The FAM 2021 edition (Arts of Movement Festival) will take place from the 3rd to the 6th of June with 24 shows in five different venues: Auditorio de Tenerife, Espacio La Granja, Paraninfo de la ULL, Teatro Guimerá and the scenic venue Centro de Arte La Recova.
‘La Oscilante’ (The Oscillating) tells us of otherness, of moving in unison through curvy and straight paths, through linear and discontinuous ways, thus revealing the constant vibration of the binary.
Pol Jiménez on dance and Juan Carlos Lérida on the direction investigate the binary characteristic of Spanish dance to unravel the possibilities of a dance 'without gender'. Through the oscillation between masculine and feminine and through the alchemy of steps and poses, new perspectives on gender emerge. The artists have selected those perspectives that transform bodies, and the reading and understanding of their movements.
Direction and choreography: Juan Carlos Lérida
Original idea and dancer: Pol Jiménez
Musical collage: Jaume Clotet
Costume: Gina Berenguer
Lighting designer and technician: Lucas Tornero
Photography: Rita Gratacòs
Set design: Amaia Lizarza, Juan Roldán and Mariona Sánchez
Production: Jesús Jiménez
Special thanks to: Alicia Gallego, Amaia Lizarza and Begonya Sánchez
In-residence: La Caldera creative centre and Estruch creative factory
Support: The IT flamenco research project supports this creation and research project.
We have increased the capacity. During the purchase process, the user will have to choose between one or two pre-set seats distributed throughout the hall. If you want to buy a single ticket and the pre-set seats are sold out, please contact the box office. If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00, except for public holidays.
Ticket sales close two hours before the start of the show to finish setting up the hall and ensure that our audience has a completely safe experience.
Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.
For further information, please check the general terms and purchase conditions.
The purchase of a ticket also entails unconditional acceptance by the user, without exception or reservation, of the measures implemented by the Auditorio de Tenerife to combat the spread of COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with. Check out all the measures here: