensitivas que abarcan desde la sonata del primer movimiento, al pastoral del segundo movimiento o el sorprendente cierre donde se escucha al unísono la orquesta en la brillante tonalidad de Do mayor.

La moscovita Anna Rakitina atesora una prometedora carrera como directora, tal como avalan los recientes reconocimientos internacionales recibidos en el Malko Conducting Competition en Copenhague (2018), “Deutscher Dirigentenpreis” Competition en Colonia (2017) o el TCO International Conducting Competition en Taipei (2015).

El trompeta ciudadrealeño Manuel Blanco alcanza su primer reconocimiento internacional en el prestigioso ARD Music Competition de Munich (2011) al obtener la calificación más alta de la historia de la competición. También ha conquistado diversos concursos como el Ciudad de Xátiva, Calviá, Moixent, Jeju (Corea del Sur). Como concertista, ha tocado con la Orquesta de la Radio de Baviera, Orquesta de la Radio de Munich, Philarmonisches Orchester Würzburg en Mozarfest, Hofer Symphoniker, Norddeutsche Philharmonie Rostock o la Orquesta Nacional de España.

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Marcos Vargas’s and Chloé Brûle’s company perform this choral score in seven movements


The 2020 Special FAM presents Los cuerpos celestes, a flamenco-inspired journey across the universe penned by Marcos Vargas’s and Chloé Brûle’s company. The show takes place on Monday, the 26th at 8:30 pm at the Sala Sinfónica of Auditorio de Tenerife, a venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga.

Los cuerpos celestes is a sensory journey from the ethereal to the corporeal that offers a series of landscapes where the five performers meet and get together to find out what the indefinable is. Through duos, trios, quartets, and quintets the artists reflect on the place they each have in relation to the other. 

Judging by the rich contrasts between flamenco and electronic music, the Sevillian company makes up a fresco about human beings in which every individual is a fundamental though insignificant piece on the great universal board. 

Since 2005 Vargas & Brûlé have made up a creative team that has a language of their own taken from flamenco and dance. They have been included in the most relevant national programmes and have shown their work at major international events. 

Audience members are kindly asked to come to Auditorio early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this Cabildo cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask or coming only with people you live with. The full measures and the AENOR-certified contingency plan are available on Auditorio’s website. 

Tickets can be booked via the website and by telephone on 902  317 327 Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays. You can also make an appointment to come to the box office from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on and on 922 568 625, where they can also answer all your queries Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.

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Será la primera vez en España que suene esta misa de Donizetti en un espacio no religioso y lo hará con 45 músicos de la Sinfónica, 23 coralistas y 5 cantantes solistas

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Auditorio de Tenerife’s dance company starts their Spanish tour that includes Barcelona, Málaga, Valencia and A Coruña


Lava, Auditorio de Tenerife’s dance company, will visit several Spanish cities this autumn with their double programme Bending the Walls, by choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan, and Beyond, by Virginia García and Damián Muñoz of La intrusa. Their first engagement is at the Sant Andreu Teatre SAT in Barcelona where Lava is performing today, Thursday the 22nd at 8:30 pm as part of the Catalonian theatre’s 2020/2021 dance season.

The tour of the dance company of Auditorio, a cultural venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga, is taking place in October and November. Barcelona, Málaga, Valencia and A Coruña will welcome Lava, that started rehearsing on 12 October at Auditorio’s Sala Castillo meeting all the safety and hygiene measures. “The participation of Auditorio de Tenerife’s company in this national tour is a very interesting platform to consolidate their project”, the Cabildo’s councillor of culture Enrique Arriaga pointed out. He also said that “even with the restrictions and at the difficult time culture is going through, we wish to support participations that reinforce the work of projects like our company’s on stages where they can show their work”.

The autumn tour goes on next Monday, the 26th at 8:00 pm at the Teatro Cervantes in Málaga, where Lava will take part in the Festival Danza Málaga 2020. On 10th November, the Canarian dance company will reach Valencia to perform at the city’s Teatro Principal at 10:00 pm. This time they are included in the programme of the 2020 Ciclo Dansa València that should have been held in March but had to be put off due to the health crisis. 

