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Sinfónica de Tenerife is for the first time offering all four symphonies by Brahms, “the perfect way to bring this composer to Tenerife audience”. The  principal conductor, Antonio Méndez, leads the orchestra in this unique occasion to enjoy the German author’s compositional expressiveness and symbolism in two consecutive concerts to take place at Auditorio de Tenerife on 15 and 22 February at 7:30 pm.

Sinfónica de Tenerife has performed these compositions many times before but never like this. I’m happy that in our first season together we can highlight these pieces which, in my view, are one of the pinnacles in the history of music”, says the maestro about the opportunity to listen to these creations together, a completely different experience from enjoying them separately.

The concerts start on Friday with the performance of the Third and First symphonies, played in that order. Two beautiful epic works which prompted critics to compare Brahms with Beethoven. The programme does not follow a chronological order as the aim is to “find a sense of balance and contrast between the pieces”, Méndez explained, taking into account that “the nature and duration of each symphony is very different”.

Brahms’s four symphonies are a rare case in the history of music” -the principal conductor pointed out. This is due to the fact that “Brahms spent 21 years working on his First Symphony and then took only nine years to compose the remaining three”.

This performance of the symphonies by Hamburg’s genius agrees with the lines to be followed this season by Sinfónica. Its principal conductor, Antonio Méndez, puts an emphasis on “the great Central European Romantic and Post-Romantic repertoire in a season where the main features are Brahms and Debussy”. Indeed, Sinfónica and I are thrilled at having the chance to present the Brahms series in these two weeks, as it is the main feature in the season and a clear example of the programme line we decided to follow.  The great Central European Romantic repertoire will have an outstanding position in our programme and performing these Brahms symphonies in our first season together is a good starting point, to then develop our repertoire in different directions”.

Tickets can be purchased at  Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín box office, from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Saturday; by telephone on 902 317 327; or on the internet and

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The Red de Coros de Tenerife [Tenerife Choir Network] has organised a performance workshop by Portuguese conductor Pedro Teixeira, to take place on Sunday, 24 March at Auditorio de Tenerife. The training session is free of charge and its main goal is to put an emphasis on the way compositions are performed. The workshop closes with a concert at Santa Cruz’s Real Casino de Tenerife in the evening. You can enrol now on Tenerife Artes Escénicas website here.

Regarded as one of the best European specialists in Renaissance music, Teixeira specifically targets this applied training course to choir singers with an advance level of musical knowledge. He is also giving a master class to students of the Choral Direction course under the programme put together by Tenerife Choir Network and Nuria Fernández Herranz, director of the course. In this session students will work on the following pieces: O Lux Beatissima, by Howard Helvey; Nunc Dimittis, by Erik Esenvadls; Ubi Caritas, by Gjeilo and There is no rose, by Andrew Cusworth.

Teixeira’s activities in the choir projects under Cabildo’s Tenerife 2030 strategy also include three rehearsals with Coro Juvenil de Auditorio de Tenerife [Auditorio Young Choir], who are getting ready to compete at the European Choral Games to be held in Gothenburg (Sweden) next August.

Lisbon-born Pedro Teixeira has a Masters in Choral Direction by Escola Superior de Música in Lisbon, and has gained much of his performance experience as director of Queluz Choral Group  (2000-12) and Eborae Musica (1997-2013).  Since then, he has been known in the choir world for his sensitive and sagacious performances. He has also specialised in building and keeping nuclear sound, the purity of voice issuing and musicality in the choirs he works with. He currently teaches at Lisbon’s Escola Superior de Música and Escola Superior de Educação.

Teixeira has trained professional choirs in collaboration with conductors like John Nelson, Joana Carneiro, Víctor Pablo Pérez, Riccardo Muti, Paul McCreesh, and Lawrence Foster. He recently worked on Haydn’s The Creation, and War Requiem by Britten at Auditorio Nacional de Música (Madrid); Falstaff by Verdi at Fundación Gulbenkian (Lisbon) and Verdi’s Requiem at Teatro Real de Madrid. In December 2017 he prepared Handel’s Messiah with Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid, and directed the Gulbenkian Choir in April 2018, at Gran Auditorio of the Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon.

