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Wednesday 15 Dec 21
Impresiones barrocas
Concierto de la Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife
1 Shows
15 Dec 19:30
Music/Chamber music cycle
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala de Cámara)

The Chamber Music Cycle of Auditorio de Tenerife presents the concert 'Impresiones barrocas' (Baroque printings) by the Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife


‘Impresiones barrocas’

A chamber ensemble of the Baroque Orchestra of Tenerife offers this bonus of the late Baroque period, which was found in volumes of Amsterdam from the 18th century.


Thanks to the high quality of the printings, their durability, and the readability of the scores published by Estienne Roger (c. 1664–1722) and Michel-Charles Le Cène (1684-1743), Amsterdam became the European printing city for music scores. The publishers added editions of great baroque composers to the catalogue of the Dutch company. The copies of those baroque printings by Vivaldi, Bernardi, Sammartini, Albinoni and Locatelli, with the seventeen movements that comprise the concert, will evoke the gift that any musician of that time might have received as a precious Christmas present.


With two concertos for oboe and orchestra, two sonata trios and the staggering Grosso Mogul, this repertoire resembles a luxurious chest of baroque music. Like the aromas of the Dutch Stamppot that fill the cold but joyful run-up to Nativity, this evening will be filled with warmth and good music.


Conrado Álvarez, artistic director of the Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife (Baroque Orchestra of Tenerife)


Jacques Ogg, harpsichord and guest conductor

Adrian Linares, baroque violin and first violin

Laura García and Sergio Suárez, baroque violins

Miriam Jorde, baroque oboe

Melchor García, baroque viola

Diego Pérez, baroque cello

Tomás López, violone

Bartolomeo Bernardi (1670-1732)

Sonata in E minor No. 8 (from ‘XIV Sonates ou concerts’, E. Roger)





Giuseppe Sammartini (1695-1750)

Concerto in F major, IGS 15 (±1716)





Pietro Locatelli (1695-1764)

Sonata op. 5 no. 5 in D minor (1746)



-Pastorale: Andante

Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751)

Concerti a cinque Op. 9 no. 8 in G minor (1722)





Concerto RV 208 Op. 7 No. 11 in D major 'Il Grosso Mogul' (1720)


-Grave (Recitativo)


The user will have to choose between one or two pre-set seats previously distributed throughout the hall during the purchase process. Please contact the box office if you want to buy a single ticket, and the pre-set seats are sold out. If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00, except for public holidays.

The ticket sales close 15 minutes before the performance starts.

Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.

For further information, please check the general terms and purchase conditions.

Ticket purchase also entails the user’s unconditional acceptance - without exception or reservation - of all measures implemented by the Auditorio de Tenerife to combat the spread of the pandemic, without exception or reservation whatsoever, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with. You can check out all the measures here:

Wednesday 15 Dec

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