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Friday 13 Jun 25
Las siete últimas palabras de Cristo
Concert A17 by the Sinfónica de Tenerife
1 Shows
13 Jun 19:30
Music/Sinfónica de Tenerife
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala Sinfónica)

Experience an evening of profound spiritual reflection with Haydn's The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross, interpreted by the Sinfónica de Tenerife under the leadership of conductor Aarón Zapico, a beloved specialist in musical historicity. Alberto San Juan will narrate this meditative work as it was in its original version, enhancing it with an emotive, theatrical quality. The concert also includes Sheba by José María Sánchez Verdú, a work written specifically for the Granada-born composer as a means of expanding on Haydn's mystical textures and sounds.


Conductor: Aarón Zapico

Narrator: Alberto San Juan

José María Sánchez Verdú (1968-)

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Hob. XX/1A (orchestral version)*


*Played for the first time by this orchestra

The Tenerife Symphony offers a pre-concert talk at 6:30 p.m. in the Sala Avenida (in the hall of the Auditorium) by Leandro Martín, from the Asociación Tinerfeña de Amigos de la Música (ATADEM). Admission is free until full capacity is reached.

Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.

For further information, please check the general purchase terms and hall conditions.

If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except for public holidays.

Friday 13 Jun

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