A Coruña is the last destination of Lava’s autumn tour. On 13 November they will dance their double programme at the Teatro Rosalía de Castro at 8:30 pm as part of the venue’s contemporary dance regular programme. The dancers taking part in the tour are Fabiana Mangialardi, Emiliana Battista Marino, Amanda Rubio, Javier de la Asunción, Javier Arozena and Adrián Díaz.

Bending the Walls is an exploration of the world of restrictions and limitations in the search for happiness, freedom and understanding. Through this piece, the physical and psychological limits of the individual and the surrounding world are explored. It is a metaphor about the psychological, physical, and emotional forces human beings can approach in order to reach beyond palpable reality, overcome sorrow and escape into the world of the imagination. 

Beyond deals with the experience of searching through the emotional landscapes of memory, presenting a scenario full of uncertainties, which forces us to create or reflect on our own life and on the landscape every individual shapes for themselves either consciously or unconsciously.

Lava Compañía de Danza is a project of Auditorio de Tenerife that was set up in 2018, under the artistic direction of Tenerife-born dancer and creator Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014), to boost contemporary creation. It focuses on building a repertoire of works by renowned international artists. 

The six dancers have a strong stage presence, are technically proficient and versatile to bring creations to life that share contemporary dance language plus other codes of the current artistic discourse. Physicality, poetry, and commitment. These pieces have already attracted a wide audience and are creating new ones through the experience of dance and its context. 

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Soprano Rosina Herrera and pianist Nauzet Mederos perform works by Spanish-speaking composers from both sides of the Atlantic 


Auditorio de Tenerife, a venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga, presents the concert Lírica. De orilla a orilla, the third and last one in the Creativa Música Panhispánica series [Panhispanic Creative Music]. The performance is on Sunday, the 25th at 12:00 noon at the Sala de Cámara. The programme, played by two Canarian artists, includes works by Spanish-speaking composers from different countries and periods, from the 19th century to the present, including pieces by Canarian creators. 

The voice of soprano Rosina Herrera joins Nauzet Mederos’s piano to interpret scores by Ernesto Halffter (1905-1989, Madrid), Blanca Báez (1920-2018, the Canaries), Luis Cobiella (1925-2013, La Palma), Isaac Albéniz (1860, Spain-1909, France), Lothar Siemens (1941-2017, Gran Canaria), Carlos Guastavino (1912-2000, Argentina) and Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959, Rio de Janeiro).

This programme was originally scheduled for 14 March 2020 but had to be postponed due to the measures applied by the authorities to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Tickets were reimbursed at the time and you can now enjoy this quite unusual repertoire. 

Tickets can be booked up to two hours before the show starts on website and by telephone on 902  317 327 Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.

You can also make an appointment on // to come to the box office Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 2:00 pm except holidays, and on 922 568 625, where they can also answer all your queries Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.

Audience members are kindly asked to come to Auditorio early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this Cabildo cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask or coming only with people you live with. The full measures and the AENOR-certified contingency plan are available on Auditorio’s website. 

Auditorio de Tenerife and Asociación Tinerfeña de Amigos de la Música (Atadem) organise this three-concert series with the purpose of showing quite unusual music on the island. It is coordinated by Conrado Álvarez and Rosario Álvarez as artistic director, who explains that “there is a wide range of piano, vocal and chamber repertoires from America that have been composed using their own regional languages, which are the result of the development of each area after Independence”. 

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Nómada and Provisional Danza companies to perform Carmen Werner’s choreography on Wednesday at 8:30 pm


FAM Special 2020 presents Instrucciones para mejorar la vida [Instructions to improve life] by the companies Nómada and Provisional Danza on Wednesday 21 October at 8:30 pm. The tickets for this show included in the Cabildo’s festival, promoted by the Department of Culture under councillor Enrique Arriaga, cost eight euros and can be booked on

Set in a spring afternoon, Carmen Werner’s choreography is the result of the joint work of companies Nómada and Provisional Danza with music by Luis Martínez. Four working senior performers and choreographers get together in Instrucciones para mejorar la vida, a piece that explores how to make everyday life easier through simple actions. Smiling at a difficult time or changing a light bulb safely are some of the topics it deals with. 

