The Auditorio de Tenerife is a public entity created in 1998 whose share capital is fully owned by the Island Council of Tenerife. Its company purpose is to encourage culture through planning, organisation and management on an island level.Over its more than 20 years of activity, it has not only undertaken extensive artistic programmes under its management and development; it has also carried out activities linked to the progress of creative industries and the growth of citizens, through the integration of culture into the social fabric.

The 2022-2025 strategic plan guides the objectives of the Auditorio de Tenerife in the medium and long term.It includes the work carried out over years by the organisation team and also the aims of the Auditorium in order to fulfil better the cultural public service mission over the next decade.

The ambition of the Auditorium is to offer citizens the chance to participate in and experience music, opera and performing arts in the fullest and most diverse way possible in Tenerife. To do so openly, transparently and sustainably, in collaboration and coordination with the other cultural agents on the island and region, promoting equal opportunities and good governance in management.

Strategic foundation

The proposal of the Auditorium is not detached from its environment or the schools of thought on culture found in Tenerife and around the world. This is why the design of this strategic framework takes the following work programmes and strategies into account: 

History of the activity of the Auditorium of Tenerife

UN 2030 Agenda

Agenda 21 for Culture

UNESCO Strategy

Strategic framework

Since its establishment, the Auditorio de Tenerife has worked to create a programme and activity in its field of reference, on the basis of quality and contemporaneity. The result of this is the work as the headquarters of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, the opera season and theatre and dance activity. Now, a strategic plan will make it possible to make progress over the coming years to achieve these objectives. To this end, the following is proposed:

Strategic Plan
Management plans
Contract programme

Focuses of culture

Over the coming years, the Auditorium of Tenerife, through its positioning, will contribute to strategically promoting the main focuses of the Culture Plan for Tenerife presented by the Island Council of Tenerife in spring 2021:

Island balance
External promotion
Funding of the sector

Strategic planning

The strategic plan of the Auditorio de Tenerife proposes an integral management model which, through collaborative governance, makes it possible to offer citizens a quality artistic programme (within its fields of reference), created through the public, with an island dimension and with the aim of establishing a relationship with citizens based on cultural rights, transparency and trust. The following concepts have been specified:


These values will affect all the programmes and activities, artistic and professional, social and mediation, organised directly or indirectly by the Auditorium. And also the way that marketing and brand management are carried out, as well as the experience offered to different users in person and online, regardless of the level of their relationship with performing arts or music (beginner, advanced or professional). Also, the following management principles are proposed:

Good governance and equal opportunities

Efficiency and quality control of processes

Transparency and digital transformation

Economic sustainability but also environmental, social and cultural sustainability


Strategic lines

Artistic and professional

Mediation, educational and social

Development in the territory

Corporate management

Strategic objectives

Creative development
Professional development
Analysis of contemporary culture, learning and training
Access and participation (mediation)
Structuring of the territory and the sector
Transparency and sustainability
Digital transformation
Efficiency, effectiveness and quality in management


Implementation and monitoring

Harnessing everything that has been built over the years, the strategic plan has been created with the aim of organising the growth of its activity, establishing clear action criteria and defining strategic objectives that guide and make it possible to monitor the fulfilment of its mission over the coming years, likewise providing management principles that better reflect its management commitments as a public service. The strategic focuses and objectives that should be outlined each year are established in annual management plans and an annual artistic plan.