The tickets for the family concerts are already on sale
Sinfónica de Tenerife (Tenerife Symphony Orchestra) is a project of the Island Council’s Department of Culture that is managed by Enrique Arriaga. The orchestra launches its educational programme ‘Memory‘ in November during a week with a series of concerts for schoolchildren that take place until 20 November. This family-friendly event offers a double performance. The 11:00 a.m. performance is for children under 3 years of age, and the one at 12:30 a.m. is for those over three years.
Memory offers fragments of suites 1 and 2 of ‘The Wand of Youth’, by Edward Elgar, played by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra’s string quartet, the narrator Ana Hernández Sanchiz and the juggler El Gran Rufus. It tells the story of Edward, a mature circus performer who has the worries and weariness of an adult, but who revives childhood moments through the games and treasures he finds among old belongings. Those memories, dreams and emotions will bring back the sparkle and shine of that time with a real magic wand: the music.
When Edward Elgar (1857-1934) was twelve years old, he wrote some songs to accompany a play he was going to perform with the rest of the children in his family. He wrote down those songs in a sketchbook and recovered those sketches forty years later to create his two orchestral suites. That’s why he numbered them as opus 1 a/b, a memory of those first songs that outlived time.
The 11:00 a.m. performance is for children under three years of age. The tickets for this session can be purchased at the Auditorium’s box office by dialling 902 317 327 (Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.). They can also be reserved by email ( The ticket price shall be paid in person or by telephone within the communicated term. Each child may be accompanied by two adults and the entrance price is five euros per adult. Accreditation of the child’s age will be requested at access to the hall by presenting the ID card or family book.
The 12:30 a.m. performance is for families with children over three years. The tickets can be purchased in the usual way. During the purchase process, the users will have to choose between pre-set seats previously distributed throughout the hall. If you want to buy a single ticket and the pre-set seats are sold out, please contact the box office. If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00, except for public holidays.