With more than 30 years on the stage, Provisional Danza is a company set up by Carmen Werner that has put on hundreds of creations in Europe, Asia and America. Werner has been the heavyweight teacher of current dancers and choreographers who are now in many contemporary dance shows. 

For their part, Nómada was established in 2000 and its main goal is to bring contemporary dance to all kinds of audiences and venues. Based at Teatro Victoria in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, their work acts as a platform to experiment. 

Members of the audience are kindly asked to arrive early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask throughout the show. 

FAM’s next show is Los cuerpos celestes. Partitura coral en siete movimientos by Marco Vargas & Chloé Brûlé at the Sala Sinfónica on Monday, the 26th. Please find more information on

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Desde las 17:30 horas del sábado se podrá disfrutar de las representaciones en la Plaza Alisios


Auditorio de Tenerife, espacio cultural que depende del Área de Cultura del Cabildo de Tenerife que dirige el consejero Enrique Arriaga, ofrece este sábado [17 de octubre] a partir de las 17:30 horas cinco espectáculos de danza al aire libre. Estas funciones del Festival de las Artes del Movimiento FAM tendrán lugar en la Plaza Alisios, en la trasera del edificio. Las entradas están a la venta hasta dos horas antes del comienzo de la primera función al precio de dos euros por función.

Expectations will not kill you, de la compañía OSA+MUJIKA, será el primer espectáculo de la jornada. La obra es una reflexión sobre el fracaso y la frustración que interpretarán Raymond Naval y Jaiotz Osa desde las 17:30 horas. Inspirado en las pruebas de arrastre de bueyes tradicionales del País Vasco, el espectáculo IDI-BEGI de la compañía Proyecto Larrua se podrá ver en el exterior del auditorio capitalino a las 18:00 horas. 

Colectivo Glovo presentará a las 18:30 horas su coreografía Mapa, que toma como referentes las fronteras y los refugiados para investigar sobre las posibilidades del movimiento. Los catalanes Iron Skulls Co presentan en FAM a las 19:00 horas su obra Kintsugi, una filosofía japonesa que reivindica la estética de la imperfección al igual que la técnica de la que tome su nombre. 

Por último, la danza contemporánea con influencias de lo urbano de Young Blood cerrarán la jornada en el exterior del Auditorio de Tenerife a las 19:30 horas. El tiempo es el leitmotiv de esta coreografía que firma Arnau Pérez de la Fuente. 

Toda la información sobre la programación y las entradas puede consultarse en Estos espectáculos al aire libre forman parte de Acieloabierto, la Red de Festivales de Danza Contemporánea en Espacios No Convencionales, un proyecto del INAEM del Ministerio de Cultura del Gobierno de España

Se ruega al público llegar con antelación suficiente para realizar una entrada escalonada. La compra de las entradas supone la aceptación de las medidas implementadas por el centro cultural del Cabildo para hacer frente a la COVID-19, como el uso correcto de la mascarilla. Las medidas al completo, así como el plan de contingencia certificado por AENOR, se pueden consultar en la web del Auditorio.

Los abonos para las cinco funciones están agotados. Las entradas de cada espectáculo se pueden adquirir en la página web y de forma telefónica en el 902  317 327 de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos. También se pueden conseguir acudiendo a taquilla con cita previa de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos. La cita para acudir a taquilla se puede pedir en // y en el 922 568 625, donde también se pueden resolver dudas, de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos.


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The tests are for the cast of `Il matrimonio segreto´, the title chosen for the 8th year of this renowned programme

Please, check the last information at


Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by Enrique Arriaga, has announced the dates of the auditions for Ópera de Tenerife’s project Opera (e)Studio. The international tests will take place from 30 November to 18 December in four Italian and Spanish cities: Parma, Palermo, Madrid and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. If you are interested and have not applied yet you can do it until 6:00 pm on 10 November

The singers chosen will take part in the eighth Opera (e)Studio, the comprehensive training academy for young artists directed by Giulio Zappa. They will go on stage on 18, 19, 20 and 21 March 2021 to perform Cimarosa’s Il matrimonio segreto, a co-production with Teatro Regio di Parma and Teatro Massimo di Palermo.

Apart from Zappa, the project, which is known internationally, will have Davide Levi as musical director and Roberto Catalano as stage director; the costumes will be designed by Ilaria Ariemme and the lighting design will be by Fiammetta Baldiserri.

