This Sunday at 12:00, the Valencia-born organist Arturo Barba offers a concert at the Symphony Hall

Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island’s Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. This Sunday [5] at 12:00 p.m. it offers a matinée titled  Johann Sebastian Bach como telón de fondo et altera (Johann Sebastian Bach as a backdrop et altera) by the Valencia-born organist Arturo Barba. He will play the colossal instrument housed in the walls of Symphony Hall. Tickets are on sale.

The programme is offered in collaboration with the San Miguel Arcángel Royal Academy of Fine Arts of the Canary Islands. The concert pays tribute to the German genius by playing his pieces and those of other composers who based their works on the four letters of Bach’s name. The letters are equivalent to the sounds B-A-C-H (the German pitches B-flat, A-natural, C-natural, B-natural written as H). This motive is beloved by some composers to remember the master of masters and to show off their creative skills by sticking to this theme alone. On this occasion we will show three key examples from three different centuries, and three different authors: Bach, Liszt and Ginastera.

Following this trend, a theme by Sir George Thalben-Ball will be played consisting of a solo work for organ pedals, a variation on a theme by Paganini. According to the musicologist Rosario Álvarez, it is a “spectacular solo work for organ pedals on the cutting edge.” The fourth movement of Dvorák’s ‘New World Symphony’ transcribed by Szathmáry for organ, brings this attractive and instructive programme to a close, played by the President of the Racba.

The Valencian director also collaborates intensely with recitals during renowned organ festivals such as the ones held at the Catholic Cathedral of Moscow, the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris or the Basilica Sta. María of Trastevere, Rome, among others. He has given recitals playing historic European organs (Schnitger, Silbermann, Callido, Nacchini, Cavaillé-Coll, Merklin, Bosch, Echevarria, etc.). During his concerts, his know-how achieved by playing this valuable historical instruments is reflected.

Built in the 20th-century by the prestigious organ builder Albert Blancafort and his team, the Auditorium’s organ is considered a unique instrument for its design, sound and musical ranges.  The sounds are produced by 3,835 pipes that are housed in the walls of the emblematic Symphony Hall, which are controlled by the organist from on-stage through the console and the four keyboards that he can play.

Tickets can be purchased until one hour before the show on the website  and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. During the purchase process, the user will have to choose between one or two pre-set seats distributed throughout the hall. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered “waves”.

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you are living with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on our website.