Enrique Arriaga highlights the “quantity and variety of the offer, aimed both at the island’s centres and at the social groups”

3,567 people enjoyed the activities offered by the Auditorium’s Learning and Social Programme. The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space that is linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council. It is managed by the islands’ Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. During the 2020-2021 season, 18 performances of 14 shows were organised in this venue, involving 44 schools and social groups. In addition, activities were programmed by ‘Teatro en la Escuela’ (Theatre at School), ‘Danza en Comunidad’ (Dance in the Community), ‘Coro Juvenil’ (Youth Choir) and the annual meeting of ROCE network (Organisers of Educational and Social Concerts).

Arriaga highlights the quantity and variety of the offer, which is aimed both at the different school levels and at social groups of the island”. He explained that “the Auditorium’s Learning and Social Programme quickly developed a specific plan to prevent COVID-19 infections; it was crucial to welcome minors, teachers and other users for them to have a completely safe experience; these measures are added to the protocol certified by AENOR. Despite the pandemic, we considered it a priority to keep the learning and social offer”, concludes Arriaga.

The activities started on 15 September 2020 and ended on 23 June. The programme included didactic concerts offered during the season by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra and which have taken place in the Auditorium: ‘Suena el circo’ (The sounds of the circus), ‘Cuando el río suena…música lleva’ (A musical river runs through it) and ‘Beethoven y otros héroes’ (Beethoven and other heroes).

During this season, Opera de Tenerife also performed a title adapted to the family audience: Handel’s ‘Rinaldo’. Likewise, it continued with its children’s learning programme ‘Manos a la Opera‘ (Let’s get the Opera on the road!) On this occasion, the ‘Miniflauta mágica‘ (The little Magic Flute) based on Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’, made by and for the little ones, was taken to the stage.

On the other hand, the Tenerife Philharmonic Orchestra held the show ‘El cuento musical de Pedro y el lobo’ (The Musical Tale of Peter and the Wolf). The Orchestra Jazz del Atlántico staged the concert ‘Próxima estación: The Duke’ (Next Station: The Duke), while The Baroque Orchestra of Tenerife performed ‘Al Capone’, ‘Circa 1721‘ and an adapted session of Quantum Ensemble. In addition, four performances of the FAM festival (Arts and Movement Festival) were adapted to this public.


As for the programmeTeatro en la Escuela (Theatre at School) and to guarantee its execution, a new online format was adopted during this 5th edition. It was comprised of educational activities for students and work activities for the companies. During the third academic term, 1,559 pupils from around twenty island’s schools enjoyed a display of theatre plays, dance and movement arts aimed at pre-school, primary, secondary, high school and vocational training. 

The Auditorio’s Youth Choir is comprised of twenty young choristers who are conducted by Roxana Schmunk. Apart from their usual activity with rehearsals and specialised workshops, they implemented a specific plan for choirs to prevent COVID-19 infections. It was developed by the Auditorio de Tenerife. During the season, 372 people enjoyed the four concerts they offered in several venues.

‘Danza en Comunidad’ also carried out its activity. It concludes this month and has developed three programmes in different parts of the island: ‘Creación y Salud‘ (Creation and Health), ‘Natura‘ (Nature) and ‘Misiva‘ (Missive). They brought professional dance tools to different social realities and worked with a hundred people who read the open call. Likewise, members of social collectives such as the association ‘Padre Laraña’, Tenerife’s prison and the young offender institution ‘Valle Tabares’, managed by the foundation ‘Fundación Canaria Ideo’, took part in the activities.

In addition, on 17 December the Learning and Social Programme organised a hybrid annual meeting of the ROCE network (Organisers of Educational and Social Concerts) under the motto “Music in the community: participation, inclusion and well-being”.  162 music professionals, cultural managers, researchers, musicologists, heads of social groups, educators, social workers, cultural mediators, psychologists, pedagogues and psycho-pedagogues from 14 countries took part in this international event. Through this event, several resources were generated. They can be checked at the ROCE website.