Thursday 17Dec20
XI Encuentro ROCE
Music in the community: participation, inclusion, and wellbeing
1 Shows
17 Dec 15:00 h.
Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala Alisios) Music in the community: participation, inclusion, and wellbeing is the motto of the annual meeting of Red de Organizadores de Conciertos Educativos y Sociales ROCE, [Educational and Social Concerts Organizers Network] which this year is organized by Auditorio de Tenerife .
The Encuentro ROCE Tenerife 2020 will be online.
From the ROCE website registered participants will have access to collective materials through the scheduled talks that can be watched up to the seminar, which is taking place on 17 December. Please see all the information in the programme.
You can now register here.
Auditorio de Tenerife artistic director, José Luis Rivero, invites you to participate in this letter.
Thu 17Dec20