The MEI Festival stages ˋDe ratones y hombres’ (About mice and men) and ˋTesla/Edisonˊ at the local theatre of Tegueste. A performance for schoolchildren is also programmed

Next September, the municipality of Tegueste will host two shows of the theatre festival ‘Muestra Escénica Iberoamericana’ (Ibero-American Theatre Festival).  The Festival is an initiative organised by the Tenerife Island Council through the Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture that is managed by the island Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. One of the shows, De ratones y hombres (About mice and men) will be premièred in Europe during this Festival. The other play, Tesla/Edison, has programmed one performance for local schoolchildren and another for the general public. The City Council of Tegueste has already put tickets on sale for both shows.

On 14 September, the Colombian company ‘Señor M’ stages De ratones y hombres’ (About mice and men). This company is also known for the stage space where they perform in their country: ‘4 Paredes’. Based on a story by John Steinbeck, the play begins with two brothers, Colombian peasants, who travel through different regions looking for a better future. One is intelligent and the other is not. One depends on the other until one of the two becomes a dangerous burden. As part of the MEI Festival tour, this play will be premièred in Europe during this Festival and will also be staged in El Sauzal, Puerto de la Cruz and Adeje.

For its part, Tesla/Edison is the last proposal of ‘Ángulo Producciones’, a theatre company from the Canary Islands. This play can be seen in Tegueste on 19 September. It was written by the brothers QY Bazo and adopted by the company after it won the ‘Jesús Domínguez’ prize. This work has a great documentary and cultural value. It is focused on the lives of both geniuses who, despite living science and technology in a very different way, achieved historic advances that we enjoy today. In addition, the local schoolchildren will attend the performance on 20 September during a morning session.

Both plays will be staged at the Teatro Príncipe Felipe at 7:30 p.m. for the general public and at 11:00 a.m. for schoolchildren. Tickets are available to the public until full capacity is reached. Those interested in attending the show shall reserve their seats by dialling the number 922 316 136. The City Council of Tegueste has established the conditions to get these invitations and the health protocol established for the Teatro Príncipe Felipe. To check the calendar and information, download it at

The 3rd edition of the MEI Festival runs from 2 September to 6 October in 12 municipalities. It brings 40 performances of 14 shows by 12 different companies. Of the twelve companies participating in this edition, three are from Chile (Niño Proletario, Silencio Blanco and Colectivo Cuerpo Sur), two from Uruguay (El Galpón and Marea Productora) and one each from Colombia (4 Paredes), Argentina (Diego Casado), Nicaragua (Teatro Justo Rufino Garay), and Portugal (Hotel Europa Teatro); three are from the Canary Islands (Delirium, Ángulo Producciones and Unahoramenos). 

The festival venues will be the Paraninfo de la Universidad de La Laguna those of the municipalities of Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, El Rosario, Guía de Isora, Los Realejos, Puerto de la Cruz, Tacoronte, Vilaflor and El Sauzal.