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Auditorio de Tenerife offers a concert by Carlos Mena y The Disfonik OrchestraUnder the shadow is the title of the show by the singer and the ensemble on 2 March at 7:30 pm at Sala de Cámara in Auditorio. Tickets are  available here.

The music The Disfonik Orchestra offers is an intimate encounter of classical music and jazz. Some of the most beautiful pieces of the classical repertoire have been carefully chosen and delicately arranged for a jazz ensemble like The Disfonik and a distinct countertenor classical voice, Carlos Mena’s. Singer Ghalmia Senouci (alto) is also performing at Auditorio.

The Disfonik Orchestra was founded by Jacques Beaud and it is made up of seven professional musicians from very different music backgrounds who are connected by one single idea: Music. The following musicians will be playing: Juan Munguía, trumpet; Matthieu Roffè, piano, Salvatore Reitano, keyboard; Marc- Olivier Savoy, drums; and Jacques Beaud, electric bass.

Carlos Mena studied at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel with Richard Levitt and René Jacobs. His many concerts have taken him to the most prestigious venues in the world, such as Konzerthaus in Vienne, Berlin Philharmonic, Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Alice Tully Hall at New York’s MET, Kennedy Center in Whashintong, Berliner Philarmoniker, Suntory Hall and Opera City Hall in Tokyo, Osaka Symphony Hall, Sydney Opera House, Concert Hall in Melbourne.

He has performed the operas “Radamisto” by Händel (in the title role) at Felsenreitschule in Salzburg, at Dortmund Konzerthaus, at Musikverein in Vienne, at Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw and Bellas Artes in Mexico City conducted by M. Haselböck and H. Grazer; “Orfeo” by Monteverdi (Speranza) at Festwoche in Innsbruck and at Berlin’s Staatsoper; “Il Trionfo” by Händel (in the role of Disinganno) at Grosses Festspielhaus in Salzburg and “Europera 5” by J. Cage at Flanders Festival.

He has an interest in the lied and contemporary repertoires and has premiered different works by composers like José María Sánchez-Verdú, Gabriel Erkoreka and Alberto Iglesias. He has also conducted the Portuguese Symphony Orchestra, Orquesta Ciudad de Granada and Orquesta Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias with works by Handel, Bach and Mozart

He is currently music and artistic director at Capilla Santa Maria promoted by Fundación Catedral Santa María de Vitoria and directs programmes spanning from the Middle Ages to Classicism at national and international festivals.

Tickets can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Saturday, on or calling 902 317 327.

Auditorio’s usual discounts are also available for this concert including the new group discount.

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La Sinfónica de Tenerife explora el romanticismo alemán más creativo en su nuevo concierto de temporada conducido por Víctor Pablo Pérez, que cuenta con obras de Wagner, Bruch y Bruckner. El programa, que tendrá lugar el viernes [día 8] a las 19:30 horas en la Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, incluye también la presencia como solista invitada de la violinista Alexandr Soumm, quien debuta con la formación musical del Cabildo.

El director honorario se reencuentra con la orquesta en esta nueva cita que nos permitirá escuchar, en primer lugar, el preludio del Acto III de la ópera Los maestros cantores, de Richard Wagner (1813-1883), una magistral obertura de concierto, que refleja la voluntad del compositor de reconciliación con la tradición. La segunda parte del concierto estará dedicada a la Sinfonía nº 6  en La mayor de Anton Bruckner (1824-1896), quien tuvo una gran afinidad con Wagner y por ello fue blanco de las críticas de Eduard Hanslick, considerado padre del formalismo musical. Esta partitura, con una de las orquestaciones más imaginativas de su autor, comprende temas de gran belleza y armonías al mismo tiempo sutiles y atrevidas, con un gran dominio de las formas clásicas.

