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Sunday 12 Jun 22
Tímbrica exquisita
Timbric and dynamic versatility of great symphonic organ
1 Shows
12 Jun 12:00
70 min. aprox.
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala Sinfónica)

As part of its organ concert cycle, the Auditorio de Tenerife is offering, in collaboration with the San Miguel Arcángel Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts (RACBA), a matinee with The Austrian organist Valentin Fheodoroff.


Timbric and dynamic versatility of great symphonic organ

Starting with the omnipresent figure of the baroque genius Johann Sebastian Bach with one of his preludes and fugues, Fheodoroff draws us into romanticism alongside the German Felix Mendelssohn, not through his sonatas for organ, but rather through his transcriptions of very famous pieces such as the solemn overture of the Paulus Oratorio, of the joyful and light-hearted Scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream and one of his Lieder ohne Worte or Song without words, op. 19/1, written for piano and very expressive. And as a good Austrian and excellent pianist, as well as organist, he has chosen three famous pieces by the Austro-Hungarian Franz Liszt, with transcriptions by the author himself, one by the great composer and orchestrator Max Reger and the third by himself, before ending with a score written by him, the Jubilant. In the varied and exquisite timbre of this organ, which makes it possible to get closer to the worlds of the orchestra (Paulus andA Midsummer Night's Dream) and the romantic piano, both intimate and expressive, as in the Consolations of Liszt, or in the Mendelssohnian "Song without words" as well as the virtuosity and brilliance of Liszt in the "Legend of St Francis of Paulo, Walking on the Waves" offering us versions that are rare but undoubtedly attractive that will show us a new vision of these scores, as if we were seeing them through a kaleidoscope. His final work opens a door onto the future, a future of music for the organ, which without new creations would be doomed to repetition and tedium.


Dr. Rosario Álvarez Martínez


Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Preludio y Fuga en Do mayor BWV 545

Obertura del Oratorio Paulus, op. 36
(transcripción de W.Th Best)

Lied ohne Worte, op.19/1
(transcripción de V. Fheodoroff)

Scherzo de Ein Sommernachtstraum, op. 61
(transcripción de V. Fheodoroff)


Franz LISZT (1811-1886)
Leyenda n.º 2. St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots (transcripción de Max Reger)

Consolación n.º 4 (Transcripción de Franz Liszt)
Consolación n.º 3 (Transcripción de Valentin Fheodoroff)


Valentín FHEODOROFF (1993)
Jubilant! Eine Windhymne (2015)

Jubilant! Eine Windhymne (2015)

No other instrument moves as much air as the organ. It finds its path in each and every one of the pipes, wherever they are. It follows set routes, and, however, it is always free. However, in Jubilant!, the centre of attention is not only the air in the broadest sense for the organ, rather, but it is also the wind as breath and a life force that can adapt and reach all conceivable forms; wind as an element through which sound becomes perceivable. 

The work explores the summits and depths of organs and is in constant movement. Despite the technical difficulties for the organist, the thematic material of the piece is very simple. It doesn’t follow the popular maxim of saying the most possible with the least possible, but rather, one thousand notes say a single thing. What emerges is a pulsating organism where all the voices carry the same message. When, after the major climaxes, after dance and movement, the theme of tranquillity returns, the day reaches its end. What was initially an inhalation over several minutes becomes an exhalation. In the end, all the voices join the hymn and the joy of the wind.

Jubilant! Eine Windhymne was composed for the Rieger organ of the Great Hall of the Konzerthaus of Vienna and premièred there by the composer on 13 June 2016.

Valentin Fheodoroff

(Translation from German into Spanish by: Pilar Pérez)

Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.

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Sunday 12 Jun

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