Twenty years after the première of Timples@2000, Benito Cabrera and Domingo Rodríguez ‘El Colorao’, with Germán López, Yone Rodríguez and Althay Páez take back the stage to delight us with this new performance.
The musical director, José Brito, and the production manager, Miguel Ramírez, direct more than 20 musicians who will play a repertoire of 15 pieces. The performance will show how the timple sound has evolved over the last two decades thanks to five of the most outstanding timple players of the Canary Islands. On this occasion, the timple sound merges tradition and modern life to directly witness how our roots have moved forward during the first years of this new millennium. The themes have been carefully selected and duly arranged by Manuel Bonino, Carlos Vega, Yul Ballesteros, and José Brito.
Benito Cabrera: timple
Domingo Rodríguez ‘El Colorao’: timple
Germán López: timple
Yone Rodríguez: timple
Althay Páez: timple
José Brito: conductor
Miki Delgado: piano
Suso Vega: drums
Víctor Galván: percussion
José Carlos Cejudo: bass
Juan Carlos Pérez Brito: classical guitar
Yul Ballesteros: electric guitar
Alba Serrano: voice
Luis Montesdeoca: violin
Laura Brito: violin
Marcos Pulido: viola
Tania Cantallops: cello
Álvaro Lorente: double bass
Carlos Vega: keyboard and accordion
Juan Ramón Martín: trumpet and flugelhorn
Diego Martín: flute and clarinet midi
Miguel Ramírez: saxophone
José Vera Bello: clarinet, soprano and alto saxophones
On the 28th of December 1999, the Auditorium Alfredo Kraus hosted one of the most important performances of traditional music from the Canary Islands. Three of the most outstanding folk musicians, namely Benito Cabrera, Domingo Rodríguez ‘El Colorao’ and José Antonio Ramos, gathered on the same stage during the production Timples@2000. They took the timple sound to places where it had never sounded before. Each one played the small five-stringed instrument along new paths to evolve and leave their own imprint.
Into their hands, the timple turned into a major figure that brought a new musical sound produced in the Canary Islands. Over twenty musicians participated during that show. Those who attended the premiere, the subsequent tours over the Canary Islands and abroad still remember those sounds. Timples@2000 became a reference production for its firm commitment to traditional popular culture. At the same time, this innovative project happened thanks to the common effort of the most important contemporary musicians linked to folk music from the Canary Islands.
After 20 years, today this project is updated to show how the timple sound has evolved. Benito Cabrera and Domingo Rodríguez ‘El Colorao’ will play with three new timple players: Germán López, Althay Páez and Yone Rodríguez. All of them have extensive professional careers in the Canary Islands and abroad.
Debido a la alta incidencia de contagios por la COVID-19 en la isla de Tenerife y para preservar y garantizar la seguridad sanitaria de artistas, público y trabajadores, Colorado Producciones ha decidido posponer la fecha del concierto programado para este domingo 26 de diciembre, en el Auditorio de Tenerife.
Timples@2021 ha cumplido hasta la fecha con las citas programadas, logrando el favor del público en Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura y La Palma, cumpliendo en cada momento con los protocolos establecidos.
En los próximos días anunciaremos nuevas fechas para 2022, en las que ya estamos trabajando y que llevarán el espectáculo Timples@2021 a La Gomera y El Hierro, y entre las que se incluirá también Tenerife. También trabajamos para llevar el sonido de la música canaria a teatros y auditorios nacionales e internacionales.
La devolución de las entradas se llevará a cabo a través de los canales habituales del recinto.
Lamentamos las molestias ocasionadas y esperamos verles de nuevo en breve haciendo lo que más nos gusta: música.
NOTICE: This show has been cancelled. If you have purchased tickets, you will receive an email from Tuesday 21 December 2021 informing you of the refund process for your tickets.
During the purchase process, the user will have to choose between one or two pre-set seats previously distributed throughout the hall. Please contact the box office if you want to buy a single ticket, and the pre-set seats are sold out. If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00, except for public holidays.
Tickets can be purchased until 15 minutes before each show.
Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.
For further information, please check the general terms and purchase conditions.
A ticket purchase also entails the user’s unconditional acceptance - without exception or reservation whatsoever- of all measures implemented by the Auditorio de Tenerife to combat the spread of the pandemic, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance at the event only with people you live with. You can check out all the measures here: