From April to July, the Auditorio de Tenerife relaunches this artistic and social project to develop the initiatives ‘Natura’, ‘Formación a formadores’and ‘Misiva’

The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island’s Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. Its programme Danza en Comunidad (Dance in Community) resumes its face-to-face activity with the initiatives NaturaFormación a formadores (Training of Trainers) and Misiva (Missive), which will take place in several municipalities of the island from April to July in compliance with the established COVID-19 prevention and hygiene measures.

The first initiative, Natura, offers a context to dance in contact with nature. This action has already started and runs until 7 May in El Chorrillo, El Rosario. The first part takes place on the path of the pirate Amaro Pargo and the second part in the Casa de la Juventud (Youth House). On the last day, an exhibition takes place at 5:00 pm in Casa de la Cultura of El Rosario to show the results of this experiment with the body and senses. 

From 10 May to 4 June, the Centro Cultural of El Portezuelo, Tegueste, will host the second initiative called Formación a formadores (Training of Trainers), a health and creative workshop that seeks to foster wellbeing and creativity. It has been designed for people who work with groups and communities related to Dance in Community and also for professionals who work in social education, psychology, care, facilitation, accompaniment, educational community members and working groups. Special emphasis will be placed on the subject Performing Arts taught in the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education.

Finally, the third initiative called Misiva (Missive) will run from 1 June to 30 July. This cross-generational proposal starts with letters written by participants themselves for people of older and younger ages as creative inspirations. This programme involves people who are in prison Tenerife II, in the Educational Internment Centre for Young Offenders (CIEMI) in Valle Tabares, and the Padre Laraña Association. This project aims to pay tribute to the wisdom and life experiences of older people. 

Danza en Comunidad is a project fostered by the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. It aims to create different means and schedules to make dance available to any person, collective, group or association that needs to work with the tools of a dance professional. The main objective is to create a community that provides mediation and resources for dance and movement. Considering these artistic commitments, the team is comprised of performing arts professionals and social workers. All the information on this project is available on the web site under the section Social Projects of the Educational and Social Area.