Nómada and Provisional Danza companies to perform Carmen Werner’s choreography on Wednesday at 8:30 pm

FAM Special 2020 presents Instrucciones para mejorar la vida [Instructions to improve life] by the companies Nómada and Provisional Danza on Wednesday 21 October at 8:30 pm. The tickets for this show included in the Cabildo’s festival, promoted by the Department of Culture under councillor Enrique Arriaga, cost eight euros and can be booked on www.famtenerife.com.

Set in a spring afternoon, Carmen Werner’s choreography is the result of the joint work of companies Nómada and Provisional Danza with music by Luis Martínez. Four working senior performers and choreographers get together in Instrucciones para mejorar la vida, a piece that explores how to make everyday life easier through simple actions. Smiling at a difficult time or changing a light bulb safely are some of the topics it deals with. 

With more than 30 years on the stage, Provisional Danza is a company set up by Carmen Werner that has put on hundreds of creations in Europe, Asia and America. Werner has been the heavyweight teacher of current dancers and choreographers who are now in many contemporary dance shows. 

For their part, Nómada was established in 2000 and its main goal is to bring contemporary dance to all kinds of audiences and venues. Based at Teatro Victoria in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, their work acts as a platform to experiment. 

Members of the audience are kindly asked to arrive early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask throughout the show. 

FAM’s next show is Los cuerpos celestes. Partitura coral en siete movimientos by Marco Vargas & Chloé Brûlé at the Sala Sinfónica on Monday, the 26th. Please find more information on www.famtenerife.com.