The programme Teatro en la Escuela (Theatre at School) takes theatre, dance, and professional music to the island’s schools.  This initiative aims to familiarise students with performing inside their own educational context, to link academic aspects to the professional performing arts context in the Canary Islands, to lay the groundwork for favouring students’ socialisation in school through cultural activities, and –at the same time– to promote the comprehensive development of schoolchildren, as the companies create performances that are adapted to the curricular needs.bAdditional objectives include integrating other artistic disciplines associated with literature, making use of gestures and of the voice for expressing oneself dramatically through poetic and narrative texts. Finally, becoming familiar with the authors and their texts by analysing their structure

Previous editions

Curso 2023-2024

Catalogue 2023-2024

Curso 2022-2023

Catálogo 2022-2023

Curso 2021-2022

Catalogue 2021-2022

Curso 2020-2021

Catálogo 2020-2021

Curso 2019-2020

Catálogo curso 2019-2020

Curso 2018-2019
