The Chamber Hall hosts a new musical event this Sunday.

The concert band ‘Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria’, from the town of Arafo, is to kick off the third ‘Primavera Musical’ concert cycle, organised by the wind bands federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’ with the support of Tenerife Island Council. The concert scheduled for this Sunday (30 March) is to start at 11.30 a.m. and will also feature performances of the ensembles ‘Asociación Cultural Agrupación Musical’ of Garachico and ‘Agrupación Musical’ of La Victoria de Acentejo. Entry is free until the total capacity is reached.

Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria will interpret three works conducted by Miguel Ángel Expósito. The programme is to begin with composer Ferrer Ferrán’s symphonic pasodoble Candelaria Marrero Tejera. This will be the first interpretation of the work at the Auditorio de Tenerife after its  premiere nine months ago, at which Ferrán conducted the Arafo-based wind band. Stell Overture by José Alberto Pina and Conga del Fuego Nuevo by Arturo Márquez will complete this part of the programme. Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria was formed in 1860 and is now comprised of 90 musicians.

The origins of the concert band ‘Agrupación Musical’ from Garachico can also be traced back to the mid-1800s. Antonio Jesús Gutiérrez León is to conduct the performance of the band comprising 40 musicians in the Chamber Hall. The repertoire on this occasion begins with the pasodoble Nuestras bandas de música, by Francisco Andreu Comos, continues with Virginia, by Jacob de Haan, and concludes with Spain, composed by Chick Corea and arranged by Paul Murtha.

Another long-standing wind band, the ‘Agrupación Musical’ from La Victoria de Acentejo, is to put the finishing touch on Sunday’s programme. Humberto García Afonso is to conduct three works from the band’s repertoire: Gladiator and Alice in Wonderland, both by Frank Bernaerts, and Coldplay Classics, by Michael Brown.

The next event of Primavera Musical at the Chamber Hall will be on 6th April, featuring performances by the wind bands ‘Agrupación Musical XIX de marzo’, from San Juan de la Rambla, ‘Princesa Yaiza’, from El Rosario and the concert band of Puerto de la Cruz.