Sunday 07Apr19
A Musical with students of the Musical.IES 2019 project
1 Shows
07 Apr 19:00 h.
Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala Sinfónica) Students of schools participating in the Musical.IES 2019 project are putting on the musical 'Ítaca', directed by Melodie Pérez.
There will be two performances for schools on Monday, 8th at 10:00 and at 11:45 am.
Centros participantes: I.E.S Alcalde Bernabé, I.E.S Teobaldo Power, I.E.S San Benito, I.E.S Los Realejos, I.E.S María Pérez Trujillo, I.E.S. Punta Larga, I.E.S Los Cristianos, C.E.O Leoncio Rodríguez y C.I.F.P César Manrique.
Tickets will be on sale soon.
Out of respect for other users and the performers, the show is not available to children aged under 5.