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Träd + Am I what?+Du@l

Three outdoor dance shows

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50 min. aprox.
 Auditorio de Tenerife

As part of the programme of FAM Primavera, the Auditorio de Tenerife is presenting an evening of outdoor dance with three shows by the state programme Acieloabierto: Träd, by Colectivo Lamajara; Am I what?, by Elvi Balboa, and Du@l>, by Juan Carlos Avecilla. The event takes place in the outdoor area of the Auditorium of Tenerife with free entry.



There are many lives life. What would happen if each day you woke up somewhere in the world, and you lived, one by one, each of those possible lives? With circumstances transformed, they transform the body and soul into hearts that beat to live, fly and transcend the miseries of the world. Because another world is possible where there are no executioners or victims, where power is not above the human and where values and the essence of people are essential.

Choreography: Paloma Hurtado
Performance: Paloma Hurtado, Daniel Morales and Daniel Rosado
Production: LAMAJARA COLLECTIVE Photography: Lourdes de Vicente
Video: Daniel Trello
Costume: Ontop.pieldearena Performing Arts
Music: Jerusalem (Kroke), Tristesse (La Source des Femmes), Moan Thing (Nick Cave & Warren Ellis), La Llorona (Beirut), The Shrew (March of the Zapotec), Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto (Ensemble modern), Olafur Arnalds (Raein) y Dead Can Dance (The Host of Seraphim) 
Première: June 2017 Cádiz in Dance


Du@l> is an arbitrary social construction resulting from the patriarchal organisation and male dominance, formed by a series of values, definitions, beliefs and meanings about being, having to be and not being male, but above all, of their status in relation to women. It is possible to be a man and be scared, tender, charming, weak, peaceful, careful, etc. Two different bodies, two styles, and two forms of movement challenge one another metaphorically thus showing superiority over the other. Feel free to build your own male identity free of gender stereotypes through folk singing with the figure of two roosters.

Artistic direction and choreography: Juan Carlos Avecilla
Dances: Juan Carlos Avecilla and Jose Ángel Capel
Music: created by the artists themselves, live performance Extract of the texts by Silvia Pérez Cruz


Durante el viaje, los cuerpos se mueven por el deseo de ser vistos. Líneas. Emerge el ego entre el sudor de la multitud. La vida es un viaje de cuerpos que desean y se mueven. Una voz dice: “ver a secas” como prólogo a una cadena de reacciones... Am I What? es un canto a la individualidad del ser humano frente a la colectividad que trata de engullirlo. El lenguaje de la danza muestra en esta ocasión una profunda reflexión sobre el consumo de cuerpos, de ver cuerpos y de competir por ser el cuerpo más visto.

Idea original y coreografía: Elvi Balboa
Intérpretes: Paula Serrano, Joan Aguilà, Carla Moll, Marta García, Manuel Montes y Lucia Bocanegra
Vestuario: Elvi Balboa
Textos: Manuel Parra, Manuel Monro, Cristina Balboa y Elvi Balboa


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