Friday 20Dec24

20 años de ST Fusion

1 Shows
20 Dec 19:30 h.
90 min. aprox.
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala de Cámara)
 15 €

ST Fusion, a Japanese music research project, explores the fusion of folklore and jazz since it’s birth to present day, earning recognition for their distinctive sound. Their third album, “3,” was awarded the Best Jazz Album of 2010 by the UFI ( Unión Fonográfica Independiente de España ). During their more than 15 years since their debut, they have released seven albums, including among them “Bushi”, being this one their latest work which has been nominated for the Canary Islands Music Awards 2019.

Over the years, the band has seized opportunities to showcase their artistry in various countries, including Spain, Portugal, England, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Morocco, Cape Verde, Italy, Serbia, and beyond.

Tomás López-Perea Cruz, contrabajo

Satomi Morimoto, voz

Jonay Mesa, guitarra

Xerach Peñate, batería

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Fri 20Dec24

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