La propuesta de Víctor Pablo Pérez transportará a los asistentes a la composición romántica alemana a través también del Concierto para violín nº 1 en Sol menor de Max Bruch (1838-1920), que será interpretado por Alexandra Soumm. Partidaria de “tratar de representar las piezas que tocamos los músicos a través de los ojos de la historia”, la violinista francesa es consciente de tal fidelidad que no es posible en la actualidad, aunque encuentra en el romanticismo “el movimiento musical que permite mayor involucración personal”.

Soumm profundizará en la que se considera la obra más interpretada de Bruch, hasta el punto de que eclipsó el resto de sus composiciones. Una partitura imprescindible, por tanto, en el repertorio de todo solista, como es el caso de la intérprete invitada, quien confiesa que a pesar de haber tocado este concierto durante más de quince años, todavía le ilusiona descubrir “nuevas ideas y nuevos puntos de vista” a la hora de tocarla sobre un escenario. “Sentir el amor que el público de todo el mundo tiene por este trabajo siempre me conmueve, y estoy seguro de que España no es una excepción”, añade.

Las entradas para este concierto se pueden adquirir en la taquilla del Auditorio de Tenerife, de 10:00 a 19:30 horas de forma ininterrumpida de lunes a sábado; por teléfono en el 902 317 327; o por internet a través de y

Clases magistrales

Alexandra Soumm es una apasionada de la enseñanza y ofrece clases magistrales en numerosos países. Avalada por una carrera con sólidos conocimientos ella quien inaugure, el próximo jueves 7 de febrero, las clases magistrales que la Sinfónica de Tenerife ha preparado para esta temporada, una propuesta que se integra en el programa del área socieducativa de la orquesta, a través de la iniciativa Tenerife 2030 del Cabildo.

Con estas actividades, organizadas con la colaboración del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias, el Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y la Joven Orquesta de Canarias, además del patrocino de la Fundación Cepsa y la Obra Social la Caixa, la Sinfónica de Tenerife apoya la formación de los jóvenes músicos de la Isla aprovechando la presencia de los solistas que colaboran en los programas de temporada. Ian Bousfiel impartirá la siguiente clase magistral, de trombón, el 28 de marzo, François Leleux, oboe, el 2 de mayo y el violinista Michael Barenboim el 13 de junio.

La violinista francesa se muestra “muy feliz de poder enseñar durante mi estancia en Tenerife y compartir con estos estudiantes todo lo que pueda” al tiempo que aplaude la iniciativa de la Sinfónica de Tenerife. “Para ser totalmente un artista, uno debería haber tocado en un cuarteto de cuerdas, trabajado en sinfonías, tocado música de todos los lugares y tiempos diferentes, con el objeto de tener un punto de vista lo más amplio posible a lo largo de la historia de la música, y no convertirse en un artista encasillado en un periodo de tiempo (en su mayoría, del siglo XIX)”, indica, lo que ayuda a construir, a su juicio, “el pensamiento crítico”.

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A total of 170 young artists from 33 countries have applied to take part in the 7th  Opera (e)Studio. This is a 50 per cent increase over last year. Auditions are starting on Monday, 4 February in Bologna, and will continue in Tbilisi and Madrid, ending at Auditorio de Tenerife on 16 February.

This year -funded by the European Commission under the Creative Europe programme- the singers chosen to take part in this project, led by Ópera de Tenerife in partnership with Teatro Comunale di Bologna and Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre will put on stage L’elisir d’amore by Donizetti. Artists can compete for more than one role which are divided as follows: Adina and Gianetta, for sopranos; Nemorino, for tenors; Belcore, for baritones and Dulcamara, for baritones or bass.

Over half of the applicants have registered to attend auditions at Teatro Comunale di Bologna, reason why three days have been allowed for them. The tests in Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre (Georgia) are taking place on the 8th and 9th, followed by auditions at Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid on the 11th and ending on the 16th at Auditorio de Tenerife. All the auditions will be supervised by Opera (e)Studio artistic director, Giulio Zappa.

