The origin of the seasons
This didactic concert, part of the Sinfónica de Tenerife’s education department, is aimed at Primary School and Special Education audiences.
The music of Glazunov and Satie will take us deep into classic mythology to learn about Persephone’s story.
Persephone, daughter of Zeus, was gathering some flowers in the company of her nymph friends. She was about to pick a lily when a cleft broke on the earth and Hades, the god of the underworld, emerged and took her away. Legend has it that it is precisely her abduction the origin of Spring as when Persephone is carried away to the underworld, flowers grew sad and died. In contrast, when she returned, flowers were reborn with joy.
*Performances for schools will take place on 29 and 30 January 2020.
Coordinación y narración: Ana Hernández Sanchíz
Dirección: Ignacio García Vidal
Centro Internacional de Danza Tenerife
Coreografía: Héctor Navarro
Las entradas están a la venta AQUÍ.
Los niños que el día del espectáculo no hayan cumplido los dos años no necesitarán adquirir entrada si no van a ocupar una butaca. En el acceso a la sala se le requerirá un documento que acredite la edad del menor (DNI o libro de familia). No está permitida la entrada a la sala de carritos ni portabebés.