The auditions were meant to take place between 11th and 19th May 2020 but had to be put off because of the health crisis. So, the new dates for the 2020 auditions, unless the health situation prevents it again, are as follows: 30 November and 1 December in Parma, 3 December in Palermo; 15 and 16 December in Madrid, and on 18 December  in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

All the information about the auditions and how to apply is available on The regulations are in Spanish, Italian and English. Those who have already applied will receive the information individually via email but for any specific query please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The purpose of this programme for young artists is to provide highly specialized training in the international opera field while it is also a springboard for many of the young talents. Singers from more than 24 different countries -including the auditions- have taken part in previous years. Ópera (e)Studio also highlights Auditorio de Tenerife’s technical production work and in 2019 and 2020 was recognised by the European Commission’s programme Creative Europe, which shows the development, sustainability, job creation and training.

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Creations for duets from the Low Countries, Germany and Spain will be on the Sala de Cámara stage on Sunday the 18th


Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by Enrique Arriaga, is hosting four contemporary dance duets of the Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de Canarias MASDANZA’s Tenerife Extension on Sunday the 18th at 9:00 pm.

The duets titled Moi-JeOut of the blueHito and Ode to phanes will be on at the Sala de CámaraTickets are on sale up to two hours before the show starts at 8 euros with a special discount for dance school students. 

The first piece comes from Madrid and is titled Moi-Je, created by Fabián Thomé. The choreography, performed by Thomé and Javier Monzón García, calls for introspection through listening and abstraction. 

From Rotterdam in the Low Countries comes Out of the blue, a work with original music by Guillem Góngora Moral, inspired by dream landscapes that convey the uncertainty and difficulty faced by human beings when confronting the unknown. Danielle Huyghe and Alexandra Verschuuren both created and perform the piece. 

Hito, penned and performed by Chey Jurado and Akira Yoshida portrays the search for conection of two people through emotion and the unexpected. From Badajoz, Spain, these creators will dance to the sound of Silver Mt. Zion’s Mountains Made of Steam.

And finally, Ode to phanes comes all the way from Berlin to stage the symbology shared by the different myths related to the cycle of life and death.  Melissa Kieffer and Susanna Yliskosky will dance Alma Edelstein’s choreography complemented by two songs: Heptapod B by Jóhann Jóhannsson and Order from Chaos by Max Cooper.

Audience members are kindly asked to come to Auditorio early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this Cabildo cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask or coming only with people you live with. The full measures and the AENOR-certified contingency plan are available on Auditorio’s website. 

Tickets can be booked via the website and by telephone on 902  317 327 Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays. You can also make an appointment to come to the box office on and on 922 568 625, where they can also answer all your queries Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.

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The show by La Phármaco and the Centro Drámatico Nacional, is performed on Thursday and it is based on the life of María Teresa León


Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga, is putting on Una gran emoción política at Sala Sinfónica on Thursday, the 15th at 8:30 pm. The show is by La Phármaco, coproduced with the Centro Dramático Nacional and is part of the 2021 FAM Special.  Tickets cost 8 euros and can be bought up to two hours before the show begins.

Luz Arcas, Málaga dancer and choreographer and founder of La Phármaco, has penned this work that is inspired by María Teresa León’s autobiography Memoria de la melancolía, that deals with the decisive years of our recent history, the time of the Civil War and exile: years marked by political fervour, the myth of the Revolution and the belief in utopias. 

Rather than having historicist aspirations the show aims at revealing the archetypal and universal qualities of those events with the company trying to portray the political emotion that drives a people to believe in their right to intervene in the history of their country, as if the future belonged to them. In Luz Arcas’s view, this is about “the emotion that the disasters of the 20th century -the wars, totalitarian regimes and their consequences- have undermined”.

Dance and physical activity, the songs and breathing, the author’s original texts and original music performed live and inspired by European popular themes evoke María Teresa’s memories: fundamental episodes of her life, like saving the Museo del Prado, the activities in the trenches of the Teatro de Guerrillas, political and social events like the participation of women in the war and key concepts such as the mass or the collective body, exile and memory. 

