Saturday 24Feb24


1 Shows
24 Feb 19:30 h.
90 min. aprox.
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Chamber Hall)
 15 €

The Auditorio de Tenerife presents the concert Fado y chanson en femenino, a project by María Berasarte.

The gaze of the singer María Berasarte is fixed on fado and chanson, two globally admired genres but never been heard together in a single concert. In addition to this, we have other converging and inspiring realities such as the legacy and feeling of the female voices: Edith Piaf, Barbara, Amália Rodrigues, Maria Teresa de Noronha, and François Hardy, among others.

An impact that does not hesitate to embody the tradition of inspiring cities such as Paris and Lisbon. The past takes on a new meaning in the present, reflected in the versatility and elegance of the great musicians from Portugal, Spain, and Argentina who accompany the San Sebastian performer, María Berasarte.

Endless melodies shrouded in beauty, depth, and life. “The naked voice”, as she is described abroad, is the Basque artist with the greatest international impact at the present time. She is torn apart and dazzles in a minimalistic way with an enveloping and spellbinding staging. A powerful weapon of sound that makes her a voice that not only ignores boundaries but also crosses them.

María Berasarte: Voice and Musical Direction
Gon Navarro: Guitar and Arrangements
Bernardo Couto: Portuguese guitar
Carlos Barretto: Double bass
Fabián Carbone: Bandoneon
Joshua Diaz: Clarinet
Marta Graña: Lighting
Mikel f Krutzaga: Sound
Mayte Espina: Tour manager

Overture La vie en rose
De bout des lèvres
Padam, Padam
La Question

Fado de Invierno
Fado Idanha
Fado Tamanquinhas
Fado Carmencita
Estranha forma de vida
Sous le ciel de Paris
Maria Lisboa
La vie en rose

“With a clear voice and the pauses of a diva, the theatrical María Berasarte cultivates an Iberian temperament. Thus, she makes the intense and luminous Lusophone lamentation flirt with the Spanish vehemence and sensuality. A vibrant and unique revelation.”

Anne Berthod. Télérama.fr


“María Berasarte is pure emotion through the unexpected elegance of simplicity.”

Magazine Songlines


“She is undoubtedly called The Naked Voice because she does not mask words with any artifice or vocal clothing. She sings and the world stops.”

Pablo Sanz. Ellas Crean Festival


“We are talking about fado sung from the heart, but without the intention of imitating anyone, and with musical moments of rare beauty. Heresy, some will say. Difficult to classify, others will say. Innovative and very beautiful, is what I say.”

Carlos do Carmo, Grammy Latino, musical excellence award


“María has the dramatic eloquence of the great Fado singers but also the marble-like severity of the expression of feelings of Spanish divas. She is a mix of traditions, temperaments, colours – the swell of fado, the noble clarity of the lyrical voice...”

Bertrand Dicale (France)


“The album by the singer María Berasarte is the best fado album ever recorded by a foreign voice. And by far!”

Magazine TimeOut Lisbon


“What María has achieved, without being a Fado singer, is not to betray Fado. It is something that several Portuguese performers have tried and failed to do. It will not be good fado, but how can we resist referring to this album with a traditional “Há Fadista” (“Here we have a Fado singer!”).

Magazine Blitz (Portugal)


“If she sings about the sorrows of love, the ocean, and the difficulty of existing, she does so with an exceptional emotional power. Shaping her voice as she wants, playing with silence, she thus renews the music of a peninsula, elevating it to unimagined poetic tones.”

Au fil des voix, Paris


“With her spellbinding and soft voice, María Berasarte pays a vibrant tribute to the rich musical traditions of the Iberian peninsula. And sings fervently about the ocean, heartbreak, and nostalgia...”

Journal La Provence (France)

Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.

For further information, please check the general purchase terms and hall conditions.

If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except for public holidays.

Sat 24Feb24

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