Each group performs three pieces on a new date of the ‘Primavera Musical’ cycle.
The wind bands from Adeje, La Victoria, and Fasnia are appearing this Sunday [21st] at 11:30 a.m. in the Chamber Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife to offer a concert. This activity is part of the Primavera Musical cycle, which started in 2005 as an initiative of the federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’ with the collaboration of the Tenerife Island Council.
The group from the Board of Music of the Historic Town of Adeje, conducted by Víctor Herrera González, starts its repertoire with the pasodoble Suspiros de España, followed by the fantasy for band Oregon, by Jacob de Haan, and will conclude with another pasodoble, Las Arenas, by Manuel Morales Martínez.
Humberto García Afonso will be the conductor of the wind band Agrupación Musical La Victoria, who will perform at the Auditorio de Tenerife a programme which includes Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, Lloyd Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar, arranged by Willy Hautvast, and concludes with the Christian march Aralk, by Francisco Valor Llorens.
The band Agrupación Musical Fasnia will close this new event of the cycle organised by the federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’. Mateu Azzaro González Rodríguez is the director of this group, which will perform in the Chamber Halls the pieces Tercio de Quites, by Rafael Talens Pelló, Pop español en concierto, by Manuel Castrejón Navarro, and Lady Gaga Dance Mix, by Ted Ricketts.