Through her memories, La Phármaco does not intend to dance María Teresa León’s life but her view of the world that was marked by an unrelenting empathy with the disadvantaged classes full of contradictions, and her failed dream of the triumph of a Republican and Communist Spain. From exile, María Teresa hoped to return one day to a country free of Franco’s dictatorship. When she finally returned in 1977, Alzheimer’s disease prevented her from realising where she was. 

On Saturday, 17 October FAM open-air performances start every half hour from 5:30 pm. The shows included areExpectations will not kill you, by OSA+MUJIKA; Idi-Begi, by Proyecto Larrua; Colectivo Glovo’s Mapa; Kintsugi, by Iron Skulls Co, and Young Blood, by Arnau Pérez. More information and tickets are available on

The Government of the Canary Islands’ Espacio La Granja collaborates with FAM  by housing some residencies and performances, plus the Spanish Theatre Network’s Danza a Escena scheme, and of the Circuito Acieloabierto of the street and unusual places dance network, both under the Spanish Ministry of Culture’s INAEM. The festival has the European Union EFFE label, (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) a quality mark that is granted to festivals with an artistic mission, commitment to local communities and strategic vision at European level.

Audience members are kindly asked to come to Auditorio early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this Cabildo cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask or coming only with people you live with. The full measures and the AENOR-certified contingency plan are available on Auditorio’s website. 

Tickets can be booked via the website and by telephone on 902  317 327 Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays. You can also make an appointment to come to the box office on and on 922 568 625, where they can also answer all your queries Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.

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Tuesday is time for ´Anhelo´, nominated for three Premios MAX, and on Thursday, ´Una gran emoción política´, inspired by María Teresa León


Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga, welcomes on Monday, the 12th El festín de los cuerpos, a show that celebrates diversity. This contemporary dance show by Sevilla company Danza Mobile, is part of the Festival de las Artes del Movimiento FAM, and takes place at 6:00 pm in the Sala de Cámara. Tickets at 8 euros are now on sale.

El festín de los cuerpos a choreography by Manuel Cañadas, Ana Erdozain and Arturo Parrilla, is a celebration of the body, its movement and diversity. Danza Mobile was set up in 1995 with the aim of creating a space to bring together the worlds of the arts and disability; a joint work of professionals of both areas to contribute to the creative, social, and personal processes of disabled people.

The following day [Tuesday, the 13th] Anhelo will be on the stage of Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Sinfónica at 8:30 pm. It is by Seville company Marcat Dance, nominated for three Premios MAX de las Artes Escénicas. Anhelo is a choreography by Mario Bermúdez Gil that focuses on the feeling of human desire, taking the frailty of some Armenian lullabies as a starting point to recreate, through the body, their own language of movement beyond its limit.

On Thursday, 15 October Una gran emoción política is on at Sala Sinfónica at 8:30 pm. Luz Arcas pens this total show, inspired by Memoria de la melancolía, María Teresa León’s autobiography that deals with the decisive years of our recent history, the time of the Civil War and exile: years marked by political fervour, the myth of the Revolution and the belief in utopias.

On Saturday, 17 October there are open-air performances starting every half hour from 5:30 pm. The shows included are: Expectations will not kill you, by OSA+MUJIKA; Idi-Begi, by Proyecto Larrua; Colectivo Glovo’s MapaKintsugi, by Iron Skulls Co, and Young Blood, by Arnau Pérez. Information on the programme and tickets is available on

The Government of the Canary Islands’ Espacio La Granja collaborates with FAM  by housing some residencies and performances, plus the Spanish Theatre Network’s Danza a Escena scheme, and the Circuito Acieloabierto of street and unusual places dance network, both under the Spanish Ministry of Culture’s INAEM. The festival has the European Union EFFE label, (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) a quality mark that is granted to festivals with an artistic mission, commitment to local communities and strategic vision at European level. 

Audience members are kindly asked to come to Auditorio early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this Cabildo cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask or coming only with people you live with. The full measures and the AENOR-certified contingency plan are available on Auditorio’s website. Both the GastroMag and the car park are open to the public. 

Tickets can be booked via the website and by telephone on 902  317 327 Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays. You can also make an appointment to come to the box office on // and on 922 568 625, where they can also answer all your queries Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.

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