The artists registered come from 33 countries in America, Europe and Asia. Most come from Italy, with 64 candidates followed by Spain, with 24, and Japan with eight. The singers chosen will travel to the Island in early September to get comprehensive professional training on all the disciplines included in the opera genre, from musical to stage aspects. In addition to musical education, Opera (e)Studio pays particular attention to training singers in acting and body language.

The opera L’elisir d’amore will open the next Tenerife opera season in October and will be performed four times at Sala Sinfónica in Auditorio de Tenerife. In 2020, it will be put on at Teatro Comunale di Bologna and at Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre. This show by Ópera de Tenerife has Antonio Méndez as music director, who is the Principal Conductor of Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, in Tenerife and Bolonga; and Zaza Azmaiparashvii, Principal Conductor of Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre, in Georgia. Stage design is by stage director Pablo Maritano.

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Ópera de Tenerife starts the talks series on Puccini’s Turandot, the upcoming production that is on at Sala Sinfónica in Auditorio de Tenerife in March. Nine talks have been scheduled before the show is on in different municipalities of the Island as part of the activity Ópera en ruta [Itinerant Opera].

The talks are starting on Thursday, 31 January at 7:00 pm in Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Tabaiba (El Rosario). In February they are taking place at the libraries of Garachico [5th], Vilaflor [8th], Biblioteca Pública del Estado, in Santa Cruz [11th], Güímar [15th], La Laguna [18th]. On 25th at La Casa de la Castaña y la Alfarería, in La Victoria and at Tomás de Iriarte in Puerto de la Cruz on 28, ending on 1 March at Candelaria’s library.

In the one-hour talks Iván Morales will deal with the historical context, give biographical references on Italian composer Giacomo Puccini, and explain Turandot’s three acts. He will also put an emphasis on pulling down clichés about the world of opera.

Turandot is the fourth title of Ópera de Tenerife this season and it is one of the most widely performed operas in theatres across the globe. It has such impressive arias as In questa reggia or one of its most famous to be sung by a tenor, Nessun Dorma. Auditorio de Tenerife is welcoming this production on 19, 21 and 23 March at 7:30 pm at Sala Sinfónica. Music direction is by Giampaolo Bisanti, the stage director and designer is Giuseppe Freigeni and the cast led by soprano Tiziana Caruso in the role of princess Turandot and tenor, Carlo Ventre, as Calaf.

Tickets can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday, on  or calling 902 317 327.

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The Ballet of Grand Théâtre De Genève is landing on the island next weekend to put on the legend Tristan and Isolde on Saturday, 2 February and Sunday, 3 at 7:30 pm at Sala Sinfónica in Auditorio de Tenerife. When it was premiered, the show was awarded the Critics’s Great Prize for Best Dance show granted by the Paris Professional Critics Association.

Nine technicians and 24 dancers of the company are travelling to Tenerife for this performance. The prestigious company turns this love story between a young man and a princess into a visual show. The story is part of the literary Arthurian legends which Richard Wagner turned into an opera in the 19th century. This version starts from compositions recorded by the German genius for a staging where its two protagonists fly thanks to a pulley and ropes system.

The choreographer of the show, who is also a dancer, Joëlle Bouvier, employs an oneiric and metaphorical language to deal with the main themes: love, disturbed love, betrayal, resentment and forgiveness. “…some simple wooden planks recall the forest, a wall or a room and the great iridescent blue pieces of fabric that move evoke sea waves… All these stage elements suggest rather than show”, the artist explains.

A great mobile spiral staircase, wooden rods and light bars are also elements of the stage design. With this version of Tristan and Isolde Bouvier, founder of the L'Esquisse company in 1980, once again explores an iconic piece of Wagner’s music after her version of Romeo and Juliet. She now displays on stage moments of rupture as hatred rubs shoulders with the flames of extreme passion.

