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Monday 21 Jul 25
Dr. Manuel Sans Segarra
Health, happiness and free will. The value of supra consciousness
1 Shows
21 Jul 19:00Duration
2 h.Congresses/Conference
Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala Sinfónica)
Dr Manuel Sans Segarra, author of the book La supraconciencia existe. Vida después de la vida (Supraconsciousness Exists: Life After Life. Published by Planeta), is giving the talk Health, happiness and free will. The value of supraconsciousness in the Auditorio de Tenerife.
In this talk, Dr Manuel Sans Segarra, a renowned doctor and surgeon explains how we can approach health, happiness and free will through the discovery of supraconsciousness and control of the ego. Dr Manuel Sans Segarra has conducted research into life after death after the experiences recounted to him by several of his patients when he was head of Digestive Surgery at Bellvitge University Hospital in Barcelona.
Sans Segarra has spent the last few years of his career researching the existence of supraconsciousness and near-death experiences (NDEs). Supraconsciousness is a concept that refers to the consciousness that exists outside of the mind and physical body. It is a subject that has fascinated mankind for centuries, as it poses key questions regarding the nature of reality and the fate of humanity.
In this talk, Dr Manuel Sans Segarra, a renowned doctor and surgeon explains how we can approach health, happiness and free will through the discovery of supraconsciousness and control of the ego. Dr Manuel Sans Segarra has conducted research into life after death after the experiences recounted to him by several of his patients when he was head of Digestive Surgery at Bellvitge University Hospital in Barcelona.
Sans Segarra has spent the last few years of his career researching the existence of supraconsciousness and near-death experiences (NDEs). Supraconsciousness is a concept that refers to the consciousness that exists outside of the mind and physical body. It is a subject that has fascinated mankind for centuries, as it poses key questions regarding the nature of reality and the fate of humanity.
The doctor’s background
Manuel Sans Segarra is a doctor who specialises in general and digestive surgery, with a specific focus on oncological surgery. Nobody in his family had been a doctor before him, making him the first to choose that pathway. His interest in medicine emerged as a result of stories about the Spanish Civil War told by his mother, an operating room nurse, and his father, who also worked in the healthcare sector. He received a Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and subsequently worked at the faculty as an Associate Professor.
He specialised in General Digestive Surgery under the Chair of Professor Dr Pedro Piulachs of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Barcelona and subsequently spent his entire career at Bellvitge University Hospital.
He pioneered the use of laparoscopy in General Surgery and is a member of Surgical Societies in Catalonia, Spain, France, England, and Japan.
He is also the Founder and President of the Association of Senior Doctors of Bellvitge University Hospital.
The career of Dr Manuel Sans Segarra has been driven by a commitment to scientific method and a belief in the power of science to improve medicine.
One event changed his outlook.
The doctor’s life took an unexpected turn while on duty in the Emergency Department.
He had the experience of reviving a patient who had experienced clinical death following a serious traffic accident.
After undergoing surgery and making good progress, the patient shared a near-death experience with the doctor that they had experienced during their critical period of clinical death.
This experience encouraged the doctor to conduct further research and learn more about Near-Death Experiences (NDE). He studied the work of experts in the field such as Elizabeth Kuhler-Ross, Raymond Moody, Eben Alexander and Melvin Morse among others and met with professionals from different disciplines, neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists to gain a better understanding of these phenomena.
This event changed his outlook on life and death. It made him question his prior beliefs and led him to explore areas of medicine and consciousness that he hadn’t considered. He began to see that there was more to our existence than what Cartesian and Newtonian scientific methods can explain.
Despite his scientific education, he reached the conclusion that the traditional scientific method couldn’t fully explain these experiences. He sought answers in theoretical physics which provided a better understanding of some of the phenomena reported by people who had experienced NDEs.
Theoretical physics, in particular quantum physics, offers a view of the universe that goes beyond what we can perceive with our senses. This discipline suggests that reality is much more complex and mysterious than what we usually perceive.
By studying theoretical physics, he began to ascertain those phenomena such as quantum superposition and entanglement could explain some of the experiences reported in NDEs.
He currently works as a commentator and gives talks.
He has spent the last few years spreading and sharing his knowledge, in order to help people to awaken a deeper understanding of reality.
He gives talks and interviews to share his perspective and has become a notable figure in this field in the Spanish-speaking world.
In autumn 2024 he published the book La supraconciencia existe. Vida después de la vida (Superconsciousness Exists: Life After Life. Published by Editorial Planeta), which was co-authored by the journalist and entrepreneur Juan Carlos Cebrián Barrientos (Barcelona, 1977).
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