Through Festival Internacional de las Artes del Movimiento (FAM) the Cabildo fosters the second Foro La pedagogía se mueve, [2nd Pedagogy moves Forum] a space to reflect on and participate in issues regarding dance and our body to be held on 2, 3 & 4 November at Auditorio de Tenerife.
The Forum, coordinated by Helena Berthelius from Tenerife Danza Didactic Unit, welcomes professionals from different educational, artistic and social areas to take part in this event. You can enrol on Auditorio de Tenerife website by filling in this form by 31 October. This year the Consejería de Educación y Universidades del Gobierno de Canarias [Local Ministry of Education and Universities of the Government of the Canary Islands] will provide certificates to teachers attending from state, state-assisted and private Pre-, Primary and Secondary Schools.
The topic chosen is Politics of the body which will deal with issues like body and movement, gender and sexual diversity, functional diversity, movement as a social-political response and communication practices. This way, we will reflect on the body as a concept in society as a whole, in schools, in families or in any other area.
The aim of the Forum is to provide a space to contribute ideas and specific creative proposals as well as look into the possibility of including them in all the areas of education.
The different papers to be read, includes one by Professor Carmen Giménez Morte, Un caso de estrategia educativa sobre políticas del cuerpo en la danza, entendida como patrimonio inmaterial histórico, artístico y cultural [A case in educational strategy on body politics in dance, understood as historical, artistic and cultural intangible heritage]. The artist and audio-visual expert Simone Marin will present a pair of virtual reality glasses and the Director General for Professional Training and Adult Education from the Government of the Canary Islands, Manuel Jorge Pérez, will talk about Integrated Dance Professional Training in the Canaries. Dr. Kory González Luis will set out her reflections on The body as politics.
During the Forum we can enjoy performances by Asociación Queremos Movernos with Baile sobre ruedas and Danza en Comunidad, the community section of Cabildo’s Tenerife Danza scheme, with Amor. There will also be some workshops led by Helena Berthelius; the Danza en Comunidad coordinator, Laura Marrero; the director of Centro Coreográfico de La Gomera, Martín Padrón; and the director of Coro Juvenil de Auditorio de Tenerife, Roxana Schmunk, in addition to the artistic director of Musical.IES, Melodie Pérez.
The Asociación Mosaico Canarias, a plural space for social education, will moderate different meetings called Corro, Espacios de Trabajo and Barraquito Meeting. To conclude the Forum, a survey will be done, ¿Y después, qué? [What next?], by Vicente Corrales, coordinator of the Programa Escuela y Salud de la Consejería de Educación y Universidades del Gobierno de Canarias. [School & Health Programme of the Ministry for Education and Universities of the Canaries Government.]