The leading characters in Tristan and Isolde are two lovers: a princess, played by Madeline Wong, and a young man performed by Geoffrey Van Dyck. She is engaged to King Mark, interpreted by Armando Gonzalez Besa, and has a confidant, the Witness, danced by Sara Shigenari. Other dancers include Yumi Aizawa, Céline Allain, Ornella Capece, Angèle Cartier, Diana Duarte, Léa Mercurol, Tiffany Pacheco, Mohana Rapin, Lysandra van Heesewijk, Valentino Bertolini, Adelson Carlos, Andrei Cozlac, Xavier Juyon, Juan Perez, Zachary Clark, Simone Repele, Sasha Riva and Nahuel Vega.

Tickets  for both performances can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday, on  in this link or calling 902 317 327.

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El profesor de canto coral y director de formaciones grupales, Basilio Astulez, finalizó ayer [domingo 27] sus sesiones de trabajo en el Auditorio de Tenerife con las formaciones corales del Cabildo e impartió el taller Crecer cantando. Esta actividad formativa estaba destinada a mejorar los ensayos, repertorios y formas de enseñanza de coros infantiles y juveniles. A través de ejercicios físicos, vocales y reflexiones personales, Astulez ofreció a más de cincuenta directores, coralistas y docentes de las islas herramientas para poner en marcha sus proyectos corales. “En los coros de produce el milagro de relacionar personas que, de otra manera, nunca compartirían nada, cantando en la misma cuerda con años de diferencia”, asegura el docente vasco.

Astulez habla de la calidez humana que emana de proyectos como la Escuela Coral de Tenerife, con la que trabajó durante los dos primeros días y resalta que “la importancia de los proyectos corales que está sacando adelante Tenerife es total y ahora más que nunca”. “Las redes sociales le están ganando terreno a las redes humanas; es muy importante asociarse, estar en contacto, enriquecerse y compartir con otras personas”, explica el profesor, quien añade que “todos tenemos que ganar cuando salimos de nuestro lugar aislado y nos encontramos con amigos y compañeros con los que compartimos este amor”.

En sus ensayos, Astulez da especial importancia a la expresión corporal, como demostró en sus sesiones con el Coro Juvenil de Auditorio de Tenerife, al que pone el título de “gran embajador del trabajo coral que se está haciendo no solo en la Isla sino en toda Canarias”. Su formación, según el director, es “otro pequeño milagro”, ya que “deben confluir muchos factores para que un grupo como este pueda emerger, y hacerlo con la calidad que ha demostrado”. “Se trata de un grupo muy receptivo, con muchas posibilidades, muy joven y en constante evolución al que se le augura un gran futuro”, determinó.

Basilio Astulez volverá pronto a la isla, ya que formará parte del equipo docente del II Campamento Coral, que se celebrará entre el 1 y el 5 de julio en el IES La Laboral de La Laguna. Para esta cita, promete seguir innovando en las formas de trabajar, “con una serie de piezas enlazadas que al final compondrán una sola pieza de entre quince y veinte minutos”. Durante el verano ofrecerá, además, la gira por Tenerife de Kantika Korala, la formación coral que fundó y dirige, compuesta por 50 jóvenes entre 10 y 18 años. “Es un proyecto que me hace muchísima ilusión y estamos preparando un repertorio que va desde lo clásico hasta la música vasca, pasando por piezas de países como Singapur, Marruecos, Gran Bretaña, Escandinavia o los países bálticos; con un fuerte componente físico, que hace del lenguaje corporal la principal seña de identidad del Coro”.

La próxima actividad formativa de la Red de Coros, promovida por el área Tenerife 2030 de Cabildo, traerá en el mes de marzo a las aulas de Auditorio a Pedro Teixeira, en un taller de Interpretación totalmente gratuito que culminará con un concierto en el Casino de Tenerife.

