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Esto que tú ves

0 Shows
No dates
20 min.
/Auditorio de Tfe.
 2 €

From the 3rd to the 6th of June, the Arts of Movement Festival FAM  2021  programmes 24 shows in five premises:  Auditorio de Tenerife, Espacio La Granja, Paraninfo de la ULL, Teatro Guimerá and the scenic space Centro de Arte La Recova.


'Esto que tú ves' is a dance piece for street and non-conventional spaces. It is about the poetic and cinematographic gaze, about the work and its frame, about the loving encounter between attention and life. It is like a journey to celebrate the human capacity to compose reality and to be moved by it. This performance makes visible the fragile, fascinating and mysterious place where the gaze of the public and the gaze of the creator meet (and become one): that in-between space where the artistic event springs, like a fountain. 

This performance is produced with the support of Cabildo de Tenerife, ICDC - Gobierno de Canarias, Festival Masdanza, Festival Cuadernos Escénicos - Teatro Victoria, Festival Traslación and LAVCiudad.


Direction, co-design and movement dramaturgy: Javier Cuevas

Dancer and co-designer: Paula Quintana

Sound space: Jonás García Afonso / Superstereo

Costume and hairstylist: Amuhaici Luis

Image design: Noelia Varietti

Technical direction: Grace Morales

Communication: Marta Baeza - La Locomotora

Management: Valeria Cosi / TINA Agency

Executive production: Javier Cuevas

Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.

For further information, please check the general terms and purchase conditions.

The purchase of a ticket also entails unconditional acceptance by the user, without exception or reservation, of the measures implemented by the Auditorio de Tenerife to combat the spread of COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with. Check out all the measures here:

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