The Auditorio de Tenerife welcomes 800 schoolchildren on the first day of concerts for educational centres


The Sinfónica de Tenerife familiarises the youngest schoolchildren with music through its proposal El Circo de Don Nicanor (Mr. Nicanor’s Circus), by Victor Trescolí Sanz, texts by Mar Benegas, and illustrations by Ximo Abadía. Ana Hernández Sanchiz will be in charge of the direction and narration. On the first day, more than 800 students took part in the two performances held today (16) in the Chamber Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife.

The following schools took part in this first educational activity organised by the Sinfónica de Tenerife: Rodríguez Campos and Deutsche Schule (El Rosario), Narciso Brito and Acaymo Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, Camino Largo, San Benito, San Luis Gonzaga and San Bartolomé (La Laguna), Isabel la Católica and Santa Catalina de Siena (Santa Cruz), Alfonso X El Sabio (Güímar) and María del Carmen Fernández Melián (Tegueste).

More than 700 pupils from the following schools will take part on the second day: Príncipe Felipe (Candelaria), Julián Zafra (Güímar), Agustín Espinosa (Los Realejos), Mayco, Isabel la Católica Santonio and Salesianos San Juan Bosco (La Laguna), Hogar Escuela María Auxiliadora, Montessori, Aspronte (Santa Cruz) and Atalaya (La Matanza).

An ensemble of the Sinfónica de Tenerife plays the main role ij the adventures of an altruistic character, Don Nicanor. After rescuing several animals, Don Nicanor decides to open a special circus where everyone can show off their skills. The chamber music group consists of Eduardo Langarica on the violin, Joanna Hetherington on the cello, Esther Pinyol on the harp, and Eduardo Martín on the tuba. Ernesto Mateo appears as a guest soloist, playing the role of Don Nicanor and the toy piano.

The show can be seen on Friday in the former San Sebastián monastery in Los Silos. This is the third time that the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra has performed as part of the International Storytelling Festival. On Saturday, the orchestra will perform two sold-out shows for children under 3 and over 3 years old at the Auditorio de Tenerife.