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On Tuesday, the 29th, Auditorio de Tenerife welcomes 2,950 schoolchildren who are coming to watch two learning performances by Orquesta Filarmónica Juvenil de Tenerife Miguel Jaubert [Miguel Jaubert Tenerife Young Philharmonic Orchestra]. El bosque encantado-re-mi-fa-sol [The enchanted Forest-D-E-F-G] is the show the group is offering young islanders this year.

Different schools from twelve municipalities across the island are taking part: Adeje, Arico, Arona, Candelaria, Granadilla, La Laguna, La Orotava, Los Realejos, San Miguel, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santa Úrsula and Tacoronte. The 88 young musicians are joined by 11 actors and four singers to turn Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Sinfónica into a great enchanted forest.

Their programme includes both classic pieces (L’Arlésienne-Suite nº2 by Georges Bizet, Tritsch Tratsch Polka by Johann Strauss and Hungarian Dance nº 5 by Johannes Brahms), and current great hits (Pharrell Williams’s Happy  arranged by José Cubas and What a wonderful world by Louis Amstrong), film soundtracks (themes from The Lord of the Rings by Howard L. Shore arranged by J. Whitney and Recuérdame, from the film Coco, by K. Anderson López and R. López) and even local songs (Vivo en un archipiélago by Manuel Negrín).

El bosque encanta-do-re-mi-fa-sol is inspired by classic tales that take place in groves, the perfect setting for the imagination, fantasy, and mystery. The hero in this story dreams of becoming a musician but to achieve it, he must overcome some obstacles that stop him from finding the way back home. He is not alone as he has a wide range of characters from classic tales who, like him, will discover music’s saving powers.

The music director is José Antonio Cubas Delgado, who teaches trombone at Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias and Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Stage direction is by art historians Gerardo Fuentes Pérez and Tania Marrero, while María Jesús Cuéllar Moreno is in charge of pedagogic direction.  She is principal lecturer at the Specific Didactics Department of La Laguna University.

Orquesta Filarmónica Juvenil de Tenerife Miguel Jaubert was set up in September 2012 with Fundación DISA as their main sponsor. This group is part of the social project of Asociación Canaria para la Difusión de la Música (Acadim) [Canarian Association for the spreading of music] and it is a children’s orchestra that makes music for children, thus following the original idea of the founder of the project, Miguel Jaubert Gómez.

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MAPAS 2019, Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur [South Atlantic Performing Arts Market], is holding from Monday, 28 January to Wednesday, the 30th, the second free workshop to help the performing arts and music professionals consolidate and boost their projects in international markets. Cultural consultant for artistic mobility and internationalization Tony González, is giving this workshop targeted at professionals exclusively. It is held at Auditorio de Tenerife and it is fully booked.

The aim of this workshop, called Escena internacional [International Scene]is to provide methodological tools and resources so that organizations, groups and artists of live arts can take care by themselves of their own mobility and internationalization campaign. It is a hands-on workshop and it applies the methodology Rutas de Movilidad e Internacionalización a los proyectos artísticos y empresariales de los participantes. [Mobility and Internationalization Routes for Participants’ Artistic and Business projects].

Participants will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses regarding mobility in order to learn whether they are ready to internationalize their projects. In addition to giving a diagnosis of their situation, Tony González e will show them resources and information on the live arts international circuit as well as on understanding the mechanisms of international artistic relationships. Members will also learn to design a mobility and internationalization strategy and plan an artistic or business project so that they can start their own journey across other countries.

Toni González has over 25 years of professional experience in the cultural sector. He is a consultant for artistic mobility and internationalization; he gives advice, follows-up and trains live arts organizations throughout the development of their mobility and internationalization process. He designs and directs projects on information exchange and good practice at international level and he also researches in cultural politics in the areas of internationalization, culture and the performing arts and music management.

MAPAS will be held from 10th to 14th July 2019, organized by Cabildo de Tenerife, unahoramenos Producciones and Circulart. The call for artists, companies, musicians booking, management and distribution agencies from Africa, America and Southern Europe (Spain and Portugal) is open until 15th February. You can also register to take part in the speed business meetings and parallel activities for programmers, cultural managers and other professionals related to programming performing arts worldwide. 

