Wednesday 22Sep21
Wednesday 22Sep21
Sunday 26Sep21
Sunday 26Sep21
Tuesday 28Sep21
Tuesday 28Sep21


Immersive theater
6 Shows
22 Sep 18:00 h. - 28 Sep 22:30 h.
45 min.
(El Sauzal, Arona y Vilaflor)
Musical Theatre/Canarias
 MEI ()

The theatre festival Muestra Escénica Iberoamericana (MEI) has programmed 'Moria', a theatrical immersive proposal by the theatre company from the Canary Islands Unahoramenos.


This immersive theatre proposal tells the story of two refugee women and their families, who have no choice but to flee their respective countries. The dramaturgy is based on real testimonies filmed in the Moria camp under the supervision of Nicolás Castellano, a reporter who has specialized during the last 20 years in forced migration movements and human rights.


Zohra Amiryar survived four bombings and attacks in Afghanistan, her home country. She lost her brother during one of them. In addition, she saw her four children wounded during the last attack. Thus she decided to make the exodus in search of a refuge for her family. 


Douaa Alhavatem is a 30-year-old Iraqi woman who had to leave her native Baghdad after her husband's disappearance. She feared that she and her three children might suffer the same fate. On the journey, she and her young children gave up everything after 11 hours at sea with no sign of a rescue boat. 


In Moria, both women experience a new stage of suffering that they would have never ever imagined when they set foot in Europe, the place where they thought they would finally feel safe. 


They share this common space with countless strangers. All of them are going through the worst moment of their lives.

Direction: Mario Vega

Actresses: Marta Viera and Ruth Sánchez

Text by: Ruth Sánchez, Marta Viera, Mario Vega, Luis O' Malley, Nicolás Castellano and Valentín Rodríguez

Inspired in the interviews to: Saleha Ahmadzai (Afghanistan), Zohra Amiryar (Afghanistan) and Douaa Alhavatem (Irak)

Pedagogic development: Gemma Quintana

Scenic dramaturgy: Luis O ́Malley

Photography and video: Anna Surinyach

Content advisor: Nicolás Castellano

Production direction: Valentín Rodríguez

Scenic space: Mario Vega

Technical direction: Ibán Negrín and Tony Perera

Lighting and projection designer: Tony Perera

Sound space: Blas Acosta

Characterisation advice: Nauzet Afonso

Stage technicians: Raquel Hernández and Erick González

Photography and video on stage: Aridane Díaz and Gino Maccanti

Voice offstage: Angels Barceló, Susana Moyano and Salim Yeraij Hanna

Administration: Elena Álamo

Tour production: Silvia Barona

Press office: Paco Medina and Patricia Moralejo

Social media: Raquel Hernández

Distribution in the Canary Islands: Desirée Bolaños

Distribution on the mainland Spain: Nacho Vilar Producciones

Performances of 'Moria' in Tenerife

El Sauzal-22 September (2 shows) Tickets are on sale HERE

Plaza Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Arona-26 September (2 shows) Tickets not available so far.

Plaza San Roque, Vilaflor-28 September (2 shows) Tickets not available so far.

En este espacio se podrá disponer de una visualización del espectáculo solo para los programadores con clave de la Red Española de Teatros, Auditorios, Circuitos y Festivales de Titularidad Pública (Redescena) y la Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae).

Tickets will be on sale at each venue under their own conditions and measures.

Recommended for audience over 16 years of age.

Wed 22Sep21
Wed 22Sep21
Sun 26Sep21
Sun 26Sep21
Tue 28Sep21
Tue 28Sep21