Auditorio de Tenerife S.A.U. is a public entity of Cabildo Insular [the Island Government] and it is located in a privileged area in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In the past fifteen years it has become an icon for Tenerife people thanks to its avant-garde architecture and the fact that it marks a turning point in the artistic life of the Canary Islands. It is the largest production centre in the archipelago, a cultural and social driving force with a personality of its own.

It is a plural, dynamic space, always busy, extrovert; a place where thinking and consideration lead to the development of creativity. It holds a set of values that have grown stronger and stronger since its foundation: excellence in products and procedures, artistic and technological innovation, the will to serve diverse audiences -putting emphasis on new audiences- to serve a pedagogical and critical aim, efficacy and efficiency. We work at three levels: commitment to the brand Tenerife, encouraging the professional development of Canarian artists, and internationalization by world-renowned artists.


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Auditorio de Tenerife is here to enrichen and inspire people of all ages by making cultural life accessible to them and giving them the chance to participate. We offer an artistic, educational, social and professional programme aimed at building active citizens in Tenerife whilst at the same time, providing the backbone and projecting the performing arts and music in and out of the Island. 


Auditorio de Tenerife seeks to have a leading role in building the sense of community and the cultural network of Tenerife by 2030. We would like to achieve this through the performing arts and music and by playing a double role: as a centre of attraction and as a platform for artistic, educational, social and professional experiences and proposals at the service of both residents and visitors
on the island.

General Goals


Auditorio de Tenerife has two main goals to reach:

Encouraging the role of music and the performing arts in building a critical, open community, increasing individual and collective potential to take part in the sustainable development of Tenerife through culture.

Being a leading centre in the shaping and training of the music and performing arts sector in Tenerife, by constantly carrying out multisector work with the cultural and artistic areas (throughout the value chain), and other sectors (tourism, social, education, innovation), so that local cultural production gets to be known both at home and abroad.


Governing Principles

This strategy is guided by three principles: fulfilling ADT’s raison d’etre more and more successfully in the coming years; placing the audience at the heart of our thoughts, and doing both things creatively, efficiently and sustainably at all times.




Everything that ADT does -or decides not to do- is related to how much it falls within the lines of its raison d’etre, vision, and general goals. To this end, it is critical to know the different current and potential audiences and offer the best use of the available resources.



Auditorio de Tenerife (ADT) must be ALWAYS committed to understanding the needs and aspirations of current and potential users. It must also offer programmes and a level of service to meet their needs. Placing the audience at the core of the experience is the attitude that will allow us to build a wide, loyal, social foundation sustained in time.



Working with the cultural and educational sectors strategically, in a shared and coordinated manner under the criteria of efficacy and efficiency, good governance and transparent management. Supporting training, innovation and entrepreneurship. Offering methods for the community to collaborate and take part in achieving ADT goals.

Lines of Action

3 major lines of action:



Through a steady music, dance, opera and performing arts season, it is home to Sinfónica de Tenerife and to many festivals and artistic and cultural events that take place in Tenerife during the year. Productions and co-productions, tours and commissioned work.

Learning and Community

Learning and Community

The artistic programme is reinforced by schemes for training, performing and art appreciation, teaching materials, involvement and work with families, students and the education community. Agreements with schools, cultural centres, libraries, the university, the conservatoire and music, dance and drama schools.

The aim of these schemes is to strengthen constant work with the community in order to develop and diversify young audiences, artistic and cultural groups, associations, residents, professional associations, companies, minorities… and with other sectors which are not as yet represented in Auditorio’s programme.



full programme of artistic residencies, professional training and encouragement of network and collaborative working. Support lines for enterprising, training and innovation, promotion and taking part at fairs, networks and tours, calls and training schemes, professional contests, awards…that contribute to the professional development of the island and help Tenerife’s creators, artists and enterprising people to reach international scope.  

See here our season report