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Ópera de Tenerife has started working on the production of L’elisir d’amore, the title of the 6th Opera (e)Studio to be premiered in October at Sala Sinfónica in Auditorio de Tenerife. Work started with the presentation of the drafts for the stage design and will be followed by the auditions in February to take place in Bologna, Tbilisi, Madrid and Tenerife to choose the participants in this year’s production.

The Cabildo’s island director for Culture, José Luis Rivero, welcomed stage director Pablo Maritano, who explained the details of the stage design proposed for L’elisir d’amore. Their meeting was also attended by set designer Serena Rocco, costume designer, Lorena Marin, Ópera de Tenerife’s intendant, Alejandro Abrante, and Auditorio de Tenerife’s technical director, Jorge Cabrera, among others.

Maritano (Buenos Aires, 1976) is one of the most renowned Argentinian stage managers of his generation. He has carried out his career in America and his presence in Tenerife next October is his debut in Europe.

The singers to take part in this production will be chosen in auditions to be held in February. The tests start in Bologna from 4 to 6 February, to then go on to Tbilisi on 8 and 9, Madrid on 11, 13 and 14, and finally Tenerife on 16 February.

Opera (e)Studio 2019 is supported by the European Union through Creative Europe. The project, led by Ópera de Tenerife in partnership with Teatro Comunale di Bologna and Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre, was awarded the maximum funding available. This initiative includes the production to travel to Bologna and Tbilisi next year after its premier in Tenerife next October. Further information about this international production is available on

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2019 MAPAS workshops starting this week at Auditorio de Tenerife are fully booked. Their aim is to boost internationalization and consolidate stage and music projects. The first module targeted at musicians, groups and bands, started on Monday, 21 January and finishes on Wednesday, 23, totalling 12 hours of training.

MAPAS’s organizers Cabildo de Tenerife, unahoramenos Producciones and Circulart, maintain their commitment to training with the aim of providing artists with the information and knowledge on the cultural industry to allow them build solid projects that guarantee their development and feasibility.

Musician, composer, producer, cultural manager and promoter Gerry Rosado (Gerardo Rosado Colmenares, City of México, 1970) is giving the workshop called “Toco, luego existo o diplomado en administración de expectativas” [I play therefore I am or graduated in Expectations Administration]. In it he seeks to give participants the necessary tools to identify their own situation within the changing music industry and set realistic, feasible expectations for their musical project.

The course contents deal with the most common practices and goes over the processes that weaken the artist’s capacity to act on their surroundings. The aim is to come to a diagnosis of the current situation, taking into account the inner structure of the group or the musical project, its artistic features and their work capital.

Gerry Rosado will guide participants into widening the resources to achieve their aim in production, sound engineering, booking, collaborative structures, project design, etc. He will also provide them with tools to deal with managing negotiation strategies, establishing the scope and characteristics of the market, technology, public relations or reaching strategic alliances.  

The next workshop is for performing arts professionals and is being held next week, from 28 to 30 January, totalling 12 hours of training. The workshop is called “Escena internacional” [International Scene], and will be given by Toni González (Tortosa, 1956). Its main goal is to provide methodologic tools and resources so that organizers, groups and artists of live arts can carry out their own mobility and internationalization campaign.  It is a hands-on workshop and the methodology to be applied is “Rutas de Movilidad e Internacionalización a los proyectos artísticos y empresariales de los participantes” [Mobility and Internationalization Routes for Participants’ Artistic and Business projects].

MAPAS third year is being held from 10 to 14 July 2019. The call for artists, companies, musicians booking, management and distribution agencies from Africa, America and Southern Europe (Spain and Portugal) is open until 15 February. You can also register to take part in the speed business meetings and parallel activities for programmers, cultural managers and other professionals related to programming performing arts worldwide who are interested in attending the Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur [South Atlantic Market of the Performing Arts]. 

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