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Festival Canarias Jazz & Más III

0 Shows
No dates
90 min. aprox.
 Auditorio de Tenerife

The Auditorio de Tenerife welcomes four concerts during the Festival Internacional Canarias Jazz & Más.


Snarky Puppy is a quasi-collective with up to 25 members that rotate on a regular basis. In essence, the band represents the convergence of American musical culture. Rather than the cultural diversity of the band's members, their defining characteristic is a perpetual push to grow creatively. The band was formed by the bass player and main composer, Michael League, in 2003. 

Snarky Puppy will perform music from their last album, ‘Immigrance’ (GroundUP Music). The main idea is that everything always moves and that we’re all in a constant state of immigration," explains Michael League, bass player and composer. Obviously, the album’s title is not without political undertones. But the aim of ‘Immigrance’ is not to criticise or be condescending; it rather witnesses what humanity can achieve when different cultures join without fear.

The album rhythm is based on an innovative strategy: the bass players Jamison Ross, Jason JT Thomas and Larnell Lewis share sections of each composition without overlapping them. ‘Immigrance’ is a studio project, and it features most of the same musicians. Though it shares that project’s ace musicianship and dynamic, kinetic spirit, it is also rawer and moodier than its predecessor album. Several compositions put a newfound emphasis on delivering simpler, streamlined impact. 

With ‘Immigrance’, Snarky Puppy is essentially practising what’s been preached all along. According to the league, the band itself is a representation of its musical expression: people from different places can bring their various strengths and experiences, and that can be beautiful and cohesive.


Get one ticket package and enjoy the three concerts offered by Auditorio de Tenerife during the Festival Canarias Jazz & Más. While purchasing your tickets, you can buy two ticket packages at the same time. However, ticket packages and single tickets cannot be combined.

Hemos aumentado el aforo. Ahora, cuando se realice la compra, el usuario tendrá que elegir entre una o dos butacas prefijadas y distribuidas por la sala previamente. Si en algún momento quiere comprar una entrada individual y ya se han agotado las butacas prefijadas, pónganse en contacto con la taquilla. Para cualquier duda en el proceso de compra puede escribir a taquilla@ o llamar al teléfono 922 568 625 de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos.

La venta de entradas se cierra una hora antes del comienzo del espectáculo para terminar de acondicionar la sala y que puedas tener una experiencia totalmente segura.

El acceso solo está permitido a mayores de cinco años.

Si lo desea, puede consultar las condiciones generales de compra.

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