The project

The Educational and Social Area of Auditorio de Tenerife was created with a clear wish to bring arts and their creative processes closer to all citizens. It is specially focused on schoolchildren and people at risk of social exclusion. We consider it essential to care about the relationship between artistic and cultural activities and the way they are transmitted to society.

We believe that the more informed viewers are, the better viewers and better citizens they are. Unquestionably, art contributes to social well-being, to recognize the individual and collective identity, to have and practise critical thinkingwhich is so necessary for mature democratic coexistence.

Hence, through our programmes, we aim to create spaces to strengthen the relationship between art and people. Likewise, it is essential to foster the relationship between contexts and environments for individual development: family, school, the social group to which we belong, our own vision of culture and how we can contribute to others.

In line with this vocation, we organise social inclusion programmes; didactic musical sessions for school children and social groups; we offer artistic training and special guided tours to bring our work closer to the public.

Our Educational Area is associated with the National Network of Organisers of Educational Concerts (ROCE) and the European Network for Opera, Music & Dance Education (RESEO).

For further information about our activities or any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our Educational and Social Area at


Activities 2024-2025

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us by dialling 922 568 600 ext. 168 or write us to: . 

Digital teaching resources

The Educational and Social Area works on classroom activities and resources to also be enjoyed by families at home. This is why we propose some educational resources to learn and have fun with the youngest members of the family.

Teaching Guides 

Our last teaching guides are already available. Initially designed for teachers and educational groups that work with us during the performances that the Auditorio has programmed for them. These guides are also useful for families who want to enjoy and learn together through music and dance.

Enjoy them!

Interactive content


 Play and link concepts with Rinaldo.


Play online with your family or friends.


We need a master of ceremonies and players.

The master of ceremonies participates by using a mobile, a computer or a tablet here, click onPlay as a guest, choose the game mode Classics. A Game PIN will pop up on your screen.

The players participate by using their mobiles, computers or tablets through the link, where they shall introduce the Game PIN number.

Now you are ready to play!

Find the proposed words in this alphabet soup.


Create your own instrument and play it with Hansel and Gretel.

Use your imagination to create and decorate your own musical instruments. Everyday instruments (cotidiáfonos) are constructed with everyday materials or objects. By doing so, you reuse, make crafts and enjoy a good musical time. You can directly use elements such as two pencils or two wooden spoons to play as if they were claves. If you decorate them, they will be much prettier!

You can also construct your own maracas. You just need:

  • An empty container (water bottles, liquid yoghurt…).
  • Small elements that you can introduce into it (buttons, rice, chickpeas…).
  • A lid to close the container and avoid that what you introduced comes off when you shake it. You can use the container lid itself or construct a lid with paper and adhesive tape.

Play this score with your own instrument or by clapping your palms.

→ Play most famous Rinaldo´s aria with the flute.


Find here pictures that you can colour in

Colour the main characters of Rinaldo and Tom Thumb.


Caja de Música

Caja de Música

This pioneering initiative in Spain consists of offering musical educational resources to classroom teachers through an online platform.

Visitas guiadas educativas

Educational Guided Tours

Transversal didactic activity that consists of carrying out a process of training and informing audiences during school hours and for all levels with the aim of achieving autonomous and critical students.

Danza en Comunidad

Danza en Comunidad

Using the tools of dance and the arts of movement, it develops various programmes aimed at social and school groups.

Teatro en la Escuela

Teatro en la Escuela

Teatro en la Escuela (Theatre at School) brings professional theatre closer to the island’s schools. The aim of this project is to introduce students to perform languages in their own educational context.

Escuelas de Teatro

Escuelas de Teatro

Escuelas de Teatro (Theatre Schools) are held in educational and cultural centres to provide theatrical training to children, young people and adults. Our aim is to promote quality artistic hobbies and to collaborate with the cultural development of their social milieu.

Teatro Aficionado

Teatro Aficionado

Our amateur theatre programme, Teatro Aficionado, fosters the interest in theatre and the production of theatrical activities